Friday, June 4, 2010

Part 99: The night Yoshi's head was stuck back on

Hello readers!!

I am on strike. Today we have a new guest blogger for two reasons:
1. I am bloody lazy
2. I thought it would peak both your and my interest having someone elses point of view on my day.

She doesn't need any introductions so without further adieu here she is: Louisa.

Greetings blog readers! Well i've been coaxed into writing this for our very lazy Doug. Basically by now you should know who i am, if not; Im Louisa, Dougs friend from Primary school, no contact for 6 years then suddenly facebook brought us back together. I've been back packing on my own for just over 3 months now, and am flying back next thursday =S

Today was an interesting day, as the sun rises SO early i always think its later than it is when i wake up. Hence the time i woke up at 6am thinking it was about 10am.....Anyway back to the main story...woke up at around 9.30, wend downstairs, made a tea and put some toast on. Doug shortly followed. We were planning to go to Browns (a popular cafe that the students go to, and where i had the most AMAZING breakfast with my friend Haydn the day before, and all for under £5!!!) for breakfast but that totally failed....we sat outside for at least an 1 1/2hrs, just talking (i swear thats all we do, like yesterday for example, 2hrs gone while chatting and throwing a random ball back and forth to each other..) So having missed breakfast, we got ready and set off around 12pm. We decided we'd be super cool and walk to town through the 2 mile meadow. So Cath showed us the way via a scribbly map and we set off. After the first 100m or so we were a bit confused and staring at a piece of we walked around the flooding and finally made it to the river which would take us into the city centre!
It took AGES, and we were both STARVING by the time we got into town. Randomly we came upon Oxford Castle (which was actually *according to Tom* a watch tower) had lunch at the cafe and look to see how much it cost to get in... £7 was out of our budget, so we got a squished penny each and left.
Primark was our next destination. Finally got Doug to buy some shirts and bought my self a really cool colourful skeleton shirt...ahh why Primark, why? Its too cheap to imagine, seriously people just google it and be amazed and saddened that we don't have it ='(

From Primark we had a look at the entrance to one of the colleges which cost £2 to get in (we didn't go as Harry Potter WASN'T filmed there, so in other words pointless) and posted a package for me. My two extremely heavy packs are becoming lighter!
We made our way to Christ Church (where HP was actually filmed! *you can tell whos a fan can't you?*) but that cost £6 to get in...well no thankyou, that money would rather have been spent on apple pie and tea! Which it soon was.

After our break we made our way home as it was about 3.30 and we were invited to dinner at Tom's sister's house, and we were walking..... Thinking we had time, we stopped and had an explore through the Science History Museum, which was actually really interesting, there were tons of sundials and globes (one infact which showed the heavens as well as the earth with its continents! *it has an outer shell which had the heavens inside*) and we also saw some really old cameras, which fascinated me personally as my dads really into photography and it reminded me of reading all his history books of photography...=D

Finally at around 4pm we headed down Wood Stock road, which is an EPICALLY long road, to make our way back to Cath and Tom's. Well thinking an hour was enough to get home in, it wasn't. Well it was as we walked quite quickly and didn't stop, but boy was it tiring, and HOT. Supposedly it got to 28 today, i don't think so, 25 max maybe, but not 28.... Finally we returned all sweaty and hot, my feet blistered from my flats and so dirty they were not fit for carpet....We are also each a tad sun burnt, even though we lathered up this morning with sunscreen...damn reapplication -_-

Around 7pm we walked to Tom's sister's house where we were having dinner. She has 3 boys, Josh, Billy and Felix and a baby girl named May. They're all really nice children and their friend Hayden was around too (she's a girl btw, and all the adults think she and Josh have a thing for each other, or will...teehee) and she was basically distracting baby May.
For dinner we had this amazing fish pie, which had egg and potato in it, with great salads and lots of olives and bread, with a lime and chocolate cheese cake which Cath had made for pudding, served with vanilla ice cream and summer berries. Just remembering makes my mouth water, it was a truly great meal. After dinner the kids were sent to bed (it was like 9.30/10 by this stage) and the adults stayed out talking while the sun slowly set. We had some really weird conversations, where the invention of the Shlama was discussed (a lama and a sheep crossed)
After getting eaten alive by midges (not me funnily enough...unless they're waiting for tomorrow....) we all headed inside.
It was about 11pm by the time Me, Doug, Cath, Tom and Rita (their black Labrador)headed home.

Cath and Tom headed to bed, while i started this and Yoshi's head was finally connected back to his body after weeks of being headless. Good night.

Well- there you have it. I will read it AFTER its been posted. My input: I am sunburnt :(

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