Sunday, June 20, 2010

Part 112: Show Off

Thats the last time I do something nice for you- No comments. You fail. I guess I'll do my blog but only because I need to stay in the habit.

Today was a nice day I guess. I was up until 4.30 last night and then, due to daylight at obscenely early hours, got to sleep at like 5.30am. I woke up again at like 11.30 to the sounds of Aj and Sally playing in the lounge room. I went in and saw this epically big drawing on the floor, mess everywhere and a general disaster. Jilly was still asleep, she had a late one last night too so I cleaned up and freshened up the room while the kids continued their pretty call artwork. After, I played on my laptop and did nothing till Jilly got up at about 1.

I had a shower and then chatted more on MSN for a while until AJ came up and said he really wanted to go for a walk. I thought this would be a good idea so I asked Sally but she said she wanted to do something funner (real words dont exist). We googled for a while for things that where on but couldnt find anything of interest that we could do so we decided to have a picnic. WE spent about half an hour making lunches and packing everything together getting a ball and other random things which was really quite fun. We then set off to the park and walked around finding the perfect spot to sit. We found this large patch of shade and sat there and ate our lunch talking and then AJ went and played soccer so we then played that for about 40 minutes just kicking the ball around and randomly stopping for extra snacks.

After, we did some random tricks, Sally did some headstands and I did one handed cartwheels- win. I am legendary. Then we spent about half an hour skipping stones- our new favorite hobby which we are getting the hang of, even the kids. After that we came back home sat outside with Jilly, beer and talked. We sat in the perfect weather and let the sun go behind the clouds, came inside played the newly recieved Mario Galaxy 2, had dinner and now I am watching Big Brother. Love. I think thats all :)

Okay, I lied. I'll be nice only so that you can look at how amazing I am:

1 comment:

  1. hey I checked your blog and your amazing video work was not there...hence the no comment...I guess getting a comment from your mother doesn't really count anyway!!! So! I loved the vid of your day in a a minute (or there abouts)and great cartwheel too!! xo miss u
