Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Part 104: Do Not Eat In Public


I was just speaking French with Sharon and reading some little help learn French boo. I failed. Fail.

So, today was a good day and involved many a things. It started off by me being awoken by Louisa bright and early and me grumping about and getting ready (meaning I got to put on my awesome England underwear and my Superman top...hehe) and then going downstairs and getting rushed around so that Sharon could drive Louisa and I to Abbey Rd. When we arrived, Sharon dropped us and did blocks until we were ready to be picked up again. It was quite fun, not because it was Abbey Rd, which was just a road, but because there were two awesome Canadians there and we just chatted to them and they took our photos. The guy was a hardcore Beatles fan like Louisa and the girl wasn't, like me so I chatted to her while Louisa and the dude compared photos and talked about how it should be. We were there for ages in the end getting it right and waiting for the cars to be cleared etc. It was actually really fun and we have a good photo. I wish that Mum, Dad and Lach were there though so we could do the real version of it. (we took a fake one in front of a screen in Ballarat last year)

When we left Abbey Rd, Sharon drove us over to Kenwood house which is where the film 'Notting Hill' was filmed which featured Hugh Grant. Yes, I stood where he stood. Good times. We had coffee and then toured the house which was really nice and old and pretty. I liked it because unlike the places we've been to where you see the interior of a house, it was all tactile. You could touch everything. We also saw a bunny.

Later, we caught a train into the city and basically bummed around. I cant really remember what we did... We were at one point sitting in the park eating Lunch when this random guy walked up to us and was all 'Its against the law to eat in public because it makes passer bys hungry' it was funny and we smiled and apologised. Later, when we went to Buckingham palace to re-take a photo, we saw the same people and they were standing in our way. At first, I didnt realise it was them and I asked them to just take one step that way so we could take our photo and then the guy was like: 'wow! you're the guys from before, you dont want a photo with us?' He then posed for a photo with me but Louisa was to slow with the camera so we missed it. Fail. Fortunately, he took a photo of the two of us and was really friendly. We then said goodbye and yea... I dont know, it was a cool thing. He was awesome.

We also walked around another park where this squirrel was like 10cm from our feet running around which was so cool. I still love squirrels. We went to the London eye and south bank where there was an arcade which we played in. I then gave all the tickets we one, bar two, to a random girl who was collecting them and working hard. She was so happy it made me smile. Um... we had coffee there, went to Picadilly Circus just to chill out and bum around in. I dont know we just did stuff. It was a good day though. We also got Louisa a new squished penny and I bought some gifts for people. You could be one of those people!! Maybe.

London has grown on me today. I dont know why, I just like it when I am not touristing as much. We wanted to see a musical tonight but Louisa didnt want to see the ones I did and the only one we agreed on was booked out of cheap seats so we didn't. So bugger.

I go home tomorrow to Glasgow which I am happy to be back and doing nothing but sad because I have o job-hunt. Louisa is going back to Aus so lets all wish her a safe flight "Have a safe flight, Louisa" they said.

I hope I make it back to this place (Carr residence) with Chloe for at least a day in September. Fingers crossed.

I love England :)


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