Monday, June 7, 2010

Part 102: London By Oyster

*Happy Greeting* Readers,


*Snappy sign out*


Man, I wish! I am so lazy. Rightio- today was my first day out in London after being here 3 times before, I actually got to start site-seeing. We didn't see anything that famous though because we're doing all that tomorrow.

My day began when I was awoken at 8am by Louisa tickling my foot, after a groan and a glare, I got out of bed and made my way downstairs where we had breakfast. Showers came next and then Sharon came home and when we made it downstairs again we had completely packed lunches (including three mini rolls, a packet of crisps, minties, fruit and a snack bar. Omg) and pre-paid Oyster cards which are like Melbournes newly-introduced Myki cards...except it works. THis makes all our bus and train trips a fair bit cheaper apparently so that was awesome and incredibly generous of Sharon to go to all that effort. Spoilt much?

By 9.30 Sharon had dropped us off at the nearby train station and we were off on our way to the London city centre. First stop: Kings Cross Station for those stupid Harry Potter 9 3/4 photos. We went to the trolley (which is actually located at platform 8!) took our photos and looked like absolute knobby Harry Potter fans. (HORRIBLE photo of me, my wallet makes me leg look odd and deformed). Anyway, it was good to do I guess. After we left Kings Cross we made our way towards the British Museum and thus walked down through some square of which I forget the name and saw squirrels! More squirrels!! I love them and want to be their king. King Douglas of The Squirrels. Sounds good.

Yes, we eventually made our way to the museum and walked around there for an amount of time seeing various exhibitions such as the Ancient Egyptians and Angient Europe. Som of the stuff dated back to 2500BC or something ridiculous like that. Now, unfortunately, I have been to many-a-museums now and so I am sure this one was amazing but we had seen a hell of a lot of Ancient Egypt and Europe already in the Louvre, so slightly over it after those two and one other, we left becaue we can be snobby that way now. Kidding. Actually, we really wanted a drink and the drinks there were to expensive and thus we left quicklish and headed off to the nearest bus stop.

We Oystered on a red-double decker over to Harrods which is a HUGE store that, I dont really know what its for, it sells everything thats expensive from bags-high class chocolate. The chocolate part is what I believe it is most reknown for, but dont quote me because honestly, I have no idea. Either way, I mean Louisa loves it and it is good, but I was a bit underwhelmed because I couldn't afford to buy anything so looking at chocolate I cant afford isn't exactly my cup of tea apparently. It is impressive though, I guess. They have some awesome stuff and there was more that we didn't see because now it wasn't our thirst driving us to leave, it was our hunger. We made our way over to Hyde Park and sat by a lake watching tourists play with ducks (bloody tourists) and the many walkers, joggers and horse riders go by. We also saw a squirrel. I was content watching it run, but I wanted more. Lunch was really nice. I also made a daisy chain but Louisa didn't want it (even though it was pretty awesome, it had plaits and a centre piece and all) so I sadly threw it away.

After lunch we walked up to the next door neighbour park which is called Kensington, I think. There, we saw the Peter Pan statue which was erected in 1912 and designed by the dude who wrote the original Peter Pan. Yes, I said 'dude' to reference him. Anyway the statue was kind of nice and there was a kid pretending to be a squirel so it was cool. I felt like singing 'think a happy thought or two and you'll soon realise...' Haha. We then pondered Kensington Gardens for a while, running into the Albert Memorial which was pretty cool then we made our way to some more museums including: the Science History and the Natural History Museums. They were both free so we did them both. They were pretty great. The science one was full of Aeroplane stuff which reminded me of dad the whole way and made me feel like I should feign some interest so I did and it was interestingish. There was also a bunch of space stuff which I actually quite enjoyed. I like astronomy I've decided. Natural history was pretty impressive too. Lots of animals everywhere and it had an amazing humminbird display full of like 100 humminbirds stuffed next to each other so you could compare them. Taxidermy ftw!
We left there and had some gelato whilst I listened nosalgically to the French neighbours chatter about what they saw... hehe, eavesdropping then, we made our way up to Picadilly circus. It was a cool little square type thing to walk around in and much to see and do. I got a new squished penny and a magnet wee! Then, from there, we walked a loooong way up to Oxford Circus and then up to the hugest Primark (I hope I've mentioned Primark before) ever and got Louisa some new clothes then trained/bused back to 'home'. It was a good but very long day. We were back by about 8. After some BBQ dinner I came up and did this and we are now sitting at 9.39pm.
Toodle pip.

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