Friday, June 25, 2010

Part 117: The Question

Question: Can I be bothered blogging about such a day in which nothing happened?

Answer: No

Question: What will I do then?

Answer: Reblog a question I answered on another blog I do. I think its a good thing to put here because it shows my thoughts as to where I am in the world. Interesting? probably not. But we'll see.

(The real) Question: If you had to be anywhere in the world right now, at this very moment, where would you doodly-diddly be? -Vingtdeux

Answer: Oh wow. Thats a good question.

On one hand I would love to say Melbourne because I’d be home!Homehomehome! I would have all my friends and family and life would seemingly be perfect. However!! (and its a large however!) I would not be in Europe anymore with the world at my finger tips!

So that leads me to thinking Sainte Marie d’Alloix with the Beyliers again because I’d be in France speaking French and being happy with an awesome family in Europe right in the middle of all the action. But then theres bloody strikes in France. And I hate strikes.

This leaves a few options, one of which is Scotland where I am now... So cliche... I should say probably the States where my Auntie is very soon having a baby so it would be nice to see her, or Japan because its awesome.

Hmm…I guess though, I have to say: In the case that I am in the spot I choose just for a day or two, I would pick Australia hanging out with you and Mikey in the city. However, for the moment, knowing that flying back briefly for just one night is impossibly expensive, I’ll say right here in Scotland because well, if I left I cant go to Italy and Holland and stuff next month which I really want to do.

I dislike that question. Because I dislike my answer. Too many places I want to be and yet I have to be nowhere…

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