Saturday, June 5, 2010

Part 100: One Spot, Two Spot

Hello Readers!!

Part 100 already! Craziness. So today was a great day involving sleeping in, tours and beers out in the pub.

I woke up at 10ish and then went down stairs only to realise Louisa and I had the house to ourselves. Louisa was still in bed, Cath was at work and Tom was out taking the dog for the walk. I went on facebook as one does and also glared at the piano. I am honestly awful at it now. I cant even play anything all the way through now. I have the sheet music for Clair du Lune now but I cant read it.... Its awful. FML.

Anyway Louisa eventually came down stairs and took the laptop off me (I did offer her it though) so I had some coco pops and then sat and talked to Louisa for a while. Eventually, Tom got back and then later on (around 12) Cath did. We went outside and had some lunch as a group. T'was nice. I enjoy sitting in their yard in the warmth. We organised our plans for the afternoon which turned out to be: going to a palace starting with 'B' in the Oxford area (Bleinham google tells me), going out for a guided tour with Toms sisters husbamd (Phill) and then going out for tea. Win.

So with Cath at the wheel and the dog in the back, we drove out to Belahblahblah palace where there was a triathlon going on. There were so many peolpe cruising around which was good because it got us free access but bad because, well, there were so many people. After parking, we walked around all the gardens and we wanted to go into the castle but unfortunately we couldnt because of the stupid crowds and marathon cyclists. failists. I am kidding - they're at least active Yes. We walked around for a while then had some coke sitting on the the grass and laughing at our surroundings. When we finished our cokes we pondered around some more, took some photos then drove into the city (after dropping the dog, Rita, back home because she rolled in mud and stunk)

(Yay I have been joined by the cat, Zeb!!) In the city we met Phil who was at the dinner last night. It was cool becuase he showed us around the city teaching us all sorts of stuff about the cities architecture. It was cool and took a bit over an hour. We saw a lot of things that we'd of otherwise missed so it was a really good thing to do and very enjoyable. Tres cool. It was also funny because we saw were places from Hary Potter where filmed and also Lyra and the Golden compuss. Was pretty cool. We then drove back and sat outside with chipsticks and coke worked out what to do for the evening. We decided on skipping the grand final of "Bitains Got Talent" and went out to the local pub. It was really cool we played silly drinking games (thus the onee spot, two spot) had some nice dinner and entrees and just genuinely had a good time. It really is epic win being with family. Great night.

A few drinks later we pondered back home snd watched some TV then Tom and Cath went to bed becuase Tom has to be at the Airport early leaving at 6 and CAth has to take him. Fail. Haha.

Goodnight!! Top Party.

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