Monday, June 21, 2010

Part 113: Red Headed Killers

Dia dhuit, Conás átá tú?

Yea, I totally can speak Gaelic! Win. This morning was a long and painful one starting at 12.01a.m. I couldn't sleep and so I stayed up till 3a.m. watching Big Brother live then stayed up a further few hours glaring at the ceiling. I fell asleep I think at about 5 and then was woken up at 9 by Jilly saying its morning. I sighed, set my alarm and then woke up again at 10.15. It was a terrible night sleep but I had to be up because today I was doing something! I was going into town to meet Miss. Gatens who I have met once before and is a friend of my favorite.

I got ready and made my way into the city arriving at our meeting point, Queens St. Station at 12.07. There, I met Gatens and after a quick, awkward hello we set off. I was the tour guide of the day and I realised how well I know the city already. Its a good feeling. We walked around the main area for a while so she could get a feel of the city whilst discussing all our adventures to date. Lizz is working in a boarding school in Sterling as a matron kind of thing and has done a bit of travelling too. We went to St. Enoch shopping centre to grab some lunch and plan our day. We wanted to see a film so we caught the undeground to go in search for a cinema that Al told me about a while ago which was at Hillhead a few stops down. Upon arriving, we pondered around in search for the cinema which we found with... relative ease in a beautiful little side street with nice little cafes. It seems like a place I would love to go with a group of friends just to hang out. The cinema had terrible times although, cheap, but yea...bad times.

We left and ade our way to Glasgow Uni, just because it was close and I had interest in checking it out. Its a beautiful (OMG The Australian on Big Brother is such a WAZZOCK [Jillys words]) building and really nice to walk around. It would be cool to say that you study there just because its so pretty! We hung around there for a while until leaving and making our way back to the main cinema near the bus station. Easy trip. There, we saw the film 'Killers' starring Katherine Heigel and Ashton Kutcher. I wont say anything except: Even though it was kinda lame, its good. 6-7/10.

After the film, we walked around and tried to buy Lizz a memory card (Jilly is texting and doing a wicked laugh, its scary) then went out for pre-tea pizza which was nice. We chatted and watched some tennis on the TV there which was cool. We discussed our future travelling plans. After pre-tea we went sat ourside in George Square until her train at 6.44. I walked her to the station then went home arriving at 7.44. I then talked to Jilly, had some beer and then had chinese for tea. I am much too unhealthy now. dislike. (more evil laughs from the left)

Now I am watching that wanker Aussie on Big Brother and later I shall sleep.

Mar sin leibh



  1. Well Done Doug! Fingers crossed! If nothing else, at least the experience of the job interview was positive!

  2. wrong comment for this blog....oops
