Thursday, June 24, 2010

Part 116: Interview

Today I had a job interview! Yay! It was awful. Not in the sense that it went terribly but in the sense that it was an awfully ran interview. The job is an Event Steward for SecuriGroups which means I go to Festivals and Gigs around all of Scotland and get paid to hang out at concerts. I also get paid-for travel around Scotland to get to these places which is mad and food which is better. Downside: Takes up weekends (not all!) Thursday- Monday and is usually a 12 hour day. Pay is decent and I really want it! Also, they didnt care that I had to go away for 2 weeks in July-August! Life would be good.

I left Netherlee to catch the train at 1 after an awkward morning. It was awkward because Al and Jilly were happily talking this morning when I woke up but I didnt know whether to join them or not. Haha. Anyway, I caught the train in and then walked the distance from central station to a fair way up Bath St. I am really confident around Glasgow now because I know it really quite well, the central part and some of the west anyway.

Upon arriving in my casual clothes because I have nothing dressy to wear (idiot) I looked around at my competition. they all looked about 21-45, intimidating and most were in suits and dressed very sharply. I sighed and felt about 12 as we all got called in to the interview room for an 'open interview'. I sat next to a guy who was very very smartly dressed and I assumed was about 21. It was shocking when I realised he was 19. It was kind of relieving knowing that I wasnt the youngest (I was 2 days older) but also made me notice the difference. He was so older feeling but fortunately, he couldn't spell and asked me a few questions. I felt smart. Anyway, nothing against him I was just like... wow. He's a grown up. Weird moment.

Moving on! We had to fill in these two forms with all our details which was pretty easy. Next we had to sit as 1 by 1 people got interviewed in the room. It was really weird because you could listen to them and hear about them. I didn't like it and it made it more intimidating when it was my turn hearing about all their experience and grown upnessness. I went up expecting nothing but a quick shake of the hand then istant dismissal so it was nice when I was greeted the same as everyone else. The actual interview went pretty well. They really like that I was Australian and were impressed by my travelling and ability to move around the world on my own. They also said that my position is perfect, they liked that I was looking for the summer job and noted it was perfect for me and them. I think that was a good sign. They also gave me a form to come back for induction next Tuesday and I think that makes me eligible to go to the "Tea in the Park" festival. Its just a matter of being chosen. Oh! And later we were joined by people who were told to come an hour later where there were other people my age and underdressed which made me feel better.

We'll see, but I felt good about it. I hope I get it!

Oh and I booked some of my Italy/Belgium/Holland trip for reallllll cheap. I am going to ITALY!! WOOOOOOOOOOOO! (If I get this job, it'll give me a huge boost for spending money and stuff too!)

Oh and congrats Australia for getting a new (female) PM, I guess. Poor Rudd. Also, today marks the end of the world record 11h05 tennis match in Wimbledon.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Doug!!! Fingers Crossed! If nothing else, the process of the interview was positive for you! xo Love mum
