Friday, June 11, 2010

Part 106: Bludge

Today was an easy-going day as I'd spent the last few days walking and travelling, I wanted a day of nothing... besides what else would I do?!

I woke up at 11ish and no one was home, the kids were at school and Al was out doing errands he told me later. I didn't know what to do so I had breakfast and watched some TV. I really wanted to go for a jog today so I went upstairs, had a shower and was dressed in my joggers and went to go but noticed Al was home so I talked to him instead. We sat in the sun and chatted about our last week and then I got distracted because I could finally do all my washing. This takes a while and really, I could have gone for a jog while the machine was doing its stuff, but by then my motivation was gone... I'll start tomorrow.

I spent the rest of the arvo on my computer talking to some awesome people and also I went through all my stuff I bought since I left France organising what to do with it all. That was good but annoying. So. Much. Crap. At around 3.30 Al, AJ and Sally got home and we watched TV for a while and talked briefly until at about 5ish Jilly came home and so we sat on the deck and talked for a while it was freeezing! Now we're doing not alot waiting for chinese to come.

Mannnnn what a boring blog. I remember when my blogs were somewhat interesting...How to add interest to this piece of nothingness?

History of the BagpipesConcerning bagpipes: The Irish invented
them and gave them to the Scots as a joke, and the Scots haven't seen the joke

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