Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Part 122: Toodle Pip June


So today was nothing exciting again. Nothing exciting at all. Oh but I beat my record in Tetris. Its now like 8000 and something. Good times. The bad news is that I am literally playing Tetris in my mind and I cant switch it off. No joke. Right now when I stop typing my mind switches to that awful music and the blocks start falling... Oh God! Its happening again!

*do do do do do do do do do*

I also played with a toy car set. Okay, I said yesterday that life is just normal now and I am content. This is true however, today was particularly boring so...yes... I progressed in my planning for future trips today though by messaging Maria to see if I can stay with her in Paris before coming home and also Chloe about our trip to England and Wales in September. I still have to book my flights home from my Italy/Holland/Belgium and now France trip and plan a trip to Ireland and do something in the next few weeks before I leave. I should definetly contact my Scottish rellies... ASAP.

I did start a comic series today too. Its about a bee and his owner getting up to random mischief. Haha. Its okay. But its by hand and I dont have a scanner. I can say that the bee is freakishly huge for no apparent reason aaaand the owner is named Bobby. Oh the suspense for if I ever put it on my blog or not...

I'm really sorry these blogs are sucking so much, I really feel I am letting you faithful readers down right about now and I have been trying to think of fun ways to keep these entertaining in my times of...well, nothing. I do nothing all day. I have no money to do anything so I just look forward to future travels.

Eh, so its the end of the month and so we know what that means... Summary:

Week 1 (1st-8th):
  • Finished Smallville all up to date
  • Re-met Louisa
  • Went to Oxford and hung out with my Cath and Tom
  • Drinking games
  • Had a BBQ at Toms sisters place, which was fun.
  • Got woken up 20 minutes before my bus to London left which leads me to saying:
  • Went to London and re-met the Carr family
  • Toured London and mixed up the London Tower Bridge for the London Bridge...

Week 2 (9th-15th)

  • Went to Nottinghill :P
  • 10 hour bus trip back to Glasgow
  • Started Big Brother
  • This is where it all goes South
  • Started Stone Skipping, Jogging and all that stuff...

Week 3 (16th -22nd)

  • hung around at home
  • Applied for countless jobs
  • Got denied by countless jobs
  • Applied for more
  • Did My Day in A Minute
  • Hung out with Liz in Glasgow for a day. Best. Day. Of the week...
  • Saw Killers
  • Decided to go to Italy

Week 4 (17th-30th)

  • Look, it really doesnt get very interesting, sorry
  • Stayed at home
  • Planned Italy, well tried. Couchsurfing in Italy fails.
  • Oh!! Caught up with Margie, that was good
  • Got a job interview, then got called to induction
  • ...played...tetris...

Look it was a good month, it wasnt eventful, but it was good. Next month will be more fun. I will be travelling aaaand I'll hopefully be working aaand... Yes. Also it Summer Holidays so I will have time with the Davidsons and also be able to freely visit rellies because the'll be on holidays too.

Okay. Goodbye. Ha. Its funny comparing this month to last month...Not really.

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