Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Part 122: Toodle Pip June


So today was nothing exciting again. Nothing exciting at all. Oh but I beat my record in Tetris. Its now like 8000 and something. Good times. The bad news is that I am literally playing Tetris in my mind and I cant switch it off. No joke. Right now when I stop typing my mind switches to that awful music and the blocks start falling... Oh God! Its happening again!

*do do do do do do do do do*

I also played with a toy car set. Okay, I said yesterday that life is just normal now and I am content. This is true however, today was particularly boring so...yes... I progressed in my planning for future trips today though by messaging Maria to see if I can stay with her in Paris before coming home and also Chloe about our trip to England and Wales in September. I still have to book my flights home from my Italy/Holland/Belgium and now France trip and plan a trip to Ireland and do something in the next few weeks before I leave. I should definetly contact my Scottish rellies... ASAP.

I did start a comic series today too. Its about a bee and his owner getting up to random mischief. Haha. Its okay. But its by hand and I dont have a scanner. I can say that the bee is freakishly huge for no apparent reason aaaand the owner is named Bobby. Oh the suspense for if I ever put it on my blog or not...

I'm really sorry these blogs are sucking so much, I really feel I am letting you faithful readers down right about now and I have been trying to think of fun ways to keep these entertaining in my times of...well, nothing. I do nothing all day. I have no money to do anything so I just look forward to future travels.

Eh, so its the end of the month and so we know what that means... Summary:

Week 1 (1st-8th):
  • Finished Smallville all up to date
  • Re-met Louisa
  • Went to Oxford and hung out with my Cath and Tom
  • Drinking games
  • Had a BBQ at Toms sisters place, which was fun.
  • Got woken up 20 minutes before my bus to London left which leads me to saying:
  • Went to London and re-met the Carr family
  • Toured London and mixed up the London Tower Bridge for the London Bridge...

Week 2 (9th-15th)

  • Went to Nottinghill :P
  • 10 hour bus trip back to Glasgow
  • Started Big Brother
  • This is where it all goes South
  • Started Stone Skipping, Jogging and all that stuff...

Week 3 (16th -22nd)

  • hung around at home
  • Applied for countless jobs
  • Got denied by countless jobs
  • Applied for more
  • Did My Day in A Minute
  • Hung out with Liz in Glasgow for a day. Best. Day. Of the week...
  • Saw Killers
  • Decided to go to Italy

Week 4 (17th-30th)

  • Look, it really doesnt get very interesting, sorry
  • Stayed at home
  • Planned Italy, well tried. Couchsurfing in Italy fails.
  • Oh!! Caught up with Margie, that was good
  • Got a job interview, then got called to induction
  • ...played...tetris...

Look it was a good month, it wasnt eventful, but it was good. Next month will be more fun. I will be travelling aaaand I'll hopefully be working aaand... Yes. Also it Summer Holidays so I will have time with the Davidsons and also be able to freely visit rellies because the'll be on holidays too.

Okay. Goodbye. Ha. Its funny comparing this month to last month...Not really.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Part 121: Sorry!

I have nothing to say today. I mean, of course I did stuff but I just dont feel like my life is blog worthy at the moment. Its just normal. Its just my life. Which I think is good. Not because its interesting, I apologise for that, but because I've adapted. Win. Oh, I am also blogging tonight to put you all out of your misery and say that my job induction is actually on Thursday, not Tuesday like my previous blog may have suggested.

Now, I have included a comic (which was originally given to me when I was back in Oxford from Miss R. Taylor) I just liked it and felt this blog was a . You can see minus comics here: under the minus sections.

Oh! Oh! Couch Surfing in Italy is seemingly impossible so I may have to look in to hostels and I stil haven't booked my flight home because I am now thinking about a night or two in Paris with Maria at her place before I go back to Scotland... Fraaaaaaance xD

And that is where I am at right now. Boring to read? Perhaps. But it isn't bad for me, I'm content (still cannot bloody wait to travel a bit though!! Wooooo!!)


Monday, June 28, 2010

Part 120: Io Sono Povero

Buongiorno fair readers,

I cannot spell in Italian... I have today commenced learning Italian through LiveMocha and am doing very well. Unfortunately I am learning nothing useful however I can say "Io sono povero" which means "I am poor" I can also say "Lui e grosso" which is "he is fat"... Okay... I learnt two very useful expressions. I dislike learning Italian from scratch soley because I have to learn all the vocabulary again. Grammar, I am sure isn't too difficult having learnt French already but all the words... Bah.

I also went to the swimming pool today which was pretty cool. The pool itself was literally, cool in both the temperature and awesome-scale senses. We drove out to Hamilton Water Palace which was about 20 minutes or so away from Netherlee and I was quite suprised to see how much there was packed into such a small swimming space! Okay, thats a lie again, it was pretty big! But I mean there was a huge slide that went outside and inside the building which was epically fun and also this silly pirate ship thing which was for the kids... but stll pretty cool. I could go on describing it in detail or I could just say that it was pretty good for a few hours entertainment.

When we finished swimming around not at all like fish, we got out, showered and stood in this revolutionary drying machine where you stand in it and the machine turns up the heat and fans and you like burn for a few minutes as it dries you off. It only works if you quickly got rid of all the drops on you first but it was pretty good.

After, we left the pool and arrived back at home, starving. I was too lazy to eat though so I watched in envy as Al fed Sally and Aj. We watched Tv, played Mario Galaxy 2, drew and then finally like 3 hours later! had tea. It was good. But not enough. I am still hungry.. hmm. I will eat. LATER!

It is currently 9 o'clock and I have not a lot to do. I might go and read later considering I cannot watch big brother while Al is watching that stupid Cup thing. Football or whatever. I dont think I'll ever get it.

Goodnight in Italian.


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Part 119: Miles Away


So, some of you may be delighted to read that today I finally caught up with Margie Miles. for those who are not so thrilled by this probably be informed that Margie is a relative of some discription from my mums side of the family who I've been told over and over again to meet up with and have been in contact with for a while. Yes, so tonight I went and finally met her and her family.

The day of today was not much to report. I guess the only thing I should add is that Tetris makes me angry and that I hate it but still want to play it. Stupid geometrical shapes. I also spent sometime outside chatting to Al and Jilly who had arrived to pick up something. That was about it until 5 when I walked down and was met by Margie in the main street of Netherlee. She was joined by her son whose name I am tempted to say is Noah. He was 5 and gave me a welcoming present: A balloon and a packet of Jelly beans which by the end of the car trip back to their place was taken from me because he couldn't bare parting with them. Oh well.

I went in and met Margies two eldest daughters Daisy (11) and Holly (14). Daisy was incredibly shy and Holly was pretty cool to sit and chat to about music, travel and building blocks. It was pretty funny because Daisy got asked to offer me a drink and I replied "water" so she nodded and ran out then two minutes later came back and was like "We have coke if you'd like" and I said water was still fine. I waited around and talked to Holly until a bit later Holly got a message asking if I had said water because she didn't understand my accent properly... it was funny... had to be there, I guess.

Um we then sat around talking some more watching random youtube videos that Margie, Holly and I had posted and talking about them. We then got graced by the voice of Noah who, obsessed with Titanic, decided to sing that Celine Dion song which honestly, I should know inside out (Karoake...when I was 7) but I cant remember that name of. Margie also pointed out that she had seen that karaoke video. Mortified. Jokes. Then we had dinner which was chicken, potato and beans; twas good.

I then met Margies boyfriend whose name I couldnt tell you if I drew it out of a hat, and he was cool but he made jokes but had a really hard accent to understand so he would say something and I knew it was meant to be funny but I had no idea what he was saying so I just awkwardly laughed. Great, I am a tool. He stayed for a bit but then quickly left when Margies youngest daughter, Poppy, came home with her friend, her friends family and a sugar high. Her and her little friend ran around screaming and winding Noah up while Margie went to the other room and talked to the other family and Holly, Daisy and I played with our placemats and chatted.

Eventually the other group left and then Poppy finally calmed and chatted to me for a while. Dessert was next, strawberries and ice cream. Then the younger 2 kids went to bed and the rest of us moved in to the lounge room where we talked about family, music and the P!nk concert they had attended the night before. Oh and somewhere in there Margie and I walked to her sisters place where Margie had to feed the cats because they're in S. Africa to watch the World Cup.

This went until 11ish when I was driven home with a promise to keep in contact and definetly catch up again whenever we can. They are cool :)

It was a good evening. Oh and hahaha! England, you fail.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Part 118: R.I.P Rory

You will admire it even if its fail. I started it yesterday
because Sally asked me to draw an anime picture for her. So I started with a neck and then the start of a body but didn't like it so decided to scribble around. Little did I know, it would take hours to finish. Its not very good, its full of faults and well, I only like the squid really, it took up most of today and last night so I thought I might as well post it. I call it: The thoughts of an Ant. After all, there is a wee ant at the bottom thinking it all up in a reality section at the bottom. I love ants.

Um, that was all I really wanted to post because I couldn't be bothered typing, but now I am here I should explain that today I we (Al, Sally, AJ and I) went to a park in a land far far away! well, actually it was just a 10 minute drive down yonder, but it was not Lynn Park. I guess thats what I was getting at. We went full of hope and the desire to throw their boomerangs which they possess. Now, we all know I have had experience with Australian boomerangs (See Part 22: Well, I'm Part Scottish) however these were no ordinary boomerangs, oh God no, these were amazing super boomerangs one of which I could get to work! Only me. Me. I couldn't work the other and Al got it to work once but I could do the other one 95% of the time. I was proud because I was like "G'day mates! Wotch this, Oi ken throwe ay boomaraing" (Typing with an Australian accent is absolutely NOT my forte) and everyone was in awe. Or at least I pretended they were as I smuggly got hit by the returning boomerang or failed to catch the stupid thing. They admired me. I know it.

Yea, it was fun. We walked around some too and got ice cream and fairy floss. It was good. I could keep typing but you know, pictures take all my energy. Sorry, I rushed that picture a little but, but it gets the message accross :)

Oh! and in tragic news Rory was killed by Sparky who ate him. Stupid. Dog. Lets have a moment of silence for Rory.... Okay! Moment up!


< close up of the star/crab thing


Friday, June 25, 2010

Part 117: The Question

Question: Can I be bothered blogging about such a day in which nothing happened?

Answer: No

Question: What will I do then?

Answer: Reblog a question I answered on another blog I do. I think its a good thing to put here because it shows my thoughts as to where I am in the world. Interesting? probably not. But we'll see.

(The real) Question: If you had to be anywhere in the world right now, at this very moment, where would you doodly-diddly be? -Vingtdeux

Answer: Oh wow. Thats a good question.

On one hand I would love to say Melbourne because I’d be home!Homehomehome! I would have all my friends and family and life would seemingly be perfect. However!! (and its a large however!) I would not be in Europe anymore with the world at my finger tips!

So that leads me to thinking Sainte Marie d’Alloix with the Beyliers again because I’d be in France speaking French and being happy with an awesome family in Europe right in the middle of all the action. But then theres bloody strikes in France. And I hate strikes.

This leaves a few options, one of which is Scotland where I am now... So cliche... I should say probably the States where my Auntie is very soon having a baby so it would be nice to see her, or Japan because its awesome.

Hmm…I guess though, I have to say: In the case that I am in the spot I choose just for a day or two, I would pick Australia hanging out with you and Mikey in the city. However, for the moment, knowing that flying back briefly for just one night is impossibly expensive, I’ll say right here in Scotland because well, if I left I cant go to Italy and Holland and stuff next month which I really want to do.

I dislike that question. Because I dislike my answer. Too many places I want to be and yet I have to be nowhere…

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Part 116: Interview

Today I had a job interview! Yay! It was awful. Not in the sense that it went terribly but in the sense that it was an awfully ran interview. The job is an Event Steward for SecuriGroups which means I go to Festivals and Gigs around all of Scotland and get paid to hang out at concerts. I also get paid-for travel around Scotland to get to these places which is mad and food which is better. Downside: Takes up weekends (not all!) Thursday- Monday and is usually a 12 hour day. Pay is decent and I really want it! Also, they didnt care that I had to go away for 2 weeks in July-August! Life would be good.

I left Netherlee to catch the train at 1 after an awkward morning. It was awkward because Al and Jilly were happily talking this morning when I woke up but I didnt know whether to join them or not. Haha. Anyway, I caught the train in and then walked the distance from central station to a fair way up Bath St. I am really confident around Glasgow now because I know it really quite well, the central part and some of the west anyway.

Upon arriving in my casual clothes because I have nothing dressy to wear (idiot) I looked around at my competition. they all looked about 21-45, intimidating and most were in suits and dressed very sharply. I sighed and felt about 12 as we all got called in to the interview room for an 'open interview'. I sat next to a guy who was very very smartly dressed and I assumed was about 21. It was shocking when I realised he was 19. It was kind of relieving knowing that I wasnt the youngest (I was 2 days older) but also made me notice the difference. He was so older feeling but fortunately, he couldn't spell and asked me a few questions. I felt smart. Anyway, nothing against him I was just like... wow. He's a grown up. Weird moment.

Moving on! We had to fill in these two forms with all our details which was pretty easy. Next we had to sit as 1 by 1 people got interviewed in the room. It was really weird because you could listen to them and hear about them. I didn't like it and it made it more intimidating when it was my turn hearing about all their experience and grown upnessness. I went up expecting nothing but a quick shake of the hand then istant dismissal so it was nice when I was greeted the same as everyone else. The actual interview went pretty well. They really like that I was Australian and were impressed by my travelling and ability to move around the world on my own. They also said that my position is perfect, they liked that I was looking for the summer job and noted it was perfect for me and them. I think that was a good sign. They also gave me a form to come back for induction next Tuesday and I think that makes me eligible to go to the "Tea in the Park" festival. Its just a matter of being chosen. Oh! And later we were joined by people who were told to come an hour later where there were other people my age and underdressed which made me feel better.

We'll see, but I felt good about it. I hope I get it!

Oh and I booked some of my Italy/Belgium/Holland trip for reallllll cheap. I am going to ITALY!! WOOOOOOOOOOOO! (If I get this job, it'll give me a huge boost for spending money and stuff too!)

Oh and congrats Australia for getting a new (female) PM, I guess. Poor Rudd. Also, today marks the end of the world record 11h05 tennis match in Wimbledon.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Part 115: 13 Bullets

Good evening,

I dont feel like blogging. I dont feel like it at all. I want to hand it on to a guest blogger but I cannot.

  • Woken up by Jilly
  • Sat around
  • Met Jillys friend
  • Went job hunting in the city for 2 hours
  • Went job hunting Muirend
  • Went to the school picked up the kids
  • Talked to Tam a lot
  • Played on Tumblr
  • Watched Big Brother
  • Ate ham
  • No beer outside because it was cold
  • So had beer inside
  • Tried Barcardi Breezers for some reason we had them

Thats my day in a 13 bullet points.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Part 114: I am...

I am shy. There is no doubt about it. I am introverted, I stress and I am addicted to my comfort zone. I am messy, confidence issues, lazy and I am not spontaneous. I cant do an aerial. I give up too easily and I cost my parents a fortune.
-These are the things I want to work on.

Today was a really weird day. I dont know. I didn't do anything that interesting really however I just yea, I dunno what to explain. I woke up in in a decent mood just normal. It was like 11.30am and I had planned to wake up earlier than that but, y'know...whatever. I was going to help Jilly clean the house but wanted to chat to mum first. We spoke for a while longer than expected. After, I had a shower to freshen up and then went down and chatted to Jilly who had done most of the cleaning but gave up due to the extreme heat (22 degrees)

We decided to go out for lunch because the heat prevented Jilly from wanting to cook. We went to the place where Net and Poppa had their 'going away' party a while back when Tin came here. That was cool. Lunch was nice and we even snuck in a dessert. Win. I then went picked up the kids because Jilly had some stuff to do then sat outside with a book and the sun. I also started teaching myself how to do an Aerial which is a no-handed cartwheel. I have mastered the first 3 steps: Cartwheel, 1-handed cartwheel and a dive cartwheel. I should get up to the Aerial eventually! I hope. Then I chatted more with Jilly and watched some telly. As I said, not very interesting but there was some stuff going on today with stuff and yea... I can also announce that I am booking flights and stuff to Rome, Belgium and Holland tomorrow. Yew!

I am lucky. There is no doubt about it. I am dynamic, I laugh and I am addicted to travel. I am creative, intelligent, passionate and I accept other peoples differences. I can navigate my own way around some of the worlds biggest cities. When I'm fully dedicated, I damn-well ace anything and I cost my parents a fortune.
-These are things I like about me.
Weird. Blog. Sorry.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Part 113: Red Headed Killers

Dia dhuit, Conás átá tú?

Yea, I totally can speak Gaelic! Win. This morning was a long and painful one starting at 12.01a.m. I couldn't sleep and so I stayed up till 3a.m. watching Big Brother live then stayed up a further few hours glaring at the ceiling. I fell asleep I think at about 5 and then was woken up at 9 by Jilly saying its morning. I sighed, set my alarm and then woke up again at 10.15. It was a terrible night sleep but I had to be up because today I was doing something! I was going into town to meet Miss. Gatens who I have met once before and is a friend of my favorite.

I got ready and made my way into the city arriving at our meeting point, Queens St. Station at 12.07. There, I met Gatens and after a quick, awkward hello we set off. I was the tour guide of the day and I realised how well I know the city already. Its a good feeling. We walked around the main area for a while so she could get a feel of the city whilst discussing all our adventures to date. Lizz is working in a boarding school in Sterling as a matron kind of thing and has done a bit of travelling too. We went to St. Enoch shopping centre to grab some lunch and plan our day. We wanted to see a film so we caught the undeground to go in search for a cinema that Al told me about a while ago which was at Hillhead a few stops down. Upon arriving, we pondered around in search for the cinema which we found with... relative ease in a beautiful little side street with nice little cafes. It seems like a place I would love to go with a group of friends just to hang out. The cinema had terrible times although, cheap, but yea...bad times.

We left and ade our way to Glasgow Uni, just because it was close and I had interest in checking it out. Its a beautiful (OMG The Australian on Big Brother is such a WAZZOCK [Jillys words]) building and really nice to walk around. It would be cool to say that you study there just because its so pretty! We hung around there for a while until leaving and making our way back to the main cinema near the bus station. Easy trip. There, we saw the film 'Killers' starring Katherine Heigel and Ashton Kutcher. I wont say anything except: Even though it was kinda lame, its good. 6-7/10.

After the film, we walked around and tried to buy Lizz a memory card (Jilly is texting and doing a wicked laugh, its scary) then went out for pre-tea pizza which was nice. We chatted and watched some tennis on the TV there which was cool. We discussed our future travelling plans. After pre-tea we went sat ourside in George Square until her train at 6.44. I walked her to the station then went home arriving at 7.44. I then talked to Jilly, had some beer and then had chinese for tea. I am much too unhealthy now. dislike. (more evil laughs from the left)

Now I am watching that wanker Aussie on Big Brother and later I shall sleep.

Mar sin leibh


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Part 112: Show Off

Thats the last time I do something nice for you- No comments. You fail. I guess I'll do my blog but only because I need to stay in the habit.

Today was a nice day I guess. I was up until 4.30 last night and then, due to daylight at obscenely early hours, got to sleep at like 5.30am. I woke up again at like 11.30 to the sounds of Aj and Sally playing in the lounge room. I went in and saw this epically big drawing on the floor, mess everywhere and a general disaster. Jilly was still asleep, she had a late one last night too so I cleaned up and freshened up the room while the kids continued their pretty call artwork. After, I played on my laptop and did nothing till Jilly got up at about 1.

I had a shower and then chatted more on MSN for a while until AJ came up and said he really wanted to go for a walk. I thought this would be a good idea so I asked Sally but she said she wanted to do something funner (real words dont exist). We googled for a while for things that where on but couldnt find anything of interest that we could do so we decided to have a picnic. WE spent about half an hour making lunches and packing everything together getting a ball and other random things which was really quite fun. We then set off to the park and walked around finding the perfect spot to sit. We found this large patch of shade and sat there and ate our lunch talking and then AJ went and played soccer so we then played that for about 40 minutes just kicking the ball around and randomly stopping for extra snacks.

After, we did some random tricks, Sally did some headstands and I did one handed cartwheels- win. I am legendary. Then we spent about half an hour skipping stones- our new favorite hobby which we are getting the hang of, even the kids. After that we came back home sat outside with Jilly, beer and talked. We sat in the perfect weather and let the sun go behind the clouds, came inside played the newly recieved Mario Galaxy 2, had dinner and now I am watching Big Brother. Love. I think thats all :)

Okay, I lied. I'll be nice only so that you can look at how amazing I am:

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Part 111: My Day in a Minute

Hello Blog Readers!

I do APOLOGISE for my absence, I actually did something on Thursday but couldnt be bothered blogging for some reason. For the record I went to the Modern Art Museum because I promised my dad I'd do something. Yesterday was a total dud as in, I cant thikn of a day ever that I've done less in. It was okay though, just chillaxed but I was home alone all day which kinda sucked.

Today! I am gonna hopefully make up for my absence wth the below video, if it loads if not I'll do it tomorrow (I mean, later today its 4am!) I have wroked on the video all day and its called 'My Day in a Minute' Literally, its just what I did in the day jampacked into a minute. IT did of course miss out on two major events of the day stupidly but they can be avoided by simply saying: fail. And dont you worry about it (woo, pricked your interest)

PLease load videooooooooooooo. Now, it has flaws because by the end I just wanted it finished but it turned out okay. COMMENT :D Will be on youtube soon maybe.

The Script:

My day in a minute, or thereabouts,

wake up in the morning not feeling like P. Diddy. Look around and see a mess and begin tidying. Its not much fun. Cut some paper squares with photgraphs on them then go on MSN and chat. Realise its midday so get changed then put on some washing - its white.

Change again. Time AJ running fast then say hi to Sally "Hi Sally" Find a park, enter then skip stones. I could do it. The kids could not. Aj threw them over his head. Sally...wel... Play in park go to Derby and by an ice cream. Eat the ice cream, taste the ice cream, love the ice cream good ice cream, its gone.

Hang out washing then play nintendo with Sally. I won so I did a dance. Play Pokemon. I am beating Ivysaur. Win. Stage clear. Open beer then say cheers. Sit outside and let time and beer pass. Beer has grown on me much, much much too much. Bring back in the washing finally now. Its dark drink wine, I like white wine. Lock the door then turn off all the kitchen lights (weird voice change) get into my pajamas brush my teeth..spit...get light 1 on, turn the main light off turn the second light off get into bed sleep. Dream of tomorrow.

My day in a minute.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Part 110: Question Games

I dont really have much to report today as for up until like 4, I was too busy being grumpy to do anything of value. Before that time, I was on the computer job hunting and being grumpy. I did go for a jog and learned of how unfit I still am but its good to be in routine for fitness. I'll be in shape in no time.

I applied for another job today and talked to dad about my cover letter. I have to say, writing the cover letter was good. Not because I am an amazing cover letter writer but because I learnt some things as I wrote it. I was reminded of how important gaining experience here. Having said that though, it does involve doing stuff. Having said that today was also the first day I really just wanted to go home. Today, I was so over everything for a while. I realised the only reason I am staying isn't even for me at all which is ridiculous. I hope I get a job, ake some friends and get a bit of a life happening soon else I will go out of my mind during the days.

The afternoons are fine though. I also spent a good amount of time outside on the deck with Al, getting to know him a little better which was good fun. We played the question game as in "if you could be the best in the world at one sport, what sport and why?" type thing for a few hours which got some good discussions going on. Also, he had some friends come over for a bit so that was cool too. After, I made crepes for tea. Having been a while since I made them and not being used to the pan I was using it took a few tries beofre I got it right, but still, Al was happy that I made something for tea so it was good. They didn't taste that bad anyway... Good first try. Unfortunately, I did burn my finger. Fail.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Part 109: Little Lion Man

Weep for yourself, my man, you'll never be what is in your heartweep little lion
man, you're not as brave as you were at the start

I'm not feeling down or anything. I just like the lyrics to that song an I can sort of relate to them at the moment. Go figure.

Today I woke up to the sound of a chainsaw and the feeling of intense heat. I must learn how to close the blinds. After some annoyed grunts and some sheet pulling over the eyes to no avail, I got up and wondered outside where Jilly was just finishing up a tea. After a quick hello, she left to go out to run some errands leaving me to fend for myself. The trauma.

I went inside and jumped online just for an update and got dragged into a Skype conversation with Ms. Mia Shelton whom I haven't spoken to once since I left 4.5months ago. She was as energetic as ever and had so much to say. I missed her random stories and by golly, is she an amazing story-teller- she managed to put mine to shame. It was awesome to catch up with her and that gave me a wonderful morning. Yes. I then had a shower and met Jilly downstairs who started to make me lunch whilst I cleaned my room. Lunch was served infront of the TV, we watched "Dog, The Bounty Hunter" which is... average.

When the show finished I went into the city, went to the Information Centre and got some addresses for the recruitment centres in Glasgow. I then spent the next hour and a half dawdling around town getting job ideas and stuff. I dislike job hunting. (I am listening to Jilly talk to a girl on the phone who has had the worst 6 months I could ever possibly imagine. Its very hard to talk about such trivial things while listening to her talk to this poor girl, who is my age in such a shit situation. Thank God my biggest issue is being a lazy job hunter)

Um...came back from the city. Spent afternoon on the deck with some beer and my project which I haven't touched for too long. Got back into it today and it was good. Dinner. Unhealthy. Going for a jog tomorrow.


Monday, June 14, 2010

Part 108: Doug's How To...

Doug's How To:
How to survive today in Netherlee.
  • A House with host
  • A Bed with Doona
  • A TV
  • An iPod
  • A Computer (Preferably with Internet access)
  • 2 tea bags
  • Car
  • Coffee
  • Cash
  • Patience


  1. Wake up and remove doona from body lowering the heat to a lower level. Stare at ceiling for a while in order to gather thoughts of what you must do to achieve something.
  2. Allow the host to use your first tea bag and bring you a tea and Thank him/her as you sit in the sun outside and chat about whatever springs to mind. Also, politely inquire how your hosts toe is going (this is an optional extra if your host has a broken toe)
  3. Get showered and dressed and run down stairs to be met by your host who wants to go to the shops. Also, listen to the fact that tonight you have a dance concert to go to. (Thus being the reason you are going to the shops, to buy some black socks)
  4. Drive to the shops but realise you are hungry. The host will be ready to eat now too, so pull into McDonalds in time for their breakfast.
  5. Feel bad as you are ruining all the exersize you did yesterday, but be happy because you have good coffee and a bacon and egg McMuffin.
  6. Continue your journey to the shops and park in the closest position to the door in order to prevent your host having to walk as far with his/her broken toe.
  7. Walk around the shops for a few hours and get a new book called "Perfume". Also, be there when your host buys a copy of the "Mumford and Sons" album and request to put it on your computer when you get home.
  8. Walk around more in the shops and point out stupid things about stupid things and show your ignorance to Australian celebrities doing book signings in the shopping centre.
  9. Leave the shops go back home and enjoy your second cup of tea. Also, jump on the computer and try and change flights with Qantas. This allows the flights to be more enjoyable at a future date.
  10. Fail miserably at booking flights, so try apply for a job instead.
  11. Fail miserably at that as well and give up. Use your computer for entertainment. Personally, I use MSN as it makes time fly a lot faster and also allows you to smile as you talk to people you like. I can also suggest going through your photos and feel nostalgic and laugh at videos that you have filmed previously. (For increased humour, watch videos of a group of people playing with a boomerang but being rather unsuccessful)
  12. Sit outside and talk to the newly arrived children who are preparing for the eldest childs dance concert that should be ready to start in 1 hour.
  13. Go to Dance concert and listen to iPod while waiting it to start. Clap and smile politely at appropriate places and be especially enthuiastic when Elvis comes on. Be annoyed at the tiny-tots who have way to many acts. (Seriously... they cant dance)
  14. Stare at ceiling for the last hour and leave at 10pm. Get fish and chips for dinner and feel even grosser for eating more shit food.
  15. Watch big brother and type a stupid blog and then realise the day has past rather quickly, all the same.
  16. Reflect.

Variations could include taking up Tap dancing, sleeping through the entire day or making new friends. Either one is just as good.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Part 107: I Wish I Did Videos

Only sometimes though, as typing is overrated.

I am currently watching the film 'Notting Hill' because it was just on TVand its pretty awesome because its set in London so there is many-a-area that I can recognise. I know I mentioned the film in a previous blog and I mentioned that they filmed a scene at Kenwood house, where I had tea with Sharon and Louisa. That scene was just on and I was so excited! It was awesome because I was all "I RAN THROUGH THAT THING AND THEN WE SAW A BUNNY RABBIT THERE" Sally, who is the only other in the room, was just like "wow..." not caring. Good times.

Anyway, moving on, what else did I do today apart from watching this film? Well, I woke up and was more determined today to go for a walk/jog thing so I sat outside having a cuppa with Jilly and organised to go with the kids and Sparky before we went out to the shops which was arranged yesterday. I had breaky and by 12, we were out and on our way. Fail. We walked for ages around Linn Park which was nice and then we found a park and played there for a while on these weird tree things that stuck out of the ground. I was pro at it because I could go on them all without falling. Win. After, I took the kids to a lolly, nay, sweets shop and got some sugary stuff for them then we dawdled back home.

At home, I went on the lappy and talked to Lachlan, Tor and Ellen on Webcam. Today I was really homesick I dont know why, I just felt like going home so it was good to tune in with them and see what they were up to. They were good, by the way. The convo was however cut short as I had to go out to the shops. We went to a nearby shopping centre and bought Sally a new shirt, pondered then we had lunch at a restaurant. I had parma which tasted very different to the Aussie parmas I remember, but still, it was good. After, did some grocery shopping and then drove back home. soon after Jilly went out so I am on baby-sitting duties for the night. Well, was, the kids are in bed now. (Notting Hill finished, so I am watching Big Brother. Theres an Aussie in it! Woo! Its funny because he blames everything thats weird as being an 'Australian' thing...I do that too even when its clearly not)

I spent the evening talking to Miss. Taylor on msn which was loverly and also baking a cake. WTF is with Europe and me making terrible disaster cakes?! It was packet mix too!! I mean, it was fine except we burnt it so we tried to cut the burnt off and that made it fall apart so we glued it together with icing and omg its awful. Tastes fine but looks like... I dont know. It makes my french cakes look like God blessed them personally. Bah. Fail. Oh well, I think the kids enjoyed making it.

(disaster cake...The kids did the decorating. Its beautiful)

I need a hobby. I want to start taichi :) Also, I am thinking of going somewhere for a weekend. I might g to Ireland if I can. Possibly, I just need money. I can also talk to Blinne who lives in Ireland that I met in France... I might do that. Maybe. I am here to travel afterall...


Friday, June 11, 2010

Part 106: Bludge

Today was an easy-going day as I'd spent the last few days walking and travelling, I wanted a day of nothing... besides what else would I do?!

I woke up at 11ish and no one was home, the kids were at school and Al was out doing errands he told me later. I didn't know what to do so I had breakfast and watched some TV. I really wanted to go for a jog today so I went upstairs, had a shower and was dressed in my joggers and went to go but noticed Al was home so I talked to him instead. We sat in the sun and chatted about our last week and then I got distracted because I could finally do all my washing. This takes a while and really, I could have gone for a jog while the machine was doing its stuff, but by then my motivation was gone... I'll start tomorrow.

I spent the rest of the arvo on my computer talking to some awesome people and also I went through all my stuff I bought since I left France organising what to do with it all. That was good but annoying. So. Much. Crap. At around 3.30 Al, AJ and Sally got home and we watched TV for a while and talked briefly until at about 5ish Jilly came home and so we sat on the deck and talked for a while it was freeezing! Now we're doing not alot waiting for chinese to come.

Mannnnn what a boring blog. I remember when my blogs were somewhat interesting...How to add interest to this piece of nothingness?

History of the BagpipesConcerning bagpipes: The Irish invented
them and gave them to the Scots as a joke, and the Scots haven't seen the joke

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Part 105: Public Transport

I have nothing to talk about today, I just wanted to blog to remind my future self of how long today was. Why? I dont know...

Anyway, I woke up at 7am was ready and on a train by 8.30 taking Louisa all the way to Heathrow which took a bit over an hour then waited while she checked in then did a rushed goodbye because I was then in a hurry to get back for my bus. It was odd saying goodbye knowing she was going back home and I wasn't. Hm.. I wanted to jump on the plane haha. Anyway, I then trained back into London and changed trains again to get to the bus station and then I ran to there because I was running late, the bus left at 12 it was 11.59 and I had to run like two blocks. Somehow I made it and got a seat then was on a bus for what was meant to be 9 hours to Glasgow but got delayed on the way so I didn't get in until 10.30 followed by a walk to Central station then a half hour wait for my train to Muirend then I walked home where everyone was in bed and yes. It was 11.40 when I set foor in the door.

So whats that? 8.30am - 11.40pm = 15hours10? Is that right? Long. Day. Of. Sitting doing nothing. Thank God my iPod lasted.

Good night.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Part 104: Do Not Eat In Public


I was just speaking French with Sharon and reading some little help learn French boo. I failed. Fail.

So, today was a good day and involved many a things. It started off by me being awoken by Louisa bright and early and me grumping about and getting ready (meaning I got to put on my awesome England underwear and my Superman top...hehe) and then going downstairs and getting rushed around so that Sharon could drive Louisa and I to Abbey Rd. When we arrived, Sharon dropped us and did blocks until we were ready to be picked up again. It was quite fun, not because it was Abbey Rd, which was just a road, but because there were two awesome Canadians there and we just chatted to them and they took our photos. The guy was a hardcore Beatles fan like Louisa and the girl wasn't, like me so I chatted to her while Louisa and the dude compared photos and talked about how it should be. We were there for ages in the end getting it right and waiting for the cars to be cleared etc. It was actually really fun and we have a good photo. I wish that Mum, Dad and Lach were there though so we could do the real version of it. (we took a fake one in front of a screen in Ballarat last year)

When we left Abbey Rd, Sharon drove us over to Kenwood house which is where the film 'Notting Hill' was filmed which featured Hugh Grant. Yes, I stood where he stood. Good times. We had coffee and then toured the house which was really nice and old and pretty. I liked it because unlike the places we've been to where you see the interior of a house, it was all tactile. You could touch everything. We also saw a bunny.

Later, we caught a train into the city and basically bummed around. I cant really remember what we did... We were at one point sitting in the park eating Lunch when this random guy walked up to us and was all 'Its against the law to eat in public because it makes passer bys hungry' it was funny and we smiled and apologised. Later, when we went to Buckingham palace to re-take a photo, we saw the same people and they were standing in our way. At first, I didnt realise it was them and I asked them to just take one step that way so we could take our photo and then the guy was like: 'wow! you're the guys from before, you dont want a photo with us?' He then posed for a photo with me but Louisa was to slow with the camera so we missed it. Fail. Fortunately, he took a photo of the two of us and was really friendly. We then said goodbye and yea... I dont know, it was a cool thing. He was awesome.

We also walked around another park where this squirrel was like 10cm from our feet running around which was so cool. I still love squirrels. We went to the London eye and south bank where there was an arcade which we played in. I then gave all the tickets we one, bar two, to a random girl who was collecting them and working hard. She was so happy it made me smile. Um... we had coffee there, went to Picadilly Circus just to chill out and bum around in. I dont know we just did stuff. It was a good day though. We also got Louisa a new squished penny and I bought some gifts for people. You could be one of those people!! Maybe.

London has grown on me today. I dont know why, I just like it when I am not touristing as much. We wanted to see a musical tonight but Louisa didnt want to see the ones I did and the only one we agreed on was booked out of cheap seats so we didn't. So bugger.

I go home tomorrow to Glasgow which I am happy to be back and doing nothing but sad because I have o job-hunt. Louisa is going back to Aus so lets all wish her a safe flight "Have a safe flight, Louisa" they said.

I hope I make it back to this place (Carr residence) with Chloe for at least a day in September. Fingers crossed.

I love England :)


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Part 103: They Wanted to See The Queen

Howdy doodie,

Today was a looong day. We did all the touristy sides of London which were, to put bluntly, okay. We left at 10.30 in order to arrive on time and see the changing of the guards at Buckhingham Palace. We arrived on time and were instantly disapointed as you can not actually get a photo with the guards because they're all on the inside of the gate. Stupid. Guards. This put in me in a bad mood because personally, I didn't really care much for anything else in London EXCEPT getting a photo with the guards and trying to make them laugh. Fail, London. Fail. We then stood around while it started to rain in the masses of people only to be told the changing of the guards had been canceled about 30 minutes later. Annoyed, we left. Buckingham Palace failed. We did see a chariot thing go around though which was okay I guess.

We walked back through a garden which was nice because there were squirrels. On this journey we made our way past the Marbel Arch which was pretty cool and marble-like. We also sat and had our second pre-packed lunch which was awesome again with salad and pita bread and mmmm so good. It did pour with rain though while we ate but it was cool because Sharon had left us an umbrella each for the day. She's awesome. There was also an awesome Australian War Memorial thing there After the Marble Arch we arrived back at Oxford St where we went once again into Primard for Louisa who wanted to pick something up. There, I got some awesome underwear that say England on them woo!

We trained over from Oford St over to Parliament Houses where Big Ben rests and all of Westminsters main stuff is. London is dodgy, Westminster is gold. We walked around there and took photos with red telephone boxes and with Big Ben. We also saw Westminster Abbey and all the other old, beautiful buildings in the area. It really was a nice area and finally I was impressed. It was good because then we walked down to Trafalgar Square but then it wasn't because it was another disapointment because all the lions were blocked of so they could set up some display. I was kinda annoyed because that was my plan B photo which failed.

We next went into the National Gallery but Louisa didn't want to go to it at all so I dragged her along and only really got a chance to see Vincent Van Goghs stuff. It was much more impressive than the Mona Lisa because you could stand in front of it and actually see it. Yay for the flowers and the chair piece. I was happy and much more impressed than the ones that I saw at Highview College... by the year 7s. We left. We then arrived attttt...where did we arrive? Oh we walked over to London Bridge. It was an epic journey and we passed Mellenium Bridge which was in Harry Potter. At London Bridge I made the video below. Win.

It took ages to walk there and the bridge was cool. I like it.

We then trained back home and then we had tea which was great and now I am watching friends. Oh! Sharon and I had a conversation about what we could remember from ages ago. T'was wonderful.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Part 102: London By Oyster

*Happy Greeting* Readers,


*Snappy sign out*


Man, I wish! I am so lazy. Rightio- today was my first day out in London after being here 3 times before, I actually got to start site-seeing. We didn't see anything that famous though because we're doing all that tomorrow.

My day began when I was awoken at 8am by Louisa tickling my foot, after a groan and a glare, I got out of bed and made my way downstairs where we had breakfast. Showers came next and then Sharon came home and when we made it downstairs again we had completely packed lunches (including three mini rolls, a packet of crisps, minties, fruit and a snack bar. Omg) and pre-paid Oyster cards which are like Melbournes newly-introduced Myki cards...except it works. THis makes all our bus and train trips a fair bit cheaper apparently so that was awesome and incredibly generous of Sharon to go to all that effort. Spoilt much?

By 9.30 Sharon had dropped us off at the nearby train station and we were off on our way to the London city centre. First stop: Kings Cross Station for those stupid Harry Potter 9 3/4 photos. We went to the trolley (which is actually located at platform 8!) took our photos and looked like absolute knobby Harry Potter fans. (HORRIBLE photo of me, my wallet makes me leg look odd and deformed). Anyway, it was good to do I guess. After we left Kings Cross we made our way towards the British Museum and thus walked down through some square of which I forget the name and saw squirrels! More squirrels!! I love them and want to be their king. King Douglas of The Squirrels. Sounds good.

Yes, we eventually made our way to the museum and walked around there for an amount of time seeing various exhibitions such as the Ancient Egyptians and Angient Europe. Som of the stuff dated back to 2500BC or something ridiculous like that. Now, unfortunately, I have been to many-a-museums now and so I am sure this one was amazing but we had seen a hell of a lot of Ancient Egypt and Europe already in the Louvre, so slightly over it after those two and one other, we left becaue we can be snobby that way now. Kidding. Actually, we really wanted a drink and the drinks there were to expensive and thus we left quicklish and headed off to the nearest bus stop.

We Oystered on a red-double decker over to Harrods which is a HUGE store that, I dont really know what its for, it sells everything thats expensive from bags-high class chocolate. The chocolate part is what I believe it is most reknown for, but dont quote me because honestly, I have no idea. Either way, I mean Louisa loves it and it is good, but I was a bit underwhelmed because I couldn't afford to buy anything so looking at chocolate I cant afford isn't exactly my cup of tea apparently. It is impressive though, I guess. They have some awesome stuff and there was more that we didn't see because now it wasn't our thirst driving us to leave, it was our hunger. We made our way over to Hyde Park and sat by a lake watching tourists play with ducks (bloody tourists) and the many walkers, joggers and horse riders go by. We also saw a squirrel. I was content watching it run, but I wanted more. Lunch was really nice. I also made a daisy chain but Louisa didn't want it (even though it was pretty awesome, it had plaits and a centre piece and all) so I sadly threw it away.

After lunch we walked up to the next door neighbour park which is called Kensington, I think. There, we saw the Peter Pan statue which was erected in 1912 and designed by the dude who wrote the original Peter Pan. Yes, I said 'dude' to reference him. Anyway the statue was kind of nice and there was a kid pretending to be a squirel so it was cool. I felt like singing 'think a happy thought or two and you'll soon realise...' Haha. We then pondered Kensington Gardens for a while, running into the Albert Memorial which was pretty cool then we made our way to some more museums including: the Science History and the Natural History Museums. They were both free so we did them both. They were pretty great. The science one was full of Aeroplane stuff which reminded me of dad the whole way and made me feel like I should feign some interest so I did and it was interestingish. There was also a bunch of space stuff which I actually quite enjoyed. I like astronomy I've decided. Natural history was pretty impressive too. Lots of animals everywhere and it had an amazing humminbird display full of like 100 humminbirds stuffed next to each other so you could compare them. Taxidermy ftw!
We left there and had some gelato whilst I listened nosalgically to the French neighbours chatter about what they saw... hehe, eavesdropping then, we made our way up to Picadilly circus. It was a cool little square type thing to walk around in and much to see and do. I got a new squished penny and a magnet wee! Then, from there, we walked a loooong way up to Oxford Circus and then up to the hugest Primark (I hope I've mentioned Primark before) ever and got Louisa some new clothes then trained/bused back to 'home'. It was a good but very long day. We were back by about 8. After some BBQ dinner I came up and did this and we are now sitting at 9.39pm.
Toodle pip.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Part 101: Wake Up!

Good evening readers,

I am on the most awesome mac right now. I think I am in love. The screen is HUGE and well, its a mac... you cannot top it. Okay, so just to let you know: I am in London.

This morning I woke up to the sound of Catherine knocking on the door announcing that Louisa (who was also asleep) and I had 20 minutes before we had to be out. We didn't back the night before and we hadn't showered or anything. We jumped out of bed and rushed around throwing all our stuff into our bags making sure it was as messy as possible in them. I wet my hair under the shower and then ran downstairs with my backpack. Catherine helped us get our stuff into her car and then dropped us off at the station. What a nice cousin I have! It was a wonderful time in Oxford all up and I really hope I make my way back down there one more time before I leave.

After hugs and a rushed goodbye, Louisa and I jumped on to our bus at 12.05 and then made the 2 hour journey from Oxford o London. It was quite a good trip because the bus had free wifi and powerplugs. We also watched the start of "Role Models" which I have seen many a times but still, its always good for a laugh. When we arrived, I called Sharon who is our host for the next few days. For those who don't know, Sharon was an old family friend who I think we decided I have not seen for about 8 years. Louisa and I caught the train/bus into the area where we would be staying and then were met by Sharon who took us back to chez elle. The house. Is. Amazing. AMAZING. Its huge and with the most modern stuff and omg I love it. Haha. Here, we talked for ages doing an update ad I re-met the family who I have not seen for a long time. Its bizarre but awesome.

Since arriving, I have had tea many a-chats and then their daughter, whose name I know but just now is not springing to mind (Brianna!), tokok us to the local pub and we chat and looked out over London. It was really cool.

I must go because I am being very unsociable... fail.


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Part 100: One Spot, Two Spot

Hello Readers!!

Part 100 already! Craziness. So today was a great day involving sleeping in, tours and beers out in the pub.

I woke up at 10ish and then went down stairs only to realise Louisa and I had the house to ourselves. Louisa was still in bed, Cath was at work and Tom was out taking the dog for the walk. I went on facebook as one does and also glared at the piano. I am honestly awful at it now. I cant even play anything all the way through now. I have the sheet music for Clair du Lune now but I cant read it.... Its awful. FML.

Anyway Louisa eventually came down stairs and took the laptop off me (I did offer her it though) so I had some coco pops and then sat and talked to Louisa for a while. Eventually, Tom got back and then later on (around 12) Cath did. We went outside and had some lunch as a group. T'was nice. I enjoy sitting in their yard in the warmth. We organised our plans for the afternoon which turned out to be: going to a palace starting with 'B' in the Oxford area (Bleinham google tells me), going out for a guided tour with Toms sisters husbamd (Phill) and then going out for tea. Win.

So with Cath at the wheel and the dog in the back, we drove out to Belahblahblah palace where there was a triathlon going on. There were so many peolpe cruising around which was good because it got us free access but bad because, well, there were so many people. After parking, we walked around all the gardens and we wanted to go into the castle but unfortunately we couldnt because of the stupid crowds and marathon cyclists. failists. I am kidding - they're at least active Yes. We walked around for a while then had some coke sitting on the the grass and laughing at our surroundings. When we finished our cokes we pondered around some more, took some photos then drove into the city (after dropping the dog, Rita, back home because she rolled in mud and stunk)

(Yay I have been joined by the cat, Zeb!!) In the city we met Phil who was at the dinner last night. It was cool becuase he showed us around the city teaching us all sorts of stuff about the cities architecture. It was cool and took a bit over an hour. We saw a lot of things that we'd of otherwise missed so it was a really good thing to do and very enjoyable. Tres cool. It was also funny because we saw were places from Hary Potter where filmed and also Lyra and the Golden compuss. Was pretty cool. We then drove back and sat outside with chipsticks and coke worked out what to do for the evening. We decided on skipping the grand final of "Bitains Got Talent" and went out to the local pub. It was really cool we played silly drinking games (thus the onee spot, two spot) had some nice dinner and entrees and just genuinely had a good time. It really is epic win being with family. Great night.

A few drinks later we pondered back home snd watched some TV then Tom and Cath went to bed becuase Tom has to be at the Airport early leaving at 6 and CAth has to take him. Fail. Haha.

Goodnight!! Top Party.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Part 99: The night Yoshi's head was stuck back on

Hello readers!!

I am on strike. Today we have a new guest blogger for two reasons:
1. I am bloody lazy
2. I thought it would peak both your and my interest having someone elses point of view on my day.

She doesn't need any introductions so without further adieu here she is: Louisa.

Greetings blog readers! Well i've been coaxed into writing this for our very lazy Doug. Basically by now you should know who i am, if not; Im Louisa, Dougs friend from Primary school, no contact for 6 years then suddenly facebook brought us back together. I've been back packing on my own for just over 3 months now, and am flying back next thursday =S

Today was an interesting day, as the sun rises SO early i always think its later than it is when i wake up. Hence the time i woke up at 6am thinking it was about 10am.....Anyway back to the main story...woke up at around 9.30, wend downstairs, made a tea and put some toast on. Doug shortly followed. We were planning to go to Browns (a popular cafe that the students go to, and where i had the most AMAZING breakfast with my friend Haydn the day before, and all for under £5!!!) for breakfast but that totally failed....we sat outside for at least an 1 1/2hrs, just talking (i swear thats all we do, like yesterday for example, 2hrs gone while chatting and throwing a random ball back and forth to each other..) So having missed breakfast, we got ready and set off around 12pm. We decided we'd be super cool and walk to town through the 2 mile meadow. So Cath showed us the way via a scribbly map and we set off. After the first 100m or so we were a bit confused and staring at a piece of we walked around the flooding and finally made it to the river which would take us into the city centre!
It took AGES, and we were both STARVING by the time we got into town. Randomly we came upon Oxford Castle (which was actually *according to Tom* a watch tower) had lunch at the cafe and look to see how much it cost to get in... £7 was out of our budget, so we got a squished penny each and left.
Primark was our next destination. Finally got Doug to buy some shirts and bought my self a really cool colourful skeleton shirt...ahh why Primark, why? Its too cheap to imagine, seriously people just google it and be amazed and saddened that we don't have it ='(

From Primark we had a look at the entrance to one of the colleges which cost £2 to get in (we didn't go as Harry Potter WASN'T filmed there, so in other words pointless) and posted a package for me. My two extremely heavy packs are becoming lighter!
We made our way to Christ Church (where HP was actually filmed! *you can tell whos a fan can't you?*) but that cost £6 to get in...well no thankyou, that money would rather have been spent on apple pie and tea! Which it soon was.

After our break we made our way home as it was about 3.30 and we were invited to dinner at Tom's sister's house, and we were walking..... Thinking we had time, we stopped and had an explore through the Science History Museum, which was actually really interesting, there were tons of sundials and globes (one infact which showed the heavens as well as the earth with its continents! *it has an outer shell which had the heavens inside*) and we also saw some really old cameras, which fascinated me personally as my dads really into photography and it reminded me of reading all his history books of photography...=D

Finally at around 4pm we headed down Wood Stock road, which is an EPICALLY long road, to make our way back to Cath and Tom's. Well thinking an hour was enough to get home in, it wasn't. Well it was as we walked quite quickly and didn't stop, but boy was it tiring, and HOT. Supposedly it got to 28 today, i don't think so, 25 max maybe, but not 28.... Finally we returned all sweaty and hot, my feet blistered from my flats and so dirty they were not fit for carpet....We are also each a tad sun burnt, even though we lathered up this morning with sunscreen...damn reapplication -_-

Around 7pm we walked to Tom's sister's house where we were having dinner. She has 3 boys, Josh, Billy and Felix and a baby girl named May. They're all really nice children and their friend Hayden was around too (she's a girl btw, and all the adults think she and Josh have a thing for each other, or will...teehee) and she was basically distracting baby May.
For dinner we had this amazing fish pie, which had egg and potato in it, with great salads and lots of olives and bread, with a lime and chocolate cheese cake which Cath had made for pudding, served with vanilla ice cream and summer berries. Just remembering makes my mouth water, it was a truly great meal. After dinner the kids were sent to bed (it was like 9.30/10 by this stage) and the adults stayed out talking while the sun slowly set. We had some really weird conversations, where the invention of the Shlama was discussed (a lama and a sheep crossed)
After getting eaten alive by midges (not me funnily enough...unless they're waiting for tomorrow....) we all headed inside.
It was about 11pm by the time Me, Doug, Cath, Tom and Rita (their black Labrador)headed home.

Cath and Tom headed to bed, while i started this and Yoshi's head was finally connected back to his body after weeks of being headless. Good night.

Well- there you have it. I will read it AFTER its been posted. My input: I am sunburnt :(

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Part 98: Oxford

G'day readers!

I am currently watching Coraline with Louisa and am kinda only blogging because I didn't yesterday and know that I will recieve complaints from some if I don't do one. That said, sorry I didn't do a blog yesterday, after a 13 hour bus trip from Glasgow via London, I was so not in the mood and was exhausted but! I am here now. I got in at 9.15 and met Louisa and then Tom and Catherine came and picked us up. Hoorah!! First actual family for 4 months!! Makes me happy. What else makes me happy: Grenoble is the sister city of Oxford!!! OMGOMGOMG! Best. Ever. After a nice catch up chat and a weird movie Louisa wanted to watch I went to bed and chatted to Louisa for a while about primary school, t'was lol.

Anyway, this morning I woke up at 10.30 and then went downstairs. Where Louisa was watching TV and we sat around all morning just taking in our new surroundings, having breakfast, shower etc. We then watched another movie before, finally, making our way into Oxford 1.30...We are so relaxed about touring now its great! In the city we basically just chilled for a bit (literally, we got Ice cream-wee!) haha. Actually, the weather was amazingly perfect. So sunny and blue.

We went to go follow Louisas guide book that contains a walking tour, but instead got distracted by stuff on the way and then followed our own walking tour. WE saw some pretty cool stuff including the library were Harry Potter was filmed. If I were a HP fan I would be muched more amazed, I also would be much more amazed if one was actually allowed, a library that you cant go into. We then walked around some more and saw the door where the inspiration for the 'Narnia' series was created. It has two little Fawn things on it (Mr. Thomnas), a lion (Aslan) and also just behind it, is the lampost. Its pretty cool thinking thats where the idea came from.

After, we made it to the Natural History Museum which was pretty cool and there was a few things to see and do. T'was cool. There was a bunch a statues running around (I just said running..) and yea they were all famous scientists like Newton, Darwin and Aristotle. Yep. Oh and a beehive...I liked the bees for some reason.

Um, we made our way to the uni gardens somewhere, I cant tell you more than that because, well, I have no idea but yea it was great. Really big and we just found a patch of grass in the sunny shade, found a ball and played catch and talked for an hour and a bit people watching, the lot. Was quite nice. We then bused back home aaaaaaaaaand then sat outside with tea. Eventually Catherine got home andjoined us, later Tom did too. It was nice sitting in the sun outside with them and chatting about whatever sprang to mind. We had wine, snacks and dinner and it was fun- its good being with family.

I think that sums up my day, was a good one but now I am gonna watch Caroline. Blogfail.

Au revoirr (sister cities winwinwinwin)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Part 97: Today

Really quick, I have to be up at 6am tomorrow and its now 12.02am. Win. I blame Jilly.

Now, this morning, I got woken up at 6am and had to take Louisa to the bus station in Glasgow leaving at 7.15. Death. I grumped around and had a shower then took the train in carrying her stuff for her. We walked to the bus place where Ihave to go tomorrow and then bummed around waiting for the bus. Eventually (8.30) she left and I literally said 'see you tomorrow' then walked back to the train and went home. Good times.

Back in Netherlee I nearly fell back asleep but didn't. I wasted time, then webcammed with my mother which was good because she got to talk to Jilly, Sally and AJ. Then I talked to Tam on Webcam. Then I... I dont konw. OH! I got DVD's from Poppa (thank you!!!!) which I watched. It was Lachlans 21st videos. It was awesome to watch and see what happened. Jilly then took Sally, AJ and I out to lunch then we did some grocery shopping. T'was nice. Then the rest of the day was organising tomorrow and doing this and that wasting time.

Thats about it. OH!!! AND I FINISHED SMALLVILLE UP TO DATE! Its the end of an era... haha. There is a new series starting later this year so I will have to wait a few months for it. Bugger. I dont want to say anything opinion-wise just in case Carole still reads this so I'll just say this ... I want MOARRRR. Yea.

Okay! Thats it. Oxford tomorrow (after a 13 hour journey including two bus trips...)


Part 96: Yesterday

All my troubles seemed so far away! (I hope thats right, I dont really know!)

Right, so I failed at blogging yesterday due to extreme grumpyness and fatigue. I thought I best do the blog when I was in a more positive mood so here goes:

Today (Oh, and I am pretending I wrote it yesterday too...) I woke up after a lovely sleep in and lay in bed thinking about my plans for the day and how it was going to all work. My goals where to: watch Smallville, take Louisa and Sally into Glasgow to meet Jilly by 12, lunch, get back, chill. I wanted to watch Smallville before I left however it was proving to be a difficult task as Louisa wanted to 'check her facebook quickly' but then stayed on for like an hour talking to be on MSN to her friend. Fail. In this time I did have a shower and breakfast and that stared at Louisa until she felt uncomfortable and got off. Good system. By now it was 10:30 (did I say sleep-in before? I got up at like 8 because I was coughing...LIES) and our train was at 11.45 this gave me enough time to watch Smallville and walk down to the station. Purrr-fection. Miaow. RANDOM.

So, I sat and watched an episode of Smallville happy and relaxed as one should be and when it finished (epic) I got up and happily said it was time to go. Little did I know that Louisa wasn't ready yet. After some glaring, Louisa did the last few things she had to do and the three of us were off and running to the station. We made it just in the nick of time, like the second we jumped on the train took off. Phew. The trainride was good and Sally was excited to be going somewhere too.

When we got into the city, we were hungry so we made it to George Square, where the festival that we were meeting Jilly at (will explain) was held, then made our way to an italian restaurant on the corner about 10 seconds away. It was good fun and the service was... great. We also got a free wordsearch to do and the three of us worked at it the entire time. IT was epic. Unfortunately the word chocolate wasn't there and so we failed. Still, we had pizza then Sally had an ice cream and it was a fun lunch. Win.

After lunch the concert thingi was about to start. You see, Jilly is an avid Motor cyclist and there was a fundraising thing for Macmillan Cancer Research where women bike ride all over Scotland raising money for the organisation. Its a really nice thing and at the end, they book out George Square for a celebration with live music and foam gloves, the lot. Louisa, Sally and I sat and watched some awesome live music then watched the bikers come into Glasgow. Then we met Jilly and talked to her for a while. Then there was a beautiful moment in time when they released a lot of balloons into the air. All the balloons had a note from each of the riders to a person they had lost to cancer and at the same time there was a live, beautiful rendition of somewhere over the rainbow and so it was just.. I dont know, powerful because these women had just rode 550miles for cancer support all because they lost someone to cancer. It was really nice.

Pic, Jilly on her bike :D

Anyway, we left the square soon after some more music and awesome dancers etc. then toured the city for a bit, which was fun. I love Glasgow its so easy to navigate around and theres always awesome street performers and stuff to look at. Its cool. Then we caught the train back into town, bought some beer then met Jilly once again back at home and then had some beer on the deck in the sun. It was a good system. After, I booked stuff for Oxford and London tomorrow and then got grumpy and didn't write blog.

Okay, Month Summary (I really dont know why I do these):

Week 1 (1st-8th)
  • Went on a long walk in the Alps (Fraaaaance D:)
  • Got my picture taken for a French Newspaper
  • Had my French going away party (Fraaaaaance)
  • Left France (Fraaaance) and made it Germany
  • Went to 4 different countries in one day, going overseas twice.
  • Re-met Jette and all her family
  • Went on a bike ride around Ellerau
  • Went to Hamburg and toured with Jette
  • Went to a Harbour Party, saw Queen Mary 2, watched epic fireworks by the water and drank a shot called 'to fuck' Win.

Week 2 (9th-15th)

  • Worked in a German Flea-market
  • Travelled to Lubeck, the Marzipan central of the world
  • Reached 100 days
  • Went to various museums including the awesome Miniatur Wunderland
  • Toured Hamburg like a full on tourist
  • Rode 62km on a bike and got punched of my bike by a random. Death, the bruise is STILL there.
  • Took a bus over to Berlin
  • Stayed in a hostel and did a free tour of Berlin seeing awesome things and learning amazing history

Week 3 (16th-22nd):

  • Went on a grafitti tour around Berlin which was epic.
  • Went to the History Museum of Berlin then that day, flew out to Glasgow.
  • Met up with Al and AJ at the airport then Jilly and Sally back at my new home in Netherlee.
  • Had my 19th Birthday
  • Got a new phone
  • Sat outside various nights drinking too much beer and enjoying the Scotland sun
  • Toured around Glasgow with Jilly
  • Realised my bloody camera bloody broke and it would cost way too much to fix.

Week 4 (23rd-31st)

  • Had an epic webcam with Mum, Lachlan and Tor t'was fun.
  • Louisa came to Scotland and stayed with me.
  • Had some cool convos with Al and Louisa
  • Went to Glasgow a lot.
  • Got sick =-=
  • Went all around the highlands
  • Didn't see Nessie but saw Loch Ness.
  • Organised Oxford (but you know all this)

And that was it. That was an epic months. I went to: France, Switzerland, England, Germany and Scotland. Win.
