Friday, April 30, 2010

Part 69: Lol...69

Yes, I am a mature one!

I am still feeling a little bit sick today with the sore eyes and such, but I did go to the doctors this morning and they said I was fine after a quick check up, so you know, what can I do but hope its gone by tomorrow?

I woke up at around 9 and talked to Mum on webcam for a bit before going downstairs and requesting a trip to the Docs. I was meant to be meeting Maria in Saint Hilaire today at 11 but I figured I might as well get the doctor business out of the way. So at 10.30 Carole dropped me off and I waited like an hour in the stupid waiting room for the three, THREE people in front of me. It was ridiculous. I eventually did go in and she checked my reflexes, blood pressure and breathing- what that has to do with hitting your head I dont know- but she gave the all clear stating I have 'amazing reflexes' so you know, nothing to respond to that. She said take some paracetamol for the headaches and it'll be fine. Heres hoping.

I finally could leave the doctors at like 11.30 and then I drove myself over to the Funiculaire and then met Maria on the top at 12.30ish or something like that. We made our way back to her house which was cool becuase I got see how she was living and see what her place was like. Its a nice place and has three stories like mine, but I think mine is a little bit bigger, I dunno. They have an amazing view from their window which is cool too.

We started off with some nuts and just chatted about our lives doing the big catch up after 2-3 weeks having not seen each other, both of us had a lot to tell so it was good. We then made omelette, well, Maria made omelett and I stood there. It was good Omelett. After lunch we had this awesome dessert that Maria made which she hadn't had since she was little. It was a cake that her grandma (or Yaya, as the greeks say -Maria is Greek like I am Scottish) used to make before she passed away and Maria finally got a recipe for it and was trying it for the first time- it was really nice. Cheers.

We then chatted some more and cleaned up a little bit then we decided we would watch a movie because it was raining outside and not very exciting looking. We watched 'Amelie' now for my third time and yet, it doesn't get old. We were going to watch it in French with the French subtitles but the subs werent working properly and we had to use English ones which kinda sucked, but oh well. We did talk throughout the film as well. Marias family came home too, which was cool meeting some of them, whom I had heard a bit about. They seem really nice and even gave me a lift back to the Funiculaire. Good times. After a 'goodbye, I'll see you in either a few months or a few years, stay safe' to Maria I got on the train and then wished I was back at Saint Marie and didn't have to drive because I totally could not be bothered and I wasn't feeling all the smashing in my tummy or head.

I got back, watched some of the Hannah Montana movie, some of Braveheart, got Tim ready for bed and then had Tea which was the wonderful word I hate more than any other, quiche (I hate the word, not the food). Yep, then Carole and Fanny rushed out to a play which I decided to give a miss because I really am not feeling all the great atm and so I stayed and takled to Benoit and Bastien for a bit but then went in my room and tried not to fall asleep. Good. Times.

I should totally point out here that Fanny said to Carole, who told me that she 'wished the other volcano would erupt so that the airplanes wouldn't work and he (Me) could stay longer' - that makes me smile. I almost wish that too, but in the same breath - Germany + Jette should be fun. Hmm. Still its nice to know that at least one Beylier will miss me :D

So thats my life story for the final day of April which thus would mean I have to do the whole...summary of the month. Damnit I completely forgot. I could wait until I leave the Beyliers and do a summary of my trip and that, but that would totally ruin the pattern. Last day of the month = Summary so here goes:

Week 1 (April 1st-7th)
  • Had my last uni course and got to know Kyra
  • Went to Grenoble with Maria and saw Alice in Wonderland
  • Went to Paris thus meeting Louisa for the first time in 6 years and Alex
  • Versailles as well
  • Scaled the Eiffel tower - something I've wanted to do for a looong time. Win.
  • Yea all the other Paris touristy stuff, it was golden.
  • The SNCF strike began

Week 2 (8th-15th)

  • Came back home and had Louisa with me
  • Showed Louisa around town
  • Funiculaired for the first time
  • Saw the Chateau de Touvet
  • Watched more movies than I care to count
  • Toured around Grenoble three times in one week because Louisa couldnt get to he next desitnation thanks to the strike
  • Oh the Beyliers left me for Dubai.
  • Translated Lachlans present
  • Saw a baby bumble bee
  • Meet the Saint Marie family and ate pig foot

Week 3 (16-23rd)

  • Finished translating
  • Toured around Lancey and the combs du lancey
  • Learnt of the Volcano in Iceland
  • Went to a fete in Grenoble and walked in to glass walls
  • Went to Aix-Les-Bains with Anke and Fredericke
  • Had Louisa back over
  • Went to Geneva and couched surfed with Jerison for a few days
  • Meet some amazing people in the party there
  • Got stuck in Geneva and stayed an extra night thanks to the strike
  • Visted Annecy

Week 4 (24-30)

  • Missed Lachlans 21st but had a drink for him
  • The Beyliers got back - late grace to the Volcano
  • Created a new plan for the next few years
  • Went to go skiing but went swimming outdoors instead
  • Went to the Crolles market- in snow gear
  • Helped Carole with the Bibliobus
  • Cleaned most of the house
  • Hit my friggen head, I am so mad about this
  • Fell in love with the song 'Letters'
  • Went to Grand Place for the last time
  • Went to Super U for the last time
  • Said goodbye to Maria
  • Toured Saint Marie and took some final photos
  • Played tennis with Carole and lost
  • I dunno, just hung out with the Beyliers and yea...

I think I might leave the things I've learnt and stuff till after I have left.. this blog is ridiculously long.


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