Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Part 61: Exploration Fail

First off- Jerison, if you're reading this apologies!! To let you know, Jerison is from Singapore not China so... yes.. :) hehe. (I changed the prev. blog)

So, today I woke up at like 7 for some stupid reason and sat around in until Louisa woke up at like 9 so I could grab my charger for my laptop and do yesterdays blog. I then got up had a shower and then went upstairs while Louisa had hers and talked to Davida whose room we stole because he was away for the night. He was just in this morning to pick some stuff up but then he was all 'you want coffee?' and I was all... 'sure' so then coffee was had. It was good coffee too. Davida is Italian (I dont know if I mentioned this already) and he makes awesome coffee Italian style and it was gooooood coffee. It was cool to chat to him as well about whatever we talked about. He is doing his PHD in law, I think, and also is an intern for the UN and does things like that. Its pretty cool. He also wants to get into Ultimate Frisbee, so I gave him pointers having played it a few times and knowing how it works. It was funny. Eventually Louisa came up and we chatted a little more until about 11.3o when we decided we probably should actually go and do something.

We left and trammed in to the centre of the city then walked up to the train station where I went to buy my return ticket (which I stupidly didn't buy before...theres a story to that though) only to be told that because of this bloody strike which I am really just over there are no trains to Grenoble or Chambery and yea I have to to bloody Lyon and risk getting a train from there even though they said they may not be running, and if they're not? Then what? Stranded in Lyon... yipee... I did ask if needs be, I could stay here an extra night, it was a yes so I will see what I'll be doing tomorrow. ******** strike.

We then went and got lunch at this little cafe thing out of tourists way and then made our way to all the main tourists spots... Yea. The weather was really cloudy today so it made it a bit disappointing compared to last time but you know, its still good. Eventually around 3.30ish Louisa and I were a bit stuck on things to do so we called Jerison who then met us at his place and then took us for a random walk around Genevas side parts. It was good being not so touristy really. I mean, touristy but not touristy touristy. We ended up walking to this school park thing and then sat and talked for a while and then walked down to this other Annecy-like old town part of Geneva. It was cool but poor Louisa wasn't feeling well so we bought her drugs too. Eventually we went and got dinner as well which was Chinese (not singaporean!) food. T'was good.

Jerison then offski'd to dance class and me and Louisa pondered around the street of the more know old town and then sat at a fountain for a while until making our way back to Jerisons dance place at like 8.15 only to be told he was at school because dance finished early. We trammed up to his school and spent like an hour and a half listening to him and his nephew play around on the piano and trumpet, they sounded good together but they are both a bit stressed out with their music at the moment and thus kept getting annoyed over little mistakes. I even had a go on the piano and was woeful... compared to Jerison AND compared to how I used to play (but more in comparison to Jerison)

Eventually we made it back home by walking there and stopping for ice cream and a park tour (and Louisa got Maccas) on the way, it was a good walk and pretty fun, but they were being mean to me fo my lack of fish eatingness and apparent lack in height... which isnt even apparent as I am taller than Louisa and Jerod so bah! =-=* Back here we kinda said hello to Kasper who was on his lappy then went back down to our room and typed blog...yep

Exploration fail... I dont actually know what that means, I just dont think we used our time as well as we could to explore the town, but that doesnt mean we didnt have an ace day, just a lazyish one :)

Oh yea and we totes went on a boat today.

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