Monday, April 26, 2010

Part 65: No Reason

Damnit! I was going to do a comic strip for todays blog but totally forgot- tomorrow maybe. Mannn...

Today I woke up and chilled around in my room till 11.30. Wasting time? Perhaps. It was good though because I spoke with the mother and the sister (who in turn got me into communitychannel, but I'll get to this) and also the amazing Tam Do (NB: I called Tam amazing and not my mum and sister. This is not to say that my Mother and Sister aren't amazing, its just to say that Tam is and it is worth pointing out at this point in time... Not that its not worth pointing out that my mother and sister are amazing as well, its just that if I called them amazing followed by the Tam in the same sentence, it would make me look like i only know that one positive adjective and thus lead to conclusions that I have a low vocabulary. This is not the case. Although my vocabulary isn't the most expansive, it is, in fact, more than just the word 'Amazing' - just putting it out there.... cephelopod) It was a good morning, but I did annoy mum a little bit because I was whinging. I also got to see Lachlans prodigous 21st video (thesaurus' for the win!)

After conversations and a shower, I went down stairs only to realise that Carole had actually been out all morning grocery shopping, I am quite observant. I helped her bring in the shopping bags and then pack away all the food and such before she sat sown to have lunch. Having just brushed my teeth I wasn't exactly hungry so I just sat and enjoyed a chat. It was then decided that I was to go with Carole to the local library where she was going to help pick some books from the bibliobus. The Bibliobus is a bus which comes to libraries and delivers books. There is just a large amount in this portable library in which you select the ones you would like to stock the library. I had no idea which ones were good, and neither did anyone else really, so we all found our own reasons to select the ones we did. My reasonings were: Nice cover, had English words on it or in one case, was written by some one who was called Douglas. I chose well, I believe.

After a while of hanging out there and standing struggling to understand the rapid conversations around me, Carole and I left when our duties were fulfilled. Upon arriving home, I began to clean the house. I mean, clean as in like dust, vaccum, mop - the works. This came up in the Lunch conversation. Sophie, the housecleaner, has resigned for personal reasons so I filled in her role today after offering- Why? I have no idea. After about a while I finished the majority of the house (I will finish tomorrow...) I stopped and then spent the afternoon playing with the kids. I talked about Farmville to Bastien, Drew with Tim and then the three kids and I played out side with a paper airplane and then with the helicopter. It was quite funny at one point, the Paper Airplane got caught behind the couch and Tim yelled 'I'll get it!!' (in French) and sprinted to get it but went to fast and smashed his face into the wall and got a blood nose. It wasn't funny at first but the little tacker didn't cry and then laughed at himself, taking it in good spirit and then, when remembering what he did, it became funny... Yes.

Later the frents (French rents) came home and then after watching some youtube - communitychannel which is not bad (She is an Australian girl going on about whatever she feels like and she can be quite funny - especially her staring one, I laughed out loud [or as some say I 'L.O.L'd' or even 'lawled'] at that one.) - I had dinner and then tidied up came upstairs and watched an ep of Smallville... which I can't even mention now because some people (not mentioning names) who read my blog are watching Smallville and are behind and I can't ruin it for them *cough cough CAROLE cough* :P)

As my sign off, I'll quote Natalie Tran (creator of Communitychannel):

Definetly, thats embarrassing. Retreat! Abort mission!!

Okay, so I been watching more Nat Tran and her video 'Sliding Escapes and POWERboards' had me in tears because its so stupid and it reminded me of Ellen...I was just saying incase anyone was interested in checking it out, thats my favorite now... Really.. I have no idea why I added this...

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