Sunday, April 11, 2010

Part 53: Funny Trains and Castles

So, I am in a hurry tonight- sorry- because its 12.30 and tomorrow I am up at seven so we can go to Annecy for the day... sigh...early mornings.

Today was a pretty great day all up, we did a fair bit that I hadn't done in my local area. We got up at around 8 but then sawdleed our way through the morning by accident, we had intentions of being on the road at 9.30 and ended up leaving at around 11... nice... This meant we missed the weekly market in Crolles, bugger but we did make it in time to the 11.30 Funiculaire train trip from just out of Lumbin up to Saint-Hilaire du Touvet. I'll explain: I took the car and drove out for about 25 minutes through a few towns until we reached the town just after Lumbin (which I have been to and mentioned in a previous blog) We found a park and then went up to the little station thing and bought a ticket for the next 'Funiculaire' Train up to the town in the mountains Saint-Hilaire (also, previously mentioned - I did a night walk here a while back)
(In the image, I am totes doing the peace sign, but because the camera is behind me it doesnt look like it and I cannot be bothered changing the photo... sorry!)

The train trip was pretty cool, but very very steep. Unfortunately, the mountains where still a bit misty so the views were a bit stunted. Oh well, still very pretty all the same and some laughs and jokes were shared. When we got to the top we toured around Saint-Hilaire and we ate our packed lunch before I texted Maria (who lives in Saint-Hilaire) and let her know where I was. She too, had a friend with her so the 4 of us went out for coffee and explained our recent adventures for about an hour.

When we said our goodbyes Louisa and I took the train back down to Lumbin then I drove us to Touvet (and OH! there was someone who broke down on the road or something and then there were cops everywhere and people tooting and being scary and I didnt know what to do and I was scared the police would get angry at me and arghh! Worst moment ever!) where there is a castle that I hadnt been too. We checked it out but didnt go in, we just went to the gardens which were very beautiful and tranquille. We sat arounda and took photos until we got hungry and left at around 4.30.

Back at home we had toasted cheese, salami, egg and ketchup sandwhiches outside in the now clear and glorious weather then watched Narnia because we could... and waste the weather -yes! Then we... I dont know we organised some stuff for tomorrow and I went off and worked on my project while Louisa played on facebook and we chatted and stuff. Then we watched You, Me and Irene with Jim Carey... it was okay, but I was projecting thus not watching :) good system...

Now we are going to sleeeeeeep, well Louisa already has, me I remembered BLOG and was all 'My fans will miss meee!!'

Annecy tomorrrowww :D :D

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