Saturday, April 10, 2010

Part 52: A Day of Lazy

Okay, so I was incredibly lazy today with Louisa we kinda just bummed around... It was good. I was planning on getting up in time to say 'au revoir' to the Beyliers at 5.30am but you know.. phone died and no alarm = no getting up early for me. Instead, I woke up around 9ish got up and typed the final blog of Paris whilst waiting for Louisa to get up.

At 10ish Louisa popped up stairs and we went and had breakfast, croissants with Jam. Tres French. We then talked for a while until 11 when I got up and talked to the Parents in Australia for a good hour or so. It was goo to talk to them for the first time in a longish time. We both discussed our weeks adventures, me in Paris, Mum doing relay for life and Dad working in Perth. Quite odd. Yea... It was a nice convo though.

Eventually my exhausted Australians went off to relax and bum around.. It was such a good idea, me and Louisa did the same. We watched the Da Vinci Code which was AWESOME because in the Paris parts, we were pointing out all the places we had visited and seen and were like JUST THERE IS WHERE I DID THIS AND JUST THERE IS THIS THING AROUND THE CORNER omg. It was the best feeling. So cool. SO cool. I cant wait to see more and be able to do this to more and more films. So cool. We also had lunch halfway through the film - more toasted cheese sandwhiches which were amazing. We're great chefs.

After (like 4pmish) we had showers, we talked then I drove (omg. I drove without Carole. In Europe. Without freaking out. I was quite chuffed with myself actually!) us to the supermarket to buy more yogurt and other stuff which I dont recall then I drove back (Driving :D) Then we sat around again discussing what to do tonight. We ended up sitting around for a while until we went out to the Saint Marie d'Alloix pub which I hadnt been to before and had hamburger and chips with revolting beer. It was nice haha. Then we came back and watched some other stupid movie. We were going to go out to a thing in the Touvet but you know... Lazy!

Tomorrow, we're getting up at 8.30 to go to Markets in a nearish by town and also to tour the Mountains which Louisa hasnt done yet. Monday we're going to Annecy. No more lazy :)

Thats all!

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