Sunday, April 25, 2010

Part 64: Ski or Swim?

Before I start: will you still love me, when I am 64? - Welcome to blog number sixty four, unfortunately, its not a musical blog... I just couldn't resist that little reference.
So today was such a nice day, laid back (for me...) so it was good. The Beyliers are back now, they arrived at 10.30ish last night and can I add, it was great to see them, even if they were all tres tired after their extended holiday and immense trip home, but that is their story, not mine! Haha.

So, this morning I woke up at 8.30 and Bastien ran into my room saying we were going skiing at 9.30. I was immensely confused, I mean, I was aware that we were possibly going skiing today, but looking out the window at the incredible sunlight and the lack of snow anywhere, I wasn't sure how it was going to work. The Beyliers, crazily, were all up and ready and not sleeping in like I was expecting so it was up to me to rush and get ready so as to not hold everyone else up. Hit 9.30 we were in the car, ready to roll.

We arrived at the 'Sept Laux' and I was amazed at how different it looked...without any snow at all. It was so sunny and greenish I probably wouldn't have recognized it, if not for the previous knowledge and..well.. the big signs everywhere, kinda helped. The Ski Station had closed just today. It was open yesterday so, yea. It was a bit of a bugger because it would have been my last ski in France for a long time at the least and the first time that I would have ski'd with all the Beyliers at once! No luck today though (shoulda worn my lucky underpants...) so we got back in the car and drove to Crolles for the market that Louisa and I missed last weekend.

It was quite funny being there as we were all still in our snow gear in the beautiful sunny weather. I felt like such a head turner, but alas, not in a good way. I did notice a few odd reactions but it was fun. We pondered the markets for.. I dunno, 20 minutes just looking at the stalls and then we left having bought some strawberries and olives. Bargain.

The rest of the day was spent at home. Me, I played with the kids doing and they showed me all the Dubai photos they took. They took a lot, but they seemed to have had an amazing holiday! (OH!! I didnt mention they brought me back this awesome Dubai t-shirt which I am wearing right now and this incredible sand thing, which I might have to photograph and show you because its just cool, but hard to explain.) Seeing their photos was cool and hearing the kids re-tell stories was pretty funny too. After a while, we had lunch outside where it came very apparent that it was not winter anymore, it was hot (no Dubai, I'm sure but all hot all the same) So we moved the table in the shade and talked about whatever, holidays and Smallville probably- Old habits die hard?
-woo Space- This is the sand thing and my shirt...
Webcam doesn't do them justice :(

After more playing cards and Fanny getting a helicopter stuck in her hair (which, sorry Carole, was hilarious. I mean, Basiten got this new toy helicopter thing from dubai, it has an electric motor and a control and is pretty cool -oh he got it stuck on the roof of the house too earlier, Benoit got it down- so anyway, we were playing with that and then Basiten put it on my head, and then turned it on and the spinning made my hair go spikey. He then went up to Fanny and did the same [at this point I probably should have said something, but I didn't really think he would put it upsidedown...] anyway, he turned it on and the whole thing got caught all through her hair and we all just pissed ourselves laughing, Fanny included, it was so funny. She was just walking around with this stupid helicopter in her head... Thankgod we could get it out after much yanking...) sidetracked... story... Oh well, I think I was getting to the point that I went swimming.

The Beyliers have a pool, not sure if thats ever been pointed out, and because of the weather Tim and Benoit were swimming and invited me to join, I was all ptch I hate hot...ok! So grabbed my bathers and jumped in. It was so cold to start off with but got really nice later. Eventually Fanny came in to and was trying to attack me with bombs of the edge, so as older people do in these situations, I dunked her. A lot. A good time was had by all... But, By this time Benoit and Tim (and Bastien, who came, put his feet in, and left) were all lying on the side of the pool sunbathing and the splashing kept annoying them ... hehe...

After swimming I laid in the sun a bit too then went inside and did the nerd thing again and I dont know where the rest of the day went. I hung around with the kids some more, had tea and did dishes.. Thats all, I think :)

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