Saturday, April 10, 2010

Part 51c: The Epic Blog Of Paris (cont...)(cont...)

I think I am up to Thursday, which is the last day!

Before I explain Thursday though, I should mention that SNCF (the train system -not the metro- that will get me home!) had a strike between the 4-8th of April, whilst I was going to Paris and back. Strikes are so bloody common in France, I have already witnessed 2 major ones. Bah. Anyway! The strike affected 70% of the trains running and so Alex gave me a number to call the company and see if my train trip home was running but they didnt help me so I wasn't sure. (Secretly all day, I was praying that it would be canceled!) I should probably also mention that Louisa had planned to come back to Saint. Marie with me before moving on to her next part of the adventure. Unfortunately, Eurail has stuffed her over and her ticket didnt arrive so we were stuck there, not knowing how to get her here and because Alex was having his real kids over we had to scoot... It doesnt sound that bad, but that whole underlying drama of 'will we get home?' was just there all day.

So, we woke up this morning with the idea that we would be leaving at 5.49pm and thus leaving us time to do the Eiffel Tower and the Catacombs. We got up sorta late though, we kind of dawdled through the morning so by the time we were out of bed, dressed, breakfasted and caffienated training to the Eiffel tower I think it was around 11-11.30ish and then after an hour of lining up and a hot dog each, we finally had our ticket and were on our way to the top of the world.

So we made it up to the second floor where you have to change elevators to go to the third. We took photos and dawdled to the next elevator only to see another bloody queue, considering we'd paid for the ticket already, we joined and half an hour later we got in the elevator and were shot up to the top. The Elevators were pretty cool actually, I mean, them themselves weren't but the views were. and we were near the windows everytime. It was weird seeing the tower from these odd angles and looking at the cogworks and such, but kinda cool. The top was pretty awesome. I mean, the fact of where we were was just incredible, on top of the Eiffel Tower looking down over all of Paris, very cool. We walked around taking it in where we saw a guy serving champagne. He was awesome and posed for our photos and everything(yea... photos...)! Best. Friend. We bought a glass to share because it was so bloody expensive and we wanted the photos. Hehe. Eventually, we got cold and went back down. Top of the Tour Eiffel-check.

Next, Louisa wanted to check out the other Statue of Liberty (Yes, there is one in Paris if you are like me and oblivious to these things) So, we walked there. It wasnt toooo far it was just down the Seine a few bridges so we eventually got there, after a few dead ends and took some photos then left to the nearest metro to go home and get packed. It was now 3pm and we had stuff to do back at our place like organise getting home maybe? We were going to see the catacombs but we didnt have time because packing+getting to the station+organising Louisa+we wanted to take photos of the area we lived in = not enough time.

We got home packed up, bummed around and time flew by until it was decided that we catch the metro over to Gare de Lyon with all our stuff, even though Louisa still didnt have her Eurail pass and thus would have to pay for a ticket we werent even sure exsisted or if it did, you could buy. We got to the station and made our way to the help centre and there just sooo many people asking because of the stupid strike. We then went to the ticket booth and asked there. There was a train later but mine had been canceled. (Un)Fortunately I could still take that train but it was at 7.40 or something meaning the train would get to Grenoble well after any trains to Goncelin. I rang Carole and she said she'd pick me up (amazing woman). I then asked about Louisa and her Eurail. The guy said they couldnt do anything and so she had no option really, but to buy her ticket to Genoble. She couldnt stay with Alex long enough to wait for her Eurail and stuff so a sum of money later she had her ticket and we then sat and waited the 2 hours for our train. We bought tea and did some touring of the station but yea...

Eventually we got on the train and said 'au revoir' to Paris, but I know I'll get back there, I cant stay away forever! The train trip was long but good. We talked about music, I slept and Louisa read, perfection.

We got back, Carole drove us home said bonjour to Benoit explained bits of our trip until finally heading of to bed. Paris was all a blur and behind me. Shattered.

Anyway, Louisa is here now and it is Saturday we are both exhausted. We are having a movie night and such possibly going to some caravan party- dunno. Yesterday I toured Louisa around Saint-Marie by bike then we rode out to Le Touvet then came back home where we sat around till we had to pick up Tim. Tim was actually really happy to see me and was chatting away like crazy. It was cool. I also had a lunch in there somewhere with Carole and Fanny and that was good :) Then yea... we watched Chicago last night and yep.. thats about it...

:) I love Paris.

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