Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Part 56: I Saw A Baby Bumble Bee

Okay, so this morning I woke up and about 8.30 and went upstairs and saw Louisa on the conputer trying to find a way to get to Nice today. No luck, the strike was still going and neither of us were keen on driving into Grenoble only to more than likely not have a train and wait around all day being quite over the town so we just kinda sat awkwardly not sure what to do next... We decided to just leave it for the day and not worry about anything.

I had a shower and then came up and continued translating for a few hours while Louisa researched ways to get back for tomorrow or something and played on facebook. We also made crepes...well Louisa made crepes... and then had breakfast and went back to what we were doing. I finished another chapter and she was done what she was doing and possibly booked for a train tomorrow (we'll see, i guess)

We went and got ready for a bike ride which consisted of making a packed lunch, teeth brushing, Louisa showering and me doing facebook stuff and emailing the people I am meant to be staying with telling them whats going on. We then got our bikes out and rode away in the glorious weather. We went in the opposite direction as last time making our way to La Buissiere rather then La Touvet. We ended up going past La Buissiere and nearly making our way to Pontcharra when we saw a cool turn off which we went down and found amazing fields which thanks to spring had flowers and trees and where so pretty. We decided to have a picnic :) We initially sat in one field but after a farmer guy came along and was, not bothered that we were there, but driving a thing that got water everywhere so we left and went to the next field.

We sat down in the second feild, pulled out our lunch and ate. It was nice. There were lots of bees though and it freaked me out slightly until I saw a HUGE bee ( a bumble bee) THEY ARE HUGE. It was flying towards me and it scared the crap out of me. There were lots of them but I got over it and enjoyed the rest of my lunch. Besides bumblebees are kinda cute, I guess... We eventually left and rode back home. When we got back, we went to the supermarket, bought food for tea tonight then went back and sat outside for a few hours translating and Louisa was doing her travel journal. Then we watched Smallville - arghh.

Next had tea which was Pizza and left over pasta thennn we.. Oh thats now! We are watching the special features of Indiana Jones for some reason (Louisa - not me!) and I am typing this. I also researched flights to Germany again which I nearly booked, but not quite. I need to talk to the Rents. Soon. Like Preferably tomorrow at some point.

Okay, no French again I feel like I am getting dumber. Although, the translating is a great practice. I am too lazy to do the accents as well... hehe...



1 comment:

  1. Bonsoir D.
    C'est le professeur de la piano, Bronwen, mais ma francais n'est pas bon. OK. J'espere tu est bon. Comment le volcano de iceland. C'est dans France? Enough of my appalling French! Hope you are having a great time.
