Thursday, April 29, 2010

Part 68: 'Super U' I'll miss you, too.

G'day g'day,

This was my last Thursday in Saint Marie d'Alloix. That makes me sad. What else makes me sad is that there is something caught under my spacebar and thus, it isn't working properly. Stupid spacebar...hold on. Got it, I think.

So! This morning I woke up late and then was in my room working on a new project (so many projects going at once!) I was inside until about 12 when I got up and surprised Carole who forgot I was home. I then gathered all the stuff that I am sending home before I leave France and put them into a box before Carole and I went to Super U in Pontcharra (for the last time...ever. Hear that? Thats my heart breaking. No more French supermarkets) I was assigned the dduty of pushing the trolley around which I can assure you was riveting. Good times were had by all. Carole also bought a new outdoor table which is quite cool. Oh before that we also went to another shop and bought some stuff there too like coushins and stuff. Fact: My eyes are really sore.

Upon getting back home and loving the sun Carole and I went and went in the pool, well, I put my feet in. Carole only went right in to say that she did it at least once in April then she left and read a magazine whilst I enjoyed tapping my feet on the water and drawing patterns in the wood. I listened to music and phased out of all around me for a while- I swear I am getting vaguer and vaguer, it so has something to do with hitting my head... The next thing I recall was Carole going to pick up Tim and his friend.

When they got back Tim and his friend played madly whilst I talked to Carole and Fanny who had just arrived home. The two of them went up and got ready to take Fanny to Pony Club so I tidied up downstairs and in doing so, dropped a bottle of Apple Juice. A large, glass bottle which shattered and spilt juice everywhere. It wasn't fun to clean up and it took the whole time Carole was a way, in which I was meant to be looking after Tim and his friend who were outside on the trampoline. I think I cleaned up okay, the floor isnt sticky and I didn't cut myself walking around in bare feet so, we're in the clear.

Later I played with Basiten and his Helicopter, worked more on a project and basically wasted time until 6 when I had to go to English with Antoine. He is really getting better and remembering what I say, and I am getting better at making the lesson flow, unfortunately, I leave soon just when I am getting the hang of it.

Back home we had tea which was chicken and lentils then I watched an episode of this old superman video with Tim which was in English, so I translated for him, well tried. He understood I think. Fortunately there isn't a lot of talking but a lot of action, so it was easy for me and fun for him. Good times... good times. Mmy eyes really hurt and my brain isn't working so I might just skim the rest:

...Project, talking, thats it... yep.

Worst. Blog. Ever.

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