Sunday, April 18, 2010

Part 59: French?

Oh my God, so my French is shocking now. This was very evident today, even though today was a great day- props to Anke and Frederick for it, so lets explain. Oh, and sorry for my lack of blog yesterday I was kinda grumpy and blogging was not what I wanted to be doing -long story.

So! This morning I woke pretty content, I survived the night alone which is always good. I got up and seriously dawdled through the morning. I mean, it took me until 11.30 to get up and have a shower...I did talk to Mum for a while on webcam and I watched some Smallville but I figured 11.30 was getting a bit ridiculous and at 12.30 I was going out for lunch.

I left the house at 12.30 after some shocking piano and arrived at Anke/Frederickes house. We talked for a while and then we had lunch which was something that was a family recipe on Frederickes side. It is like a crepe with mushroom and ham inside with cheese melted all over it, it was realllly nice. I liked it :D Oh and we had an entre which was melon and ham which was good too. After we had tira misu for dessert and sat organising what we were going to do for the rest of the day, Louisa was coming today as well but not until 7.30 so it was nice to do something to fill in the day in such a nice way.

We drove out to Aix-Les-Bains in the end which is just north of Chambery, about 10 minutes out. There, is the biggest naturel lake in France Lac Bourget which is I think 18km long and 3km wide. It was really pretty and the area was great. Oh and the weather, gah... so nice. Very sunny and nearly hot. It was perfect. We ended up walking down the lake and chatting in mainly English. I tried french today but I couldnt piece many decent sentences Stupid. Brain. Anyway, all the same it was nice. We saw lots of people roller blading as well...its so cool...

After, we drove around and got a drink then we left and they dropped me back home. It was really cool. Good times, good times. They also called me later to see if I needed help getting Louisa back from Grenoble tonight, who had rung and said she wont be getting in until 9, after all the trains. Good people. It was so nice - and needed as I wasnt so keen on driving into Grenoble at night, on my own, with limited petrol. So after arriving home at about 6.45-7ish and bumming around, I left again at 8.30 with Fredericke and picked up Louisa from Grenoble station and we drove back to SMd'A chatting away about our last few days. T'was good.

Now, we are watching bloody The Lion King 2... yes.. Louisa... =.=*Anyway... its good to see Lions have nightmares too.

Um.. I had a photo I wanted to add today of Anke and Fredericke but my camera is downstairs and I am sitting down... hehe. Okay, byebye all :D

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