Monday, April 19, 2010

Part 60: Multilingual

So sorry for not blogging last night I didnt get to bed until about 1.30ish and I was tired and didn't know how to set up internet. Anyway... Yesterday was pretty cool:

I woke up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy so went and watched Smallville whilst eating breakfast with Louisa as one does when feeling like that. Then me and Louisa got ready, tidied up and watched the end of Lion King 2 -Worst movie- before rolling up at Goncelin station at around 12.15. The train that was going to take us to our connection to Annecy was canceled because of the stupid strike so we ended up winging it and going into Chambery because there was a train.

We got to Chambery and walked around until we found the ticket area and then bought my ticket into Geneva which had a one hour and a half hour stop in Annecy - perfect. We had an hour before the train left so we went and got lunch and this random American guy came up to us and was all 'Are you American??' 'No, Australian' 'Oh..I thought I heard and American accent' *leaves* it was odd. Thankfully when he left we were no longer harrassed by crazed Americans for the rest of the day.

We got back onto a train which would take us to Annecy. The train was awesome it had compartments like in Harry Potter- okay not THAT awesome but pretty mad all the same. Louisa and I had one all to ourselves (probably because we spread all our stuff everywhere so no one wanted to sit with us, hehe) So eventually after dozing off, listening to music and staring at the mountains fly around us we arrived in Annecy where we had an hour to kill. We had a drink then walked around the old town area which was just so pretty and nice and there were so many rivers and stuff everywhere, it was great. We did have to rotate touring the town though because all the bags was a nightmare. First I toured around then came back and sat with the bags an people watched until Louisa came back and eventually we made it back to the bus that would take us into Geneva and bloody hell it was boiling. I mean, sooo hot. So we stripped off our jackets and prayed that when the bus started the Air con would come on... it did eventually but not after a bit into our trip.

Finally!! at 6.30 we arrived in Geneva and then caught a tram to the station where we met Jerison, out host for the next two nights. He is a music student studying Piano and the music university here off a scholarship, he is 26, originally from Singapore but he can speak English, French, German, Cantonese, Mandarin and Japanese as well- each perfectly. He has a concert thing today so he was going to Uni to practice and said we should go with him and dump our stuff so we could make our own way to the old town of Geneva, which I have obviously done before if you recall, so I was touring Louisa around. We got to his uni and listened to him play a Sonata by Beethoven which was really nice, until halfway he stopped and was like 'Damnit! and yea.. the rest is like that' it was lol. So we dumped our stuff then walked around Old Town which was a few tramstops down and had tea as well before meeting him again at 9.30. We met his Nephew Jerod who is from Singapore. He took us to the place we where staying where there was about 20 people just sitting around talking. Each of them kinda said hello to us, or bonjour or gutentag or bongiorrno. This place is crazy. We met the 6 who are actually residences of this place all of which are about 24-26ish and all of which speak about 3-4 languages and like to show it off- but I'll get to that.

So, We dumped our stuff in Davida's (spelling??) room because he was going out for the next two nights so he left it to us. He showed us the ropes and then Jerod took me and Louisa out for a drink at a bar nearby. We chatted for about and hour and a half getting to know each other a bit until we made it back to the house around 11.30 and there were still so many people. Casper, one of the residences, German, invited us to go sit upstairs with everyone so we sat and hung out with the group for ages. It was amaazing listening to their conversations because I could only understand like a quarter of it. They would start in French, then two would speak German, so everyone woul change to German, then someone would point out that they need to speak English, so they would switch but then two would speak Italian and then the cycle would continue. I didn't care I didn't understand, listening to that was just incredibly cool. The house is so international. They started giving Austrian beer as well because there was an Austrian here and was all, its good, try it. It was actually sweet (sugar sweet not cool sweet). I mean... it was weird but I guess not bad anyway. So we stayed up talking until everyone had to go to bed as they had uni or work or something on tomorrow so they all left until it was just Louisa, Jerison, Jerod and Toby, another German sitting around for a while until Toby went home and Louisa went to bed. We talked about Music for a while until they got technical and so I was all...Goodnight...

I slept pretty well, but I had only one pillow so it was kinda uncomfortable. I lived though. So today we're trying to work out what we want to do, I guess you'll find out soon, ey?

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