Saturday, April 24, 2010

Part 63: I'm Your Biggest Fan

Wow, few days sans blogging, miss me?! Of course you did... haha, so let me start by saying: Happy 21st Lachlan. I hope you had an amazing day and an even better party. That is my number one regret of chosing this time to leave, missing that important day, but I'm sure you had a great time- even with my absence. You better have bloody mentioned me though at least once, or there'll be hell to pay when I get back, bro.

Having that out of the way, I should probably get into the blog side of this blog. I would bore you with details of my last few days, but really its quite uneccessary, I'll just to a quick catch up. So, I had my extra day in Switzerland as you all know and that night I fell asleep latish on their couch because people were awake and talking but I was soo tired I eventually faded off. The next morning, got up early booked a train trip and then 9hours later was home. I basically was dead that night so I just went ka-plunk and was knocked out pretty early.

Yesterday wasn't much to rant about either, I was still tired and was stoked that I had the day to myself to do whatever. I basically spent it chillaxing, pianoing (hehe, I totes learnt how to cover Lady Gaga and her Paparazzi song...why? cause the chords where really easy, may youtube it...maybe. I hope the title makes sense now, too) and doing nothing. It was quite similar to today, except I think I takled to mum and dad on MSN webcam yesterday... yes, it was yesterday it was good to talk to the two of them and also get some credit for my Australian phone, its time to start getting right into this whole Germany thing, I'll message Jette off it tomorrow.

Today, nothing much happened, the Beyliers are supposedly coming back today at some point, its now 9.19 and they're not here but I knew they'd be back at night so I spent a bit of today just doing a quick tidy up. The house wasn't actually that messy but it just needed a few things put away and a load of washing needed to be done too. I also worked on my project and went on a bike ride today. The weather was quite nice so it was an enjoyable ride... I made crepes for lunch too, I like crepes haha.

Really, thats it... nothing to report, just figured I'd check in and let you know I am a-okay and um... what else can I add. Nothing.

Oh, I have a plan!! I can tell you my plan! Okay, so, I am basically planning on doing the rest of my travels like I said originally, but staying until September now. I'll leave around then because Chloe, a friend, is in Europe for a World Championship in Ultimate Frisbee (hehe) and then touring. she is meeting up with me in the UK at somepoint and we decied to fly out together, and she leaves in September. Australia, be ready for me around then! Next, I am going to Uni it for a year or two and really focus on Music and whatever I chose to study and then maybe make my way back here if I choose to and live here for a bit, just because I want to and I dont want to give up on French just yet! I think I want to learn another Language though, I think I might to German when I get back to Aus too... Then when I come back, I'll be ready for anything! As for what I'll do here... I'll see when I actually can do something job/study worthy.

It'll be interesting seeing in like 2 months where my plan is sitting then, so much will change, I think.

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