Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Part 67: Letters


I got up really early (okay, well 8am...) this morning and made my way down stairs saying 'g'day' to Carole and then having breakfast and then going back up stairs and passing time on the computer, because thats what I do. That is how I roll, man. During this time I found a song by Matt Corby, former Australian Idol contestant on Youtube, how I found it, I am not sure but I can tell you this: He has grown up and gotten some talent because this young man is on fire. The song is called 'Letters' and if you like indie acoustic guitar (Josh Pyke, Lior, Lady of Sunshine -wow they're all Australian) then definetly check it out! The song is just stunning and I listen to it... a lot. In fact, its what I am listening to right now. My mind is at ease.

So, after that, I went outside and played in the sand pit with Tim who had the day off today -Wednesday. We played for a while and jumped on the trampoline until Bastien got home and then we had lunch which was pasta and ketchup- nice. Then I played with a paper aeroplane I made with Tim for a while (crap! Carole, I totally forgot, again, to teach you the paper crane!) which was quite fun because it was sunny and well, who doesn't love paper aeroplanes? Put your hand down! Yep... My mood is so odd in the last few blogs and things I've written, apologies. So, paper aeroplanes. Tim also has this new stuff which is like crayons which are for the skin, like face paint, so Tim wanted me to draw numerous things including cats, crocodiles, sharks and the peace sign...good times. I then went around town with my camera and took a couple of photos just as momentos with the knowledge that my time is very limited here now. It was a nice walk, I like St. Marie d'Alloix.

-The above image is Tim and I with his 'Tats' that I drew...(I totally just ninjaded down stairs where Carole and Benoit were talking, grabbed the camera and ran upstairs again, probably looking like a total tool... its a good system)

Later, Carole dropped Tim to Letissa's (<- not correct spelling, but easy for me to remember) place and then Fanny, Basiten, Carole and I drove into Grenoble to the Grand Place which is a shopping centre I have mentioned 1 or 2 times. We spent a bit over an hour walking around buying things that they needed (and ice cream. I like ice cream...) It was fun. I didn't get anything myself, but it was fun tagging along for the ride and getting some quality time with some quality people. Except Fanny was attacking me with those stupid Crayon things. Hm.

Back home, I wasted time until dinner and then was late for dinner because.. I dont know, I set the table and knew dinner was like 2 seconds away but completely forgot and just went upstairs then came down and everyone was eating... idiot. I listened to the chats a lot today my brain was just not in function mode, I hade no idea what was going on. So vague. Its not a good system.

After tea I...watched Smallville, listened to this song wrote blog I dunno. normal stuff.

Longer blog than intended. Amazing.

Check out the song. Do it. DO IT. Matt Corby - Letters. Youtube. You have 10 minutes. I will know if you don't do it. How? You don't want to know...

Snappy sign off,


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