Saturday, May 1, 2010

Part 70: Fête du Travail

Oh my God. I cannot believe it is already May! MAY! My brithday is in 19 days. In 19 days I'll be 19 on the 19th of May having been born in 1991. So many 1's and 9's - its crazy. I'll also be in Scotland, most likely - thats kinda cool.

So, having said that its kinda cool being in Scotland whats not cool is that I wont be in France. The first of May in France is Labour Day (Fête du Travail) and is a day where everyone gives and recieves these little white flowers which smell nice but whose name, I forget -La Muguet Google tells me but I don't know how accurate that is. Anyway, its a sweet little tradition which can earn some little street sellers some nice pocket money.
This morning I woke up, had a shower then went downstairs to see all the Beyliers sitting downstairs eating breakfast. This would be the first time ever that the 6 of us where all there at once eating and it was a nice way to start my last Saturday (Nooo!) with them all. Carole and I were discussing this walk thing that we were planning on doing and invited everyone to come but no one wanted to except Bastien so at 10.30 the three of us rushed out to Saint Marie du Mont and met a group of people who were organising it all. Todays walk was a trial and set up for something thats running next Sunday so it was our jobs to put signs up to give directions to the people who will do it later. We were hoping for lovely weather, like the last few days, but were not surprised but disapointed as upon arriving, rain began to spit down. Luckily - we came prepared.

We started the walk with a photo for the newspaper (Yes! I made it into the French newspaper! Thats cool!) and then started the nearly 4 hour hike. Along the way there was much chats to mainly Bastien, rain, sun, really thick fog, puddles and some specky views (that we had to imagine as we couldnt actually see them...) The work was good fun, long, but fun. We also bought food to snack on as we walked and I took some dodgy photos that dont show anything because, well, there wasn't much to see but it was nice all the same. What wasn't nice was that I didn't feel very well for some of it, I still have bloody head aches which isn't good. I dunno.

At 2.30 when we got back from the walk, I saw Fanny and Benoit playing French Scrabble which was odd. Fanny was struggling so I was nominated to give her a hand. Worst. Helper. Ever. I mean, sure I am not bad at Scrabble but I could only really find English words i her letters and when I found French ones, I couldn't put them anywhere. Sigh. Still it was cool and I learnt some knew vocab, so you know, whatever. After Scrabble, I took a shower to freshen up and see if I felt better, I sorta did then went with Carole, Tim and Fanny to a singing competition in Le Touvet. The start was really enjoyable and there was some mad musicians playing but then it slowly got worse and worse until the last guy we watched was almost painful. We may go back tomorrow though for the finals. Good times.

Back home, we had tea (Melon, eggs and toast then Yogurt) and then sat and talked. It was fun, the kids were slightly hyperactive, and I think I wasn't the calmest but it was good, many laughs were had and thus it was a good dinner. I then tidied up the kitchen chatting to Carole and then came upstairs to type this. I am SO catching an early night tonight in hope that my head ache is just fatigue so it will go away.

Headache, please **** off. You're ruining my final days here, its making me annoyed.

Swearing is the only way to deal with headaches.


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