Monday, May 17, 2010

Part 85: The Grunge

Today is another day which is hard to explain/justify as being as good as it was. I'll do my absolute best, and hope that my seriously awful photography today gives you some idea. Today was a great day for photography but my eye just wasn't on so my photos kinda suck.

I woke up to the sound of snorring this morning and groaned. I hate snorring. I lay awake staring at the top bunk as one guy just snored and snored and then when he stopped, the other guy took over as if they were a tagteam and he started snoring. So annoying. Eventually though time to get up arrived and then, after a shower, I was down stairs waiting for the two brits who I met yesterday, a bit before the time we agreed to meet was. Time flew by and before I knew it I realised they had either slept in, forgotten or never wanted to see me again as I was there on my own a good 20 minutes after they were meant to be there. Oh well.

I got up chucked my stuff in my amazing backpack and set off into the city. I wasn't entirely sure what I was going to do, I was half keen on going to the History Museum for the morning and then taking either a Communist Tour or an Alternative Berlin Tour at 1pm or 2pm respectively. It was about 11.30 so I started off by going to the Reichstag which I saw yesterday but not very well so I went again and walked around the entire thing. Its huge. I was going to line up and go into the dome which is apparently pretty awesome but looking at the line I decided not to and instead sat and stared for a while.

I then walked around some more making my way to the History Museum getting constantly destracted by souvenir shops. I dont even really like buying souvenirs I just enjoy looking at them- its so stupid. I go into every shop too! They're all exactly the same and sell practically exactly the same stuff but I love it. Stupid. by now, it was nearly 1. I dont really know where time went but it was too late to go to the History Museum so I made my way back to the meeting point for the Communist Tour only to decide I'd prefer to do the Alternative tour. I grabbed some lunch from a cafe and then made my way down to the meeting spot for the Alt. Tour which was a bit away so I arrived there with enough time to find an ATM and then go. The tour group was comprised basically all of Aussies all from Victoria. There was about 4 non-victorians in the entire group who where like Brittish or something. Anyway, the point is I still didn't talk to anyone because all the Aussies decided to group away because they all knew each other from either Aus or their hostel. I'm much too shy. Still, the tour was interesting and it was still cool having the Aussie accent around me and when I did either have to talk to them or asked them something when I missheard, it was good.

So the tour... Its... interesting. It went until 6.10pm so it was a good 4 hours of walking around learning about the history of Berlins Grafitti and such. It sounds a bit stupid but it was really amazing and opens your eyes to a whole other world in Berlin that is right in front of you, but if you weren't shown it, you wouldn't even notice. We learnt of some of the well known Graffiti artists in the area, whose real identity is anon. but there art is reknown by the underground of Berlin as being amazing. I really like the work of this guy 'Xooox' (pronounced Zuess) who does stencil work everywhere. Theres also this other artist who does 'Little Lucy's' everywhere who is a kid who has different ways of killing cats, it sounds horrible but its kinda cool.

It was bizarre going through places I'd already seen but suddenly recognizing the work of different artists in the area and trying to find ones looking in places I would never have thought to look before. Twas cool. There is a really well-known guy in who paints the number 6 everywhere. What it really means, dunno, but seriously. There is apparently over 40 thousand 6's painted all over Berlin. Its crazy because you'd never really notice it. So cool. We also made it to the largest remaining part of the Berlin wall which has been covered in graffite which is premitted to be there. Some of it is very powerful and others are just cool. The tour is, I think, I must do for young ones touring in Berlin and anyone interested in Art.
After the tour finished my feet where killing me so I just came back to the hostel (after going and actually buying some things I saw this morning and realised I should just get now to get it out of the way and getting some dinner) Its now 9 and I dont really know what I'll do now or tomorrow. Luckily, so far, my flight has NOT been cancelled.

All is well.

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