Friday, May 28, 2010

Part 93: Highland Hospitality

Today was way too epic. I am exhausted and I hope my blog does today some justice even in my rushed fatigue...

So, I have included a really quick comic that I did that was going to be more but laziness took over. I just really wanted to draw Nessie, thus the pic.

I woke up this morning at 6am and went and got Louisa and we got ready to go up and out, touring for the day all around the Highlands. We left the house at 7am with a pre-packed lunch and intentions on making it to the station to catch the 7.15 train to Glasgow Central. I say intentions because we missed the bloody train thus making us late for a tour. We had to wait half an hour for the next train which arrived 5 minutes before out meeting time at Georges Square. Luckily, they called us to see f we were coming and waited for us. It. Was. Amazingly lucky.

We caught the tour van, which was cool because it was better than a bus. So comfy and so much nicer than a bus. Good times. The tour started at 8.05 in Glasgow and our first stop was just after a drive along Loch Lomond and a bit past the Loch Lomond National Park in a town called Inverulas. Here, we had a tea and looked out over the amazingly beautiful scenes of the Loch. It was also good because our driver/tour guide had a chat to me and Louisa and he was pretty cool. He was named Keith...

Anyway, back on the van the landscape began to change as we climbed up into the Highlands. The first thing we noticed was the most desolate place in Europe, Rannoch Moor we drove through here all the way up to Glencoe where we learnt a bit about the Glencoe Massacre. We then made a stop at these three beautiful mountains which were named in memorial of the massacre of the MacDonell (I think thats their name) family known as 'the three sisters'. We got out into the rainy weather and took some photos for a little bit, stretched our legs and where back in the van where we drove up to Fort William which is right under Ben Nevis (Ben meaning Mountain) which is the largest 'Ben' in Brittain. We had lunch here and pondered around our first Scottish gift shop.

We drove some more and went through the great Glen (valley) which was cool and took us to the Caledonian Canal which then connected up to Loch Ness. The Loch Ness. It was pretty mad! Oh, we also went past Loch Lochy at some point hehe. The Loch Ness was pretty much the same as the other lochs but still, it was cool. We got to stop here for lunch and so we went and touched the water, got our photos with Nessie and ate. We also boughht stuff from the souvenir shop. Unfortunately, a snowglobe was as close as we got to the real Nessie, but still... We also learnt the history of Nessie which was about monks telling a monster to stop attacking them and go back under the water. For some reason, Nessie obeyed and never showed himself again. Poor Nessie.

We then rove through Inverness which I would be keen on going through again and looking around properly but ... later. We then had a huuuugely long drive back to Sterling and then over to Glasgow again. Of course on the way, we had many many things pointed out to us and of course, I dont remember half of it but still, there are photos which I would add to this except the Camera is with Louisa who is asleep.

I didn't mention on the there was 4 other people. 2 Italians and a Brazilian and a Portuguesean (is that a word?) anyway, the Brazilian and Portugeusean talked to each other all day and were a bit annoying (hehe) because they kept asking questions and takling to the driver. How awful haha. Yea, good times. The tour was incredibly long (12 hours) lots of driving but definetly fun checking out the Highlands. Theres a million more things to see there but I am happy I have started. Win.

So when we got back, we had tea at some chinese place then came back home and crashed. Good times. Today I have started to catch Louisas cold which isnt good because her cold is really bad and involved vomiting (sorry for pointing that out...) but I do not want to catch it. So I already started taking Lemsip and/or nurofen. I will NOT get sicker =_=*

Anyway, Highlands lived up to the expectations in my head. I have heard much about them MUCH about them. I loved it. I really did. OH! And I went to a place called Perth. It was cool because dad is in Perth too...but in Aus :D

Okay!! Must go sleep. So. Tired. Its 12.30.


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