Thursday, May 6, 2010

Part 75: Schienenersatzverkehr

Yes, that is a German word. A real German word which means 'replacement bus' I think every language needs a ridiculously long word for that, don't you? Thats what I learnt today.

Anyway, on a more bloggy note, today I woke up again - hooray!! (why did I even bother saying 'I woke up'? Of course I woke up, how else would I be here? Goodness.) Right, I got up and then bummed around for a bit in the morning until about 10 when I went downstairs where Jettes mum, Fredericke (Yes...thats her name), was sitting having breakfast. I cut up some toast and then spread on some Nutella (being vegemiteless) and she asked me what my plans where for the day. I explained that until Jette got home, not alot, but after we would be going into Hamburg just to check it out so I can get a feel for where it is and how to get there. Fredericke was happy to hear I was home and invited me to go grocery, being the trolley pushing pro I am, I couldn't let my talents go to waste and thus tagged along. Besides, who doesn't want to see a German supermarket?

We weren't going to the supermarket for a bit of time, so I had a shower and waited around until it was time to go. We also took some recycling and I learnt about Germanys crazy recycling system. First, you wash everything, including like metal scraps and bits of rubbish to prevent rats and foxes from getting at it, apparently everyone in Germany does this. Then you sort it into Glass, Paper and plastic and then you drive the glass and plastic with you to a big bin (similar to France, I guess) there, you sort out the glass into 'coloured' and 'white' glass and throw them in to their respective bins. Then you drive to another place to get rid of the plastic bottles. Its a bottle shop where you can buy all drinks- anything from beer to water but also get rid of your plastic stuff. You put the water bottles in a box and put them with all the other empty ones, then you put all the bottles in a machine which scans them and gives you 50c per bottle you return. Epic.

The grocery shopping began after we bought drinks from the bottle shop. It was interesting walking around having no idea what the aisle signs were saying, and everything was so perfectly set up with little sections and stuff. It was odd. But organised and thus easy to work with. I also got some cereal (not Lion, I forgot to get that!) so I had a breakfast I liked in the morning, I am not a toast in the morning kinda guy, I'm more of a cereal bloke. Yea...

After shopping Fredericke bumped into an old friend and they chatted in German for a while, it is just so odd. I really just dont have a clue what goes on. I cannot stress that enough. First time ever for me, really. Oh well, I am actually trying to focus on picking up words and I have already learnt some which is cool. Anyway, we finally got back home and then I waited around for Jette to get back home at 3 where we had lunch (with Jettes parents as well) and then Jette and I took the train to Hamburg.

The train got delayed and we had a change over but we eventually made it. We spent some time around the harbour and even took a boat up and down which took a good hour and a half so that was good except there was some ignorant Canadian who was blabbering on about how Aussies can't speak English and that we are a stupid race and culture. I lol'd at him though because then he started speaking about Americans and French people and he was so daft himself making stupid assumptions. He was so rude though just assuming no one would care either way, he made an ass of himself, even Jette was like.. 'wtf?' Then I glared at him, making him feel bad and stupid, well, thats what I hope he felt... he was probably like 'who is this kid, and why is he looking at me? is there something on my face? *checks face* nope... I must just be awesome' Bah.

After the boat cruise we went out for a tour of the city part which was fun, I mean there wasn't that much to see in the awful weather but it was good anyway. We had coffees and chatted about the good old days and then we made out way to a nice old building (that you can see in the very missplaced photo above...) which I dont even know what it was but it looked good outside and in. We then caught a train or 3 back home around 9, had tea (cereal!) and then Jette went and studied and I did this.

T'was a good day... arvo.

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