Monday, May 3, 2010

Part 72: Au Revoir

Oh shit.

I just finished my last day in France. I leave tomorrow bright and early. So, its quite odd saying goodbye to people here, I am not good at it - but I'll get to this.

So this morning I woke up at 6am and stared at the roof sad, knowing that I had to pack up all my stuff and have an empty room. I got up at around 9.30 and had a shower and had breakfast, my last time tidying up the table after everyone... I then hung around with Carole and chatted to her for a while before going upstairs and packing. It was a slow and sad process but its done now, and my room is actually clean!

I then went back downstairs and talked to Carole some more and then we had lunch and she gave me a list of French movies to download and watch which I will get on to ASAP, I dont want to lose all my French before I ge back to Aus, so I am going to watch them and keep it up. It was a nice lunch talking about n'importe quoi, staring out at the miserable weather that France decided to leave me with.

Later, we went and picked up Bastien (about 1.30) and took him to Allevard so he could get braces. It was lol. I spent a fair bit of the time exploring Allevard but because most of the shops were closed I went back and talked to Carole in the waiting room some more and read some magazines.. well, comics. Eventually Bastien was done and he was the worlds newest braceface. Good times.

We drove back to Sainte Marie d'Alloix and I then had my last English lesson with Antoine which flew by then I came back home and played with Tim for a while before going to watch the start of a film with Bastien and Tim, then joined by Fanny (which I never finished!) At 7ish we all drove out to Airstars headquaters AKA where Benoit works and I checked it out, its a pretty cool place and his balloons are so weird, but cool. I also saw them making the big balloon they're doing for Fed Square in Melbourne! So now, when its up, I want everyone to go see it so that you can be like: Wow, Doug's French Family was totes in charge of that (well, Benoit) and he saw this long before it was up and ready to go all the way back in France. DO IT.

After the 6 of us went out to a restaurant in Grenoble for tea which was really nice to do. It was fun reflecting on my time here and just chatting away, but also sad. It makes me sad. I can however, (because by the time Carole reads this, if she does, I'll be gone) write what I want to say about the Beyliers completely honestly without consequence! They are horrible! KIDDING! They are such an amazing bunch of people and having this dinner really made me realise that I am going to really miss them all a hell of a lot. They taught me so much in such a little amount of time its ridiculous and I cannot WAIT to come back to France (or better yet[?], them come to Australia!) so we can catch up again - it will happen. Sorry Beyliers, but you're stuck now!

So, after dinner I came home and said my goodbyes to the kids who went to bed and who probably wont be up whe I am gone tomorrow. It was sad. I cant believe I wont see them for a long while, its just not clicked 100% yet. I then went out and caught up with Vincent for a while and talked to him and and his parents for a while until I wanted to come back and do some last minute errands that I needed to do.

Its such an odd day.

Its 11.40 now and I ave to be up at 6, I still have some things to do but thank God I can sleep on the plane/train.

I shall say it now, in case I can't blog for a while:

Au Revoir, France, I'll miss you! Uber special huuuge thanks to the Beyliers for being amazing. You are brilliant people and even better friends! See you....eventually! Your crappy haired, 2 armed Australian ex-housmate, Doug x

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Douglas, for all the nice things you say about us... I wish I could say something nice about you too... KIDDING ! (Read my yesterday's comment, you'll find plenty of nice stuff about you... in French, but that way I'm sure you'll appreciate how nice it is to understand our beautiful language)
    Just wanted to say that the vegemite you left on the breakfast table will be well taken care of, like it will wait for you in the exact condition, no matter when you come back ;) More seriously, please provide an address where we can send it to you, because you may not find any in all Europe (you could try cheese instead, though).
    OK, time for a last good bye, thank you so much for lighting up our lives by your presence these last month, and please don't change anything, you're an amazing person !
    Have a lot of fun in your trip, and keep us posted on where you are and what you do!

    (Oh, and the spelling is "Laetitia" as established in Serges Gainsbourg's song :
