Thursday, May 20, 2010

Part 87: Netherlee


I dont have much to report today (thank God! I am so sleepy) so it will be a quick little blog.

After being woken up at 10.30 by Jilly who was going into town and just letting me know that I'd be on my own for the day I stared at my room for a while already starting to feel like its mine. Its a good system. I then fell back asleep only to wake up like an hour later, watch tv and have breakfast, do a load of washing then watch some more TV.

I had a shower, which took a while (+a phone call) to work out- its confusing, okay? then went for a ponder around Netherlee, the suburb I am living in. After a ponder around I found this amazing park which is huge and green and great for if I ever feel like getting lost or going for a jog or anything (and, seriously, my tummy is getting podgy -for me- so I am going to take up jogging again, I think) so its perfect.

I got back and then Jilly and the kids did so I played with them whilst watching tv for a while. I couldn't help but be reminded of Tim though because AJ the 5 year old, did some similar things to what Tim did and it made me smile. (Oh! speaking of Tim, I also chatted to Bastien via facebook this morning which was cool. First convo since I left!!) Anyway, yea played with Kids and then I sat out with Jilly with a beer and cake and at 7 watched Sally in a school music concert which was ... a school music concert (again, AJ was similar to Tim at the music comp we went to in Le Touvet- constantly up and down wanting to go home) Honestly, Sallys group was the best because they used harmonies that didn't sound like a bagpipes drone.

When the concert was over Jilly and I grabbed fish and chips (because I'm good like that) and and had tea, the kids had already eaten. Then I chatted to Sally for a while who showed me her DSi. She is pretty game savvy, loves anime AND knows about failblog and goes explained to me in a very technical way why youtube doesnt work on her DS (something about flash drives or someting...) Sally is 10 soon. What is qith 9 year olds and epic intelligence? Anyway it made me think this time of Lachlan. They would get along well. Haha.

Righto! Sleep. Its 12.20 going to Glasgow city tomorrow :) Weeee! (ouiiii!) hehe.

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