Sunday, May 2, 2010

Part 71: Farewell No. 2


Today was nice. I woke up at 8ish then lay in bed thinking for a while - today was my last day with all the Beyliers at home as tomorrow there is school and work and such. It makes me sad. I had a shower and went downstairs and for the second time, all of us were down there as breakfast was eaten which made me happy.

Everyone had things to do, except me of course, so I just kinda bummed around in the morning and drew more desings on Tim an listened to Fanny talk about her homework. It was a nice morning, very normal, which was good. I tried to avoid going upstairs to my computer which lasted a while but then Fanny started homework and Tim went and did something, so everyone was busy so I went upstairs and stared at my mess of a room when it hit me, by the end of tomorrow all of it has to be packed up in a bag and ready to take elsewhere so I started. I tidied up everything and emptied my cupboards putting everything onto one shelf so that tomorrow it would be easier, it looks so empty even now.

Eventually the lunch bell rang, and I went downstairs for my last family lunch which was steak and vegetables. It was a fun lunch with some good discussions about the Loch Ness Monster and Aliens who might even have three arms... Ah, Bastien...Smartest. Comment. Ever. It was good for some laughs and was fun listening to Tim and Fanny get fascinated by the idea of this unseen Monster living in Scotland. Tim asked me if I go to Scotland and see it, if I would come back to France and tell him about it- I said yes.

So, when lunch had finished we did the dishes and then I went upstairs and drew 'The Flash' on Tims arm whilst talking to Bastien who was showing me something on youtube until I got called down because Carole, Tim, Fanny and I were going to the finals of the music thing we saw yesterday for fun. It was pretty good today, there was a raise in standard and thus, it was enjoyable. It was funny because a lot of them sang in English today and some accents were very strong whilst they sang, t'was interesting. We were there for a good 2 hoursish and were impressed by some and bored by others. Then would critique at the end about who was good and who wasn't.

When we got back at 5.30ish we started preparing for my going away party that Carole and Benoit had organised for me. It was meant to start at 6.30 but everyone started to arrive at 6 but it was okay. At the start of the party, I was a little awkward - I'm never good at these things, but eventually I just sat and talked to Vincent and Justine until Vincent went home and then I chatted to Justine. I did socialise with others at various points which was fun, but I didn't really know what to say knowing that I'll probably not see them for at least 2 years, some possible (but hopefully not!) never again...Talking about the weather just doesnt seem suffice for these kind of situations. Oh well, it was still a really fun night and we got lucky because it was raining all day and then it stopped for my party. We had a BBQ and it went very well because everyone could make it that was invited (this consisted of: Vincent and Antoines Family, The Marcoux [who I met a while back at a dinner outing at their place], Anke and her Family, including Justine [who I went out with once when I was sick, met her friends] Letissa and her Family [for about 5 minutes, but they had good reasons] and the Saint Marie Family [whom I stayed with in Lancey whilst the Beyliers were in Dubai]. I think this added to around...26ish + the Bouchards [Letissa] = 29...)
(Yep, photo...MIA would be: Vincent and Antoine, Clara, The Bouchards. However, you can see some frequently mentioned people in there, I guess I should point out - Okay, so next to Carole with the pink scarf is Helene, the family on the right [in white, except Pascale who as orange] is the Saint Marie Family, In the front on the left with a green Jacket is pianoman Corentin, I think I've pointed out Anke and Fred before, but in case I haven't Anke is behind Corentin and Fred is getting the bunny ears [which I think is great!] These are my SMd'A

It was really nice, Thank you Carole and Benoit.

Sorry I didn't explain much about today, but I am a bit sleepy and nostalgic (how ridiculous!) so, Ima go to bed. I hope tomorrow goes really slow- fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. Coucou Douglas,

    Quel meilleur moyen que ton blog pour te laisser un petit mot en souvenir de nous ?
    J'aimerais te dire à quel point nous avons apprécié ta présence parmi nous, tu as été un hôte admirable, sachant te fondre dans notre vie alors qu'elle est bien éloignée de ta culture et de ton pays. Nous avons particulièrement apprécié ton sens de l'humour, ta discrétion, ton ouverture d'esprit, et bien sûr ta complicité avec chacun de nous !
    Tu as su t'adapter très vite, et devenir un membre de la famille à part entière.
    J'espère que tu auras apprécié ton séjour parmi nous et qu'il te donnera l'envie de revenir nous voir, notre porte te sera toujours grande ouverte.
    Tu vas beaucoup nous manquer, mais nous te souhaitons de continuer ton parcours du mieux possible dans notre vieille Europe. N'oublie pas de continuer toutefois à nous donner de tes nouvelles !!!
    Bien affectueusement
    Benoit, Carole, Bastien Fanny et Tim
