Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Part 92: Grasgrow

Theres a bloody something stuck under my space key so it makes me grumpy.

So today I woke up to the sounds of the kids getting ready and the dog snorring in my room. At 9 I went up and woke Louisa up because she had arranged to talk to her friend on msn. During her msn time I had breakfast, showered and bummed around until at 11 we were both up, dressed and on our way to the station for our day in Glasgow city.

We had no plans becuase we're lazy like that but neither of us could really be bothered being 'tourists' as such, we just wanted a day in a city which is what we got. It was quite good. We started by walking around and orientating ourselves. Having been there only two times, I was impressed with myself because I knew exactly how to get to the main two streets which was cool. We walked down to a shopping centre near by and then found a shop named Primark. It. Is. Legendary. Everything is so ridiculously cheap. I really want to go back there and buy some shirts because mine are all getting a bit ...well, I am completely over them so it will be nice to get some cheap, but pretty awesome, new shirts. While we were there Louisa bought some new shorts and I bought new thongs (flip-flops) which were : omg. So awesome and comfy and 1.50pounds. Onefifty. I was amazed. Thes like $3.00AUD. Haha. Seriously. Cheap.

We then toured a little bit more in a shopping centre which included lunch. I had chinese. Good times. More walking around looking around the town and the pretty cool buildings. We eventually stumbled into the main square which had a tourism office just next to it. T'was good, not because we wanted a tourist office, but because they had maps for future reference and also gave us the opportunity to book our tour on Friday. We are going up to Loch Ness and around down to a castle which is famous and I am too tired to think of the name of and look up. Good times. Yea, it wasn't too expensive at all and will be a nice day out-I hope.

Oh, we went out for a milkshake at Caffe Nero (yes cafFe, not cafe) where we had a really nice person serving us who talked for ages about random shizz that was cool and it came up I need a job. She gave me application forms so thats another place to apply. She said there were no jobs just yet, but they pop up randomly so I might be in luck.

So I will tour Glasgow at some point as a tourist with my map. Elsetime. We're now looking into Edinburgh and London. I am also looking at my bank accounts. I need a job. Now.

I called my (great) Aunt Moira today too but she wasn't there, so I left a message. I will call again tomorrow.

More touring around aimlessly. Train trip home. TV. Talking to kids. Supermarket to buy more milk....TV and talking to Al and Louisa. Was good. But I did have way too much energy and thus was a bit restless earlier. Now I am just tired and want to go to sleep.


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