Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Part 91: Louisa Returns

Good evening,

So again I have not alot to say today but this should begin to change soonish! This morning I woke up and then finished bits on my CV and msn'd until Al took me into the city to print out my resumes and pick up Louisa.

We started off driving into Als office which was cool to see, its an office but still, its his and now I can say I know where he works. Do I remember? Not a chance. We went in and I printed out my resumes and that took all of 10 seconds. Al also got conned into doing a tiny bit of work to because he answered the phone. Yep. We then drove into Glasgow and went to a shopping center. We didn't feel lke shopping so we went for a coffee at this dodgy little restaurant which ad the WORST coffee I have ever had. There was a random layer of skin forming on the top of it and there was no options for sugar which was disappointing. I also burnt my tongue. I am never going there again, thats for sure!

When we left the coffee store we walked to Central Station to meet Louisa who was late and delayed so we stood in the middle of the station talking for about half an hour waiting for Louisa to get in. It was good to chat to Al for a while. Louisa eventually got in at 2.10 and it was very cool to see her again even if she had gained an extra HUGE heavy bag. Thankfully, this time, it wasnt me who carried it because Al got in with the offer before I did.

We drove back in to Netherlee and then went for a coffee again but this time I had coke and the three of us chatted until Al had to go pick up the kids from school so Louisa and I just stayed in the coffee shop chatting and catching up on our last month or so. It was nice and we had much to discuss. Eventually Al came back picked us up and then we got home and after the grand tour, we grabbed a beer each then again, the three of us sat outside and chatted. It was nice.

Later, we watched telly and then yea went through each others photos and talked some more. Then we had tea...HAGGIS. I had bloody haggis for dinner. I can honestly say its really not that bad but I cant see myself eating it again... for a looong time.

Right, thats it now we're watching a movie. Oh! I also have been researching jobs online. Good times...

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