Monday, May 24, 2010

Part 90: Camera

So, I am again doing a quick blog only because of the lack of stuff I did today. I also am feeling lazy with blogs and tired all the time so excuse that. Its happened before but I will get back on track!
In a word my day was good. Wow, complex word I got going there... I woke up at 8.30 to the smell and sound of Sparky, the dog, barging into my room and then sleeping on the floor. I got up and said g'day to the kids and Al before grabbing breaky and sitting outside in the sun. Yes, it is sunny once again.

After breaky I went on the net and had a loooooooooooooooooooooooooong conversation on webcam starting with mum and the nmoving on to Lachlan and Tor who had just downloaded skype. It was awesome fun. I was a bit vague though with mum (sorry!) and of course, money dominated our conversation but it was fun talking to Lachlan for the first time in a loooong time and when we werent talking about money, it was great talking to mum too. I've missed my computer. When the convo was finished it was 2pm and so I grabbed lunch (a nutella sandwhich hehe) then went out for a jog/walk thing around Lin Park which is a nice park not to far away that I went to the other day. 45 minutes later I was back home watching TV with Sally.

After a while of TV I sat outside with Al and a beer and chatted about stuff until he had other things to do and I had TV to watch. Oh! I also finished my CV today and sent that off to dad for checking. I really REALLY want a job really soon because, well, I cant say it now but if I get a job much good will come of it!! So excited!

Louisa comes tomorrow :D we're meeting in the city I also am going to try and get some stuff for my project which has fallen seriously behind. I might also get a new camera soonish... dunno. I am a bit worried about buying a new one because they're so bloody expensive! We'll see.

Right thats it. The picture I have included it a prnt screen from the convo I was having. I makes me laugh because I was talking to both of them seperately and could see them both and they couldnt even hear each other. I would reply to one and the other would be all 'what?' and then I'd giggle.
Good times.

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