Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Part 47: Ils statent

Hello! (Carole, 'ils statent' will make sense- hopefully)

Todays blog is gonna be a quick one just to ensure that my adoring fans dont get depressed from a prolonged absence! (Of course, I know this wouldn't happen but occasionally my ego needs stroking :P)

All thats been happening in my life recently is Stating (Carole and I made a codename for Smallville so we could watch it and talk about it without the kids knowing.. even though the whole idea is that they watch it, hehe the verb 'to state' [in french perhaps 'stater' following the regular conjugations: je state, vous statez taking the aux. avoir -nothing irregular here! j'ai state+accent!!] means to watch Smallville in a secretive manner), finalising Paris plans (Louisa and I are staying with one of the Beyliers family friends place in a rich area but possibly tiny appartment in Paris) and finalising post-Paris plans. Well, Finalising Post-Paris plans is a bit over-the-top, basically all I got is Louisa is coming back chez moi for 2 nights after that I may be going to Rome at some point, may not. Whatever. Stupid. Plans.

My, whats the word... my, its like estheem but not... morale? My... current feelings towards my situation are (that'll do) that I dont want to leave France in one month. Its sooo soon! I kind of think I am just getting the hang of it. Sure, I spend to much time on my computer but still, I like it. Oh and dayum am I gonna miss the language! I was thinking about the 12 days that the Beyliers are in Dubai, I am gonna forget everything! 12 days... now imagine 7 months assuming I go back and study French straight away! I may never study French again and then what? I'll forget it and never become properly bilingual... Hmm... Anyway, point of this all is that I have to make the most of my time I have left! Somehow...

Alors! Last uni course tomorrow (Its all ending already!!) so I have to go to bed, its 12.03 and I am leaving at 8.10. Not that bad really, but in my current super easy lifestyle, its death.



Yes its 7.00am now and I just remembered its the end of the month and if I dont do my summary now, I never will. Again, I am in a hurry so that kinda sucks but you know. If I have time tonight I might edit or something...

So! March is now over and I'm heaing on into my third and final month of my France section. I think March was better than February but there are a few things I still want to work on. 30 days to go. Shit.

Okay! Sumary:

Week 1: 1st-7th March
  • Started tutoring Antoine in English.
  • Designed and created Caroles website
  • Became an assistant ski instructor
  • Went to Grenobles Modern Art Museum with Uni
  • Went to Lumbin
  • Had a night work and 5 hour dinner in St Hilarie du Touvet (wow, I thought that was February!) Good night, that was.
  • Started Planning Lyon trip
  • Learnt about Couch surfing
  • Watched Smallville

Week 2: 8th-15th

  • Train hopped to Grenoble and was petrified the whoooole time, then learnt you could buy tickets on board.
  • Played tourist for the day in Grenoble
  • Drove in Europe, ergh.
  • Made Lamingtons!
  • Went to Villar d'Arene for a ski weekend in the Alps
  • Ski'd on a black level (the hardest) path and didn't die!
  • Watched Smallville

Week 3: 16th-22nd

  • Had my final ski group :(
  • Painted outside furniture at home, at of worry of being a tad useless here.
  • Went to Lyon for a weekend
  • Stayed at a strangers house for the night who I met over the internet and called at 10pm (in other words, couch surfed)
  • Had a few beers in a boat bar.
  • Realised and was proud of my first 50 days here.
  • Oh... I went to Switzerland for a day.. you know.. 'tevs
  • Watched Smallville

Week 4: 23rd-31st

  • Covered 'Hearts a mess' and chucked in youtube
  • Watched all of season 4 of Skins
  • Started trying to organise my Germany flights
  • Made a cake and then went to a end of the ski group party. My cake was all gone before I could try it :(
  • Started my art project 'the Tiques'
  • Went out in Grenoble with Maria for the day and was inspired.
  • Realised I want to come back to France already (even though I haven't left yet)
  • Oh, and Jonothan Kent in Smallville died. It was tragic.
  • Even though its obvious from the last point, I stated.

That was my March summed up for your pleasure. Paris on Sunday! Cant wait! Catchyas I gotta get ready for uni now.

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