Monday, March 29, 2010

Part 46: Comment Dire?

Today was a great day.

I woke up this morning at 8am (7am, if you recall.. daylight savings) and sped around getting ready to Grenoble for the day. I had a study day with Maria and we had planned to meet at 10.00. I originally was going to leave at 9ish but due to train times, I left at 20 to ten and thus, including the train and trams arrived at 20 past 10.

I met Maria at a fountain near the Grenoble Contemporary art museum, which is where we first started hanging out 4 weeks ago! We met and the first thing she wanted was a coffee so we went to her favorite little cafe and hada coffee shot and a little snack each (I had some chocolate thing and she had some raspberry thing, in the end we ate ha;f of each others anyway!) The idea of today was that I was going to help Maria with her French and in return... well, I got a beautiful day out! The weather, I can add, was spectacular! we spent the first two hours at this beautiful little restaurant blabbing away in a bizarre French English mix and me then explaining how some things work in the language. We also had this really nice old guy come up and start talking to us in French which was great practice. He was so cool, I think he was like a frequent visitor to this particular cafe, because the owner came out and greeted him and then the 4 of us just sat around talking about his friend who does tiling in Australia. It was lovely, really. Haha.

After, we decided to spend the rest of the day enjoying the weather and the sights in Grenoble. We were going to see a movie but the weather was way too good to waste. We ended up going around town window shopping, chatting and just being totally relaxed as we past time. At one point we ran into another girl from Uni from England who was out with her friend having a coffee. We stayed and talked to them for a while and it was the first time I really talked to her. We've decided we might go out Thursday night, but we're not totally sure yet and we'll play it by ear. My problem here is getting back home after. It depends on how late they're talking... Anyway it was good to talk to them.

We then left and made out way to the Bastille which Maria hasnt done before. We bought tickets to go up in the eggs and she was totally amazed by the whole thing like I was when I first did it. It was quite funny having done it before and pointing out all the things that I knew and the facts I could spew out about them. At the top we sat on the very very top bit just looking out over Grenoble and talking some more - in French, of course! Why would I let her speak English? We were going to egg back down but instead we started walking and then ended up walking the whole way down getting lost (somehow, I mean, theres a bloody path?) and finding our way in the end.

After more aimless walking we found another nice little place to eat but it was closed so instead we went to a taco shop. Haha. It was nice as well, and it was right by the fountain we first met up so it was okay. The food wasnt bad either so, tevs. I made Maria do all the ordering and such today in restaurants and ask all the questions and it was funny because the guy, realising I spoke French better than her asked Maria if she was going to pay for the whole thing. He said it quick, but I understood and she didnt and so just to look in control she was like 'oui, oui'. After a giggle from me and a laugh from the server, her confused face made me explain what she'd agree'd to. I was content and the server was all: 'you're lucky, free lunch!' to me until Maria was all: 'split bill'. Shattered.

Eventually, as all good things must, my day in Grenoble came to an end. We caught the tram and then said goodbye as Maria left at her stop making sure we'd do it again, soon. I stayed on the tram then realised I was possibly going to miss my train. Impatient I sat and watched time go by until we pulled up at the station and then saw my trains time disappear from the board. I missed it by 1 minute...

Eventually I got back home though the next one was only 40 minutes away so it wasnt too bad. I then had piano with Corentin which was.. okay. He practiced which was good but he struggled with the concept of timing in music which we've been doing for a while now. I will just blame my accent and be done with it. After, I came home, msn'd tea'd blogg'd end.


Oh, comment dire means, how do you say (or literally how to say) it was a phrase I heard often today. :)

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