Sunday, March 7, 2010

Part 28: How very French


I havent got a lot to report really today, I spent up until 1.30 doing nothing so I will start here. I went downstairs upon hearing the summoning bell for lunch time only to find Carole and Benoit standing around with little skewers then, looking down at the table, realising, to my horror, what they were eating. Yes, thats right my friends for an entree to lunch we had snails. Well, actually, the kids dont like snails so they didnt eat any but I figured, 'Hells, I am in France, what else is everyone expecting me to eat? (frogs legs? Baguettes? [I love baguettes!])' and thus, had one. Just the one. It took me two turns to get it in my mouth after stabbing it with a skewer and prying it out of its shell. Staring at this repulsive little greenish blob was not appetising and the first time I put it near my mouth I instantly pulled away. Calming myself down, I mean really, its such a little thing so I should get over it, I shoved it my mouth and swallowed it down. In all honesty, it really didnt taste all that bad, if I didnt know what it was, I wouldnt have been phased. Oh well, eating snails in France = check.

The rest of lunch was good, we had quiche (oh, for god sake, I pray thats right) it was so nice, I even took another slice. I then found out that at 2, the Beyliers - Bastien + me were going to a museum with another family (Fannys friends family, who is a family friend. I went on a bike ride with Carole and the mum the other day, if you recall and next weekend going on a ski weekend with them) The museum was in Grenoble so we drove in. It was cool because in Ste-Marie d'Alloix, snow had been threatening but never really achieving much, but in Grenoble, the city was white and snow was plentiful. Quite stunning actually. We walked up a path thing to the museum and the kids and Benoit were throwing snow at each other the whole time, it was funny and just bizarre to watch. It made me remember how cool where I am is. They would just grab a pile of snow of a parked car or a tree and hurl at at each other while we walked. Benoit chucked a few at me but me and my ninjaness easily avoided them. bwahaha.

The museum itself was okay. I dont know why but I got a massive hit of fatigue. I cannot explain it, it was like I just shut down so it made it hard to concentrate and thus enjoy the museum. I didnt read much because it was in french for the most part and French + fatigue doesnt mix well so I didnt really know much about what I was looking at. Oh well, there was at the beginning, a piano and a guy came along and played it. I didt recognize te piece but it was very pretty and made me just feel inspired to get into it. I want to find that song and learn it, well the start bit anyway everyone left halfway through, so I left too without hearing the end. I was constantly ahead of everyone for the rest of the museum tour because I wasnt bothering to read anything. At one point I did sit to watch the TV but promptly closed my eyes and nearly dozed off. Luckily Carole came and was like, 'um.. before you go to sleep, you should know we're going upstairs if you wanted to join us..' How embarassing! Goodness.

I then learnt the history of skiing, snowboarding and snow boots, which was in English and French and then we left. I enjoyed the walk back to the car because it was snowing really frequently (I cant say heavily because the flakes were so little, but there were so many of them!) and it was cool watching my jumper get covered in white. then wiping it off, then watching it covered again. I love snow. I think I dozed off on the car trip home because I dont really remember it, just waking up at the carport.

Back home, the other family (I am so bad with names!) were staying for a hot drink, so I sat and listened to them chat and tried to wake up enought to focus. It worked, I could catch on for the most part. Later, they said there farewells and I went upstairs and researched 'CouchSurfing' something which the American I am going to Lyon with suggested we try. I think its a great idea, nerve racking but cool Its a network thats been running since 1999 to help travellers. You sign up and then you search for other members who live in the area you're visiting and you stay at their house for as long as you're welcome. They can also, if they choose, act as a tour guide or give you hints about the place. Being local, they'd be very good at it. I think its a great idea and could be very useful for later travels to, well.. anywhere, its all over the world. check it out

After that, I had dinner which was soup again then played uno with Bastien, with poker chips to add interest. Then, I watched an ep of Season 1 of Smallville (yes, I am very obsessed) I missed season 1 beause when I started watching, they were in season 2, so I want to see what I've missed haha. Gosh. So lame :-)

Right, thats it. Oh! I also got more organised for my Paris trip which I think is actually on the 5th maybe. Haha. Okay, I am ready for everything now, sick of waiting. I have plans. Bring. It. On.

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