Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Part 30: The Tourist


I was quite the tourist today, I was. I loved it too! As I mentioned yesterday I spent the day in Grenoble, seeing it as a complete tourist. I did it so I can learn about the city and locations of everything and so I can really understand it. I think I achieved that today. It was good. I know my way around to all the main spots and some other things that I just stumbled upon and thought were pretty cool.

This morning I got up at 8.30 (deaaath...lol) and got up and ready with a slight essence of excitement following me around. It was good knowing I had something fun to do for the day. Carole dropped me at the station and to avoid any disaster, I quickly run out of the car and checked that my train timing was correct, it was so I gave the thumbs up and I was alone. I then had an instant problem, the train just arrived and I hadnt had time to buy a ticket. The next train wasnt until 1.30pm so I had 2 choices, ring Carole and tell her I missed the train or well.... not buy a ticket. In Australia, I would not be caught dead doing this just because there are ticket inspectors on every bloody train but here, I had a trip the other day with no inspectors so I just prayed I wouldnt get caught (I had the toilets mapped out in my head, just in case!). I jumped on the train and sat down trying to be inconspicious and running awesome spy-like ways I could get out of any run-ins with the law I could encounter. Luckily, no one came and checked so, I scored a free ride to Grenoble, although it was scary the thought of being caught and not knowing wat the punishment was. Never again. Haha.

When I arrived I caught the tram to the Art Museum which was my main reason of going into Grenoble today only to find out it was closed (alongside ALL museums) on Tuesdays. At first I was gutted and was like.. well what the hell do I do now?! Then I realised there was so much I havent seen or wanted to try here, so I had a whole day to just explore blind. I first made my way to the famous ouefs things (the eggs that go up to the bastille) only to find that didnt open for another 20 minutes. I didnt want to wait so, deciding to come back later, went off in search of the 'office du tourisme'. I hunted around and found it quickly. They gave me a map that had all the touristy spots on it and told me things I already knew. The map was good though.

First I went back to the Bastille, but a different, quicker way than before I figured out by fluke! I took the very touristy ouefs up to the Bastille just to say that I had done it. I mean, I'd been to the Bastille, but not the touristy way. I literally went up stood and looked out for about 5 minutes and went to the souvenir shop just to not look like an idiot going straight up and down. Hehe. It was fun though and something I'd been wanting to do since first seeing them, so all is good.

After them, I pondered around some more looking for anything interesting. I caught trams galore and just went everywhere and anywhere I could find. I went back and forth and found some really cool things and some really not that exciting things. By about 12, I had seen everything the tour on the map took me too (but that didnt include everything I wanted to see!) but I was hungry and it was cold so I decided to catch a tram for 20 minutes out to a big shopping plaza. I was surprised I found it so easily, I kinda guessed my way there. I did though, and it was good. I had been at the plaza for half an hour once before (on the day I went rock climbing, if you recall!) but I spent a good 2 hours there just walking around going in and out of shops, again, I didnt buy anything really. I dont know why but I am to scared to buy anything. So silly. Oh! I did by lunch though. I had lunch there.

When I got bored of the plaza I trammed back in to the centre of Grenoble and sat on some steps thinking of what to do next. I decided I wanted to see the Winter Olympics '68 flame bowl up close and the big tower thing that you can see from nearly everywhere thats behind it. It wasnt on my map and I didnt know how to get there, so I just looked at it in the distance and hopped on a random tram that luckily, went straight passed it! I got off as soon as I could and walked up to the bowl and tower which where both quite impressive up close, the tour especially. I took some photos and stayed there for a bit, I really like the tower, I dont know why, its just cool. I made sure to touch them both so i can look back and be like... 'yea, I touched that...' then left.

Next I made my way to the church (which is also called the Notre Dame!) and spent about 20 minutes sitting in there. It wasnt huge or anything, but I liked the feel of the place. It was so comfortable. I walked around for a bit and took photos but then just sat, turned my iPod off and just listened to the quiet chatter of other tourists and a faint piano track playing in the background. It was really peaceful. Eventually though, I left and the wondered what to do next,

I still had about an hour and by now, I had seen everything Ithought I wanted to see. I then just walked around until I ended up in some spot that I didnt really think of visiting, the old part of Grenoble. I didnt see it all of it, I just kinda went on the outskirts and admired it After, I went in search of a specific shop that I went to once, but I could remember for the life of me where it was. I didnt find it in the end but the journey bought me some very attractive headturners (objects AND people) that made me smile the whole time. Eventually it was time to go. I felt like I had done enough for the day and its good because I still have the museums for a free rainy day!

The train trip home was so good too! (one, I was relaxed because I bought a ticket! I am such a rebel!) I sat down and called Carole to let her know to pick me up soon and because I said it in English, the girl I was sitting next to became interested in me. She couldnt speak English and so we spent the entire train trip just chatting in French. What was so good though is that it was so natural and fun and it was just a normal conversation. We were talking about what we do, why I was in France etc. she is a 20yo biology student at Uni who can speak Italian. Oh, and she commented that I have good french and it was impressive. I was pretty chuffed haha. I was sad to leave the train not knowing her name but whoever she was, she was pretty awesome. Anyway, so that put me in a good mood as well.

I met Carole at Goncelin station and chatted about my day and because I had been doing it, I did so in French. When we got back to SMd'A it was just about 6 we picked up Tim then went home then I chucked my stuff upstairs and run over to Vincents place, I had English with Antoine. English went well we were going over 6 irregular verbs helping him commit them to memory. Chya... We did translations and such as well... I hope I am helping and not confusing him more... haha. I need more of a plan.

Back at home it was tea (dinner!) time. Then I came up and played around on the net and typed this. I am doing it earlyish today I dont think the day is over, but all I can imagine myself doing is computing and tv-ing. Oh! I am also in a good OMG COUCHSURFING IS AWESOME mood. I cant wait to give it a crack. I have so many new plans I can make now! Time is now the only problem, my lack there of! Amazing.

Oh, and my inablity to be spontaneous.

Anyway, thats all! Toodles!

(good day today! :) )


(Me infront of the tour perret! :D It was built in 1925 and is 83m tall. Built for some touristy stuff)

(The 1968 Winter olympic Games bowl and the tower in the background. They look so good together)

(inside the church, sorry its a terrible photo and doesnt do it justice)

(A statue I like. Its a person [sorry, I forget who!] its pretty big and quite cool)

(inside the egg looking half down at another one, just to show I was in there!)

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