Friday, March 26, 2010

Part 44: Music in the Kitchen

I had a nice day today again. I woke up and it was dark and raining this morning. It was even snowing up in the mountains at some points. I stared outside in disbelief just amazed at how quickly the weather had changed and upon going downlstairs and seeing Bastien playing Farmville, I laughed at the fact that poor Carole was out horse riding in this awful weather. The worst part was that by the end of the day the weather was just spectacular. Bizarre.

Anyway, so I spent the morning today just computing, boring and lame, I know but what else to do? I talked to family and friends as per usual and also tried to organise more stuff, failing miserably. Why anyone would let me try and organise stuff on my own I dont know. Hopeless.

Later it was just Fanny, Carole and I home for lunch and we had burgers. Over lunch the topic of this evening came up and it was bought to my attention that tonight we needed a dessert of some description for the Ski Group break up party that was on. Happy to do something and being the current dessert chef, I deecided to make a cake. A chocolate one because we already had most of the ingredients (minus eggs). Carole had to make a dinner for the thing as well but needed to buy a few things for it so she dropped Fanny off at school and bought the ingredients. After, we spent the next hourish in the kitchen talking about music. The topic came up because of my video on Youtube which led to the topic of Gotye which led to other musicians. We showed different music off and talked about my whole music writing stuff whilst avoiding getting in the others way while cooking. It was fun, actually. After a near setting disaster with my cake, in the end, it turned out quite well although I never actually tasted it! At the soiree tonight, when the desserts came out, it was all gone before I got a chance to get over there, so I think thats a good sign!

We also watched the first episode of Skins season 1 which Carole was interested in. We watched it in Spanish then French and then finally English (long story!) and English was by far the best we agreed on because we cant speak Spanish and in French it loses alot of the whole essence of Skins with the accents and whatnot. In the end though, Carole decided it wasnt exactly her type of show but yea, I dunno. I love it haha. In fact after this, I am to watch ep. 7 of season 4 :) win.

The party tonight was okay. I just hung out with Bastien and Fanny and the three of us stood awkwardly in the midst of children running madly and their parents chatting around the food tables. I also watched the photo slideshow which was fun, I was in it haha.

Oh! I also picked up Tim from school and we sat in a park playing games and talking for a while today too. That was fun. I got asked if I was his brother by one of Tims friends when I first picked him up. I laughed. Then at the party this evening, I got asked if Fanny was my sister. It was odd. We both got laughs out of it though and probs embarrassed the kid who asked... oh well :)

Thats all, folks! Short and sweet?

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