Friday, March 19, 2010

Part 38: Vendredi


Its 10.58pm and I am sitting watching Smallville however due to the fact that I ahve already seen the first half of this episode, I figured I should blog hile I have time, after all if I leave it to later, I will be too tired and I have to get up at like 6.30am tomorrow to get up and ready for Lyon (I am leaving at 7.48...) I am over early mornings haha.

So, today I really didnt do very much at all I woke up and watched an episode of skins I downloadede from youtube so it was good to see an episode from season 4 finally. (I am not going to type much in this because I am paranoid that my typing is going to annoy Carole hehe) Then I had a conversation on skype with Mum and Naomi who was over for the day apparently. It was good to see her and talk to mum. I felt bad because I took mum away from Naomi while I had a few things to talk to with mum and so Naomi was sitting in the lounge I assume so... woops. The conversation went a little longer than expected too haha :S

After that I emailed around for my couch surfing, which has all gone a bit haywire, I dont actually have a place to stay anymore..haha. This adds to the adventure ... so I tell myself. At least I am with someone, we'll work something out. I then had lunch which was a nice omelette thing, I also had a conversation with Carole explaining my worries of being useless around the house... I mean, they can all already speak English, so my main role feels a bit nul... We worked it out though. I also felt bad because I didnt do anything useful so we arranged I would start painting the chairs outside to make them protected from the sun. Hehe...yea... I offered because it had to be done.

I chatted to my dad for a while next on Skype, this was good because he showed me he place he was staying in Perth and the night views of Perth, t'was nice. Our conversation was cut short however because I had to go into Pontcharra with Carole to by the stuff to paint the chairs with. Upon returning I sat around outside in the glorious sun with music, coke and stuff to paint the chairs with just painting away. I was also texting Jilly who I am staying in the UK with, organising that.

When I finished painting all 4 chairs, I came back inside and then organised Lyon and contacted Lauren etc...It took a while because no one was replying t'was annoying. Eventually it was dinner time, which was good. I had a proper conversation with Benoit and Carole together, which I dont think I have actually done...maybe? Anyway, it was nice. We talked about their Dubai holiday and such. They leave on the 10th and get back on the 21st so, I have a fair wack of time to fill in on my own. I dunno. I have Italy, but I have to actually ORGANISE that and you know, be proactive-damnit!

Anyway, typing must stop now. I probs wont blog tomorrow because I'll be in Lyon, so dont expect anything till Sunday night :) Oh I played piano today at some point which was good, I am stil awful but I had a vocal workout too, which I have NOT done for a while, but it was fun to do


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