Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Part 42: Hearts a Mess

Finally a song title in March. I think the last one was Meteor Shower back in February. So, I know I was mentioning Hearts a Mess yesterday however today I got a bit better at it and re-fell in love with Gotyes amazing vocals. Irrelevant to my blog really? Yes. If you want hear my version of 'Hearts a Mess' I guess I should give you the youtube link on the conditions that you a) Do not laugh at my old, lame youtube account name! and b) you arent too harsh with the criticism! My vocals arent great in it, but hey whatever! Link: Comments are most welcome- I love hearing opinions but if you think its crap, say so nicely ... haha.

So, I think I might skim today as well, I feel bad sometimes that I write too much and bore the crap out of people... so you know skimming is good. Especially when I didnt do anything of interest. I think the most exciting I did today was make that video and have linch outside again. I like eating outside, except I am so scared of the wasps haha. I remember hearing about European wasps back in Australia and they sound so scary and agro. I am yet to be bitten (well, no I am not really, I hope I NEVER get stung by the little bastards...) but there are so many so its scary :S anyway...We had pizza for lunch it was a good lunch. Haha. It was Fanny, Tim, Carole and I home today because Bastien was out and Benoit is still in Africa or something crazy like that.

What else did I do today? I worked more on my project for a bit. That was good. I need to keep making sure the quality doesnt drop though, else it will become crappy and not worth doing anymore. Try, Douglas, try! Its looking not too bad at this stage. I feel its missing something, I hope I work out what it is soonish. :)

I also gave fanny a turn on my whatsimacallit... graffics tablet. She drew this. I actually quite like it. It reminds me of a contemporary art museum piece or something. Haha. Its a bird, if you couldnt tell. I think I should call it freddy. I dont actually know why but it just looks like a freddy to me... Maybe its too much skins season 4 watching but I like it. Anyway. Freddy ->

oh tea time!! (its 7.04) brb....

He returns at 8.01 full, but in a new found hurry. Smallville awaits, sorry readers! Also, I am waiting for a video Carole is downloading that she wants to show me to finish, so you know, I could wait till after Smalville to type this ot I could just get my day out of the way! I tried fixing Caroles computer in her office today, because it is sooo screwed with virus' and stuff but it was impossible to do anything, so we couldnt. I think she needs to take it to a specialist. We also watched an episode of 'Medium' which Carole is translating and so I decided to try and help out and watched the entire thing with her. Carole hates medium, she thinks its stupid that they take it so seriously and such. Its quite funny, personally, I didnt mind it but the flaws in it are quite noticeable when you're looking for them.

For tea we had egg, toast and zucchini pie stuff. It was quite nice and then an uber sweet apple/pear dessert. Oh and yogurt. I eat yogurt now, I love it haha. I'm changing one spoonfull at a time, noooooooooooooooooooooooo haha.

today was an easy, enjoyable day. I also had a sudden realisation that this is normal life now. Its just my life. That was weird. I was walking downstairs to my room and just was like... wow... this is so not weird at all... Anyway. Yes

Vid comments :D


1 comment:

  1. Love your song. You learn things so quickly. I know you want to work on it more so it will be interesting hearing it again in say a month! But so good for me to hear you on the piano and sing...I really miss it at home. xoxo
