Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Part 31: The proper ski instructor (assistant)

So today I woke up bright and early (8.30) and stared at my ceiling pondering over whether or not I wanted to go skiing today. For one, it was early and I couldnt be bothered getting out of bed also, it was foggy and thus ore than likely freezing. On the other hand, however, it would be good to go skiing while I have the chance as much as I can, and the free skiing possibilty ends next Wednesday, so I really should go...

I got up and had a shower went downstairs and had breakfast still unsure. Carole was there and Tim was there saying he didnt want to go. I sat and listened for a while and made up my mind to not go. Then Carole told me what she was doing for the day and that ski would be much more exciting than doing nothing so I changed my mind and went to ski. I think I was slightly moody about it all this morning too, so apologies. I chucked on my snow stuff and we went to pick up Armendine (I can see Carole picking on my spelling already) who is Corentin (please be correct.. now!) younger sister. We eventually got to le Touvet and there I met up with Helene and then was told that today I was to be a part of one of the groups for the day, helping the kidliwinks and actually being like the helper rather than a tagalong like last week.

I sat next to Tim on the bus trip there but talked to another woman who was in the same group as me, it was just us two and then the instructor for the group. She spoke very basic English, so we spoke in French about ourselves. It turns out she has gone back recently to uni to study marketing, which was cool we had a chat about that and I mentioned that advertising and marketing was something I was interested in. When we got there I helped all the kids get ready and everything then we made the (painful- I really hate ski boots) walk up to the snow where we waited around for the instructors...I stood awkwardly until people came and talked to me, its good being a point of interest sometimes.

We finally started skiing at around 12.15 and so I followed the group trying to throw encouragement around when needed. I dont even knowif I was properly understood but it made me feel like I was doing something haha. The skiing itself for the most part was quite dull because I was following the newbies around (yes, I can call them newbies...) It was interesting though, because they go realllllly really slow, so I am not used to doing that, thus it was probably good for learning control. Anyway, I did get a quick run on my own towards the end and so, it was all good.

We then had lunch and then I helped get the kids ready to go back on the bus and go home. The bus trip was spent talking to Tim this time, about music he claims to like 'everysong in the world' so I challenged this theory by showing him my iPod. I won, he didnt like 'Red Jumpsuit Apparatus'. Screemo - nobody likes it. Haha.

Back at home I worked on my project. I love it so much. I dont even know if its really any good but I enjoy doing it and I think its cool. I showed Carole and she seemed to like it, so it cant be that bad :D win! Yea... That takes a lot of time, so that took me until tea time. Well, just about, I was talking to Carole and then we decided we should watch an episode of 'Smallville' before tea because after tea she had a meeting and Smallville is that important. I am sorry, you just dont understand! Haha. Lana turned into an ancient witch and like took Clarkes powers away and then went in search of ancient stones and omg this season is just bizarre.

Tea/kids to bed (because Carole was out, I had to do it) then here. Apparently there are two Italian people in the house at the moment with Benoit staying the night (thus making me need to share my bathroom OH I NEED TO CHARGE MY PHONE) so, I might go downstairs and see whats doing...

uni tomorrow. early morning. death (doesnt deserve caps)


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