Thursday, March 18, 2010

Part 37: Just another Thursday...

Bonjour everyone and welcome to another thrilling edition of my daily adventures. So, today I was awakened by an awful alarm at 7.30 and got up and ready for university.

Carole dropped me at Goncelin Station at 8.40 and I caught the train into Grenoble-Universite-Gieres at 9.00 then caught the tram into Bibliotheque Universitaires. Upon arriving I picked up the newspaper and a bottle of water and then slowly dawdled up to class which was starting in another 20 minutes or so. I saw Maria sitting out the front of the building eating an apple so I talked to her about our last weeks worth of adventures. We were interrupted by Nadia from Kasakstahn who chatted whilst having a fag then we all made our way up to class.

I met Lauren who I am going to Lyon with and we talked for a little bit about that organising final details and such, I found us a host as well thanks to CouchSurfing so that will be interesting. Class this morning was quite odd. I still find the work easy, but listening and talking all the time requires so much concentration it just kills me... Its also odd, my level is so odd in our class, it doesnt quite fit. My comprehension is level 2 (of 3) and my grammar is level 3, but like top of level three then my speaking is like ... I dont know sometimes its level 1 and other times its high level 2... The teacher thinks its odd and when we work on different things, I am constantly changing groups I'm the only one too! Stupid. Haha.

We worked on the subjunctive in level 3 grammar which was okay, it was good to refresh the memory. I remembered how to use it, so that was good but Nadia, who is the top of the class is so intimidating, she is really good at French in every aspect, and knows it, so she makes sure that she is showing it off as much as she can so, I am always to scared to speak because she'll laugh at me :$ I mean, she isnt mean by any stretch, she is just scary haha.

After grammar we did listening which I am good at, but very lazy. I am a very very lazy student and constantly forget to listen to what we're doing then I'll realise everyones opened the files and are already listening and I have to look at everyones computers to see whats doing... hehe, I still do fine on all the activities though, so its not really any drama.

Next was lunch, I went to the cafeteria then sat with Maria, Lauren two Germans and the Canadian. I like the Germans, they are so cool. They will speak English and French to everyone and then randomly turn to German to each other. I mean they're probs saying really mean stuff about us all (even though they claim just to be helping each other with translation!) but you know, it is so cool to watch them spit at each other and know that they are just speaking. German is a funny language. I also spent this time organising more of my Lyon trip and trying very hard to not fall asleep in my food. Good times, good times.

After lunch we had more grammar work sorta, it was more like correcting and a test thing. I wish we didnt do the test at that point because my brain was just gone. I dont know why really but my whole head just shut down over lunch time so come this part of the day, I was just blah. The work itself was really easy (because I did the level 2 test-lazy) and I could do it quickly but I am sure I made simple mistakes I wouldnt have made in a different situation. Oh well, whateves. We also got chocolate :D But then I had to do a conversation thing infront of the teacher with Nadia, which was terrible because the first question I didnt understand at all so they both thought I was incredibly daft, it moved up a bit later when I concentrated more but bah, stupid. Native/smart people. Wow, thats a contradiction... Oh well.

I left school quickly when it was over, having no reason to hang about and came home making it home around 4.25ish. I almost had to walk from Goncelin to Saint Marie d'Alloix because Fanny had an xray which Carole was taking her to but it got delayed ot something, so luckily I got picked up and dropped home. There, I was home alone so I utilised this time by thumping around on the piano feeling myself getting worse and worse then doing not much else...

I tried teaching Tim more English today but he is so little that he cant concentrate or retain anything for a long time and he was tired (I know those three feelings so well...) Well, thats not entirely true, he has remembered: How are you? Good. Whats Your name? Tim. How old are you? 5 he just needs prompting. Oh well, I still have a month to whip him into English speaking shape. He has thus far held the record for the best pronounciation of my name (one time, yesterday said it PERFECTLY) so there is much hope for this young one. I may have mentioned, but Tim is actually an American having been born there! So, its in his... birth country... Yes... I then tormented Bastien with random interrogations about what he would do if he won a million dollars just because Carole asked me to try and teach him something, which is no easy feat as he already knows everything...Sigh.

We then had tea, Crepes that Bastien made then after I came upstairs and tried not to sleep. I dont know why. Infact, I might go to sleep now. 11.11 make a wish... Done. :)

Goodnight all.


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