Thursday, March 25, 2010

Part 43: Cruising Through

Today was so simple. Just an easy day. I got up got dressed. Went to Uni. Went for drinks. Came home. Watched Skins. Had tea. Talked to Mum on Skype. Typed Blog. Perfection.

I found university ultra simple today, I dont know why. I got a lift to the station with Letissa and we organised that I would catch one of the later trains and hopefully meet her on the way back (this is relevant to later...)We did a test this morning to see exactly what level we're in. Its a bit late really considering next week is my last uni lesson, but you know, better late then never I guess. I breezed through it because it was sooo easy (I think!) so then after I had lots of time just to scribble in my book. Then we did comprehension, which was harder but really, not the worst I have ever faced so, that was okay too.

During lunch, I sat outside with Maria and a Swedish kid and yabbered away about our weekends. Maria spent her weekend in Paris and she just inspired me. Dont tell her, but she inspires me a fair wack actually. Her whole reasoning in coming to france to study and get closer to realising her dream just amazes me. Her work ethic with French and learning the language is jus phenomenal and she just seems to have the coolest life ever. She is moving to Paris with a friend who grew up there and they have a place 2 minutes from the eiffle tower. Things just have worked perfectly for her because shes worked at it. Its inspiring because seeing how happy she is and how great life is for her, I am amazed. I would love to meet her again in 5 years. Anyway... lol random rant of admiration...

After lunch we did lots of Oral stuff but it was easy because it was very structured around the subjunctive saying 'il faut que je fasse...Bien que je puisse' over and over again doesnt strike me as all that educational or difficult. Anyway after uni, I had a fair amount of time to kill so Maria and I went out to a pub in the center of Grenoble and had a chat with a beer, true Aussie styling. It was good. really easy going and so good. We get along really well and we may have a study day on Monday or Tuesday in the same bar. Shall be good I think.

When I got onto the train eventually, Letissa wasn't there so I called Carole (I felt bad, it could have been her day off from chauffering me around!) and was picked up. I was meant to buy my Paris tickets today but promptly forget which is a bugger so I will order them online tomorrow, I think.

Back home I... um... just did nothing. But it wasnt a nothing where I felt bored for doing nothing, it was a good doing nothing because ... I dont know. I talked to Jette on MSN and tried to work out my whole Germany shtuff and talked to Mum about finances and fitting in Italy and all the kinda stuff. That part was awful. I dont like organising money, but it must be done! After guilt tripping my mother into a longer conversation we talked of our daily adventures then eventually said goodbye because they are off to Candberra for the weekend... Random? First Perth now this?! Why is their travelling year when I am away? I could have travelled Aus AND Europe but no! I just get Europe... LAME... (Of course, I am kidding!)

Benoit also posed an interesting thought in my head today about Eurorail. Although I initially ignored the whole thing having no real need for it, it now could actually be usefull...ideas?

Whatever...Catchyas all, I'm off to sleep :)

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