Monday, March 22, 2010

Part 39b: Lyon Photos

Photos of Lyon for your viewing pleasure. There are more but these are the select few which made it to the blog. Personal favorite would beeee the third one :)

In the Parc de la Tete d'Or was a nuber of beautiful sculptures and this was just cool how they made the flower pattern arrangement underneath it. It was right in the entrance too.
This is a photo of the ketchup and mustard things I was talking abuot in part 39a. They were so odd. They probably exsist in Australia and I am just oblivious, but serious ... lol

This is Lauren and the random tighrope/musician people. Its not really a tightrope but holy crap its hard! It was a lot of fun though

One of the bridges over the river with the paddle pool things. It was getting later at this point but I like this photo

Me with the big horse statue at duskish.. You can barely see me but I am there :)

The bridge by night. I have many other night photos, but they dont really show much. My camera was terrible in the night situations... sigh...

I woke up to this. This makes the place I stayed look really nice and clean. It wasnt really, but I like to give the illusion that it was. Dont expect a photo of what my window view was like.. it was awful
A HUGE church. The one I mentioned we saw first whose name I forget. I swear this was the biggest church I have ever seen. Look at it close up and see the woman standing near the door. Everyone there was average height not short, and no one would even make it halfway up the door! It also went back for ages too.

A garden next to the church above. It was the garden where the first churches were built in the area dating back to 150ac. The oldest ones in the western world apart from some in Rome, if I remember correctly.
The really grand chutch. Again, it was overly massive. Look at the people and compare it. It also went for ever and there was an underground level... so you know it was massive. Right on the top of a mountain thing looking over Lyon (I have photos of the view, but they're nothing spec.)

The Theatre Romain here, I have lots of photos of this, but this one shows the whole thing which is improtant I think. Its pretty big and this paritcular one (there is a smaller one just next to it) looks a lot less like ruins than the other because its been restored but still, pretty cool.

Im standing in the same spot as the previous photo but just turned the camera. This is directly opposite the theatre seats. These are columny things that are all broken and were pretty cool too!
The smaller theatre used to have a second story above it and these are the remaints, so we climmbed all over it , as you do :)
Final photo is this church which was a random we saw along the way. There were so many amazing churches. I think thats what I would reccoment Lyon for haha. I feel like even though I was there the weekend I didnt see all of the best Lyon had to offer but we saw a lot all the same. I didnt take enough photos and I didnt buy any thing really to help me remember Lyon but it was a great trip anyway. I liked it :)

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