Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Part 25: Ceebs, sorry.

As you can tell from the title, I am completely NOT in the mood for typing a blog. My mind is just drained at the moment. I dont really know why, I am just tired and grumpy. I did a fair chunk of my project I am working on, that was fun, but it is draining, so maybe its that...

Anyway, today was not a bad day at all. I woke up and did the morning stuff. I was home alone for a bit whilst Carole was out, so I played the piano too. I was awful haha. When Carole got back home, she had no work to do for the day so we spent a fair wack of time trying to work out a way to improve her website that she has for the new company she is trying to launch. Well, not improve... just make it free. Haha. We did work it out in the end, I think. I mean, its a small business that hasnt been fully launched yet, so she only needs a small site for now. I am going to try and jazz it up and make it match the current website she has.

After that Fanny got home from school for lunch. We ended up watching an episode of Hannah Montanna and then having lunch - hamburgers :D After lunch Fanny did some piano practiced so I stayed and listened in until she had to go back to school.

At around 2.15 a friend of Caroles came for a bike ride. I tagged along because it was a great day and I felt like some exersise. Idiot! Haha, they were going up and the mountains to La Flanchere, which isnt really that far, but it felt like death going up the steep hills. It was pretty though and nice in the weather, so really it was nothing to complain about, especially with the riding back down the hills, that was fun! We toured around for about an hour and a half all up getting back at 4, just in time for Carole to go pick up Tim. I went upstairs and started work on my project.

I then spent the rest of the day socialising with the family, working on the project, eating tea etc.. No Smallville today. Surprised?

Skiing tomorrow.


p.s. All is well, just cannot be bothered typing details. At all.

1 comment:

  1. Time to get rid of your poll at the top of the page!!! xoxo
