Friday, March 12, 2010

Part 33: Till Sunday do us Part

Friends, family and stalkers,

I regret to inform you that I will be unable to post any blogs until Sunday. This actually means I only miss Friday night and Saturday but I figured, as I knew in advance, I should let you know.

It is 5.00pm and thus the earliest time I have written a blog to date, I also have very little to report. Sort of. My day began at 8.30am when I woke up and stared at the ceiling thinking about my day to come. I got up around 8.45am and went to have breakfast promptly followed by a shower.

I then had another lenthy conversation on webcam with my Mother and my Sister who were both well and great to talk to. I always look forward to Friday mornings because I know I will get to see my family back at home again. I am very aware, however, of the absence of my Father who is always in Perth earning the money which is part-funding this trip. I am planning to talk to him on Sunday night though, I hope all goes to plan.

After a long chat and a refreshed spirit I went downstairs and had lunch with Carole, Fanny and Salome. We had left overs and I dont know why, but I was famished and ate a lot. It was an enjoyable meal. The three girls all discussed an upcoming sportball event. It is where you dress up in sport-like gear and go to a nice night out. I am not going, however, as I will be in Lyon that night. It has finally dawned on me, also, that Couchsurfing is a great idea for the extrovert. Me, I am now worried I'll get there and panic. I worry too much, I know but it has dawned on me and felt I needed to say it. I wont let it hold me back though as I am trying to be braver and explore. Couch Surfing- will be done.

After lunch I drove to Pontcharra station with Carole so I know where it is for Tuesday when I may have to drive solo. I am petrified of driving in France and do not enjoy it. At all. In fact, I hate it. It is so similar in many ways and so different in others that I get confused as to which is what. Hopefully, if I do end up driving solo on Tuesday, I will only have to ever do it that one time as I dont like it. I am glad I have done it, sure, but doing it once is enough for me. We went grocery shopping at Pontcharra then came back and I baked a cake. Its going to turn into lamingtons once it has cooled over night. I felft they needed a taste of Australia, and making it from scratch felt like the correct way of doing this. So far, it hasnt been a disaster.

Now, I have just finished packing to go to my ski weekend. I dont know what to expect but hopefully some sun will make the journey that little bit nicer.

Enjoy yourselves this weekend, and stay safe!

As for the stalkers, please, I have nothing to offer but my simple, potentially interesting blogs, please do not actually come and find me. Thank you.

Sincerely yours,


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