Thursday, March 4, 2010

Part 26: The Opposite Side

Wow, I am so sorry, I am really tired and grumpy again AND missed yesterdays blog. Sigh...

Right, so yesterday was what? Wednesday. Yes, Wednesday. I had to get up earlyish yesterday because I was going skiing as a supervisor with Vincents mums, Helene, ski group thing. Its for kids to learn how to ski, Tim is apart of it. We were leaving at 10am from Le Touvet so and we were picking up Charlie and his sister who are apart of it.

We got there and there were two buses and Helene organising everyone. She spotted me and let me know what I was going to do for the day, help organise the kids get ready when we get there, help then get ready when we are getting ready to leave and in the time in between, ski. It was a good deal, a free day skiing and all I had to do was change the shoes of kids who were incapable of doing it themselves and make sure they had helmets.

The day flew by, I started off on the really really easy hills but got bored quickly and then went onto the harder ones. It was good, I was on my own thus took my time, did it my way and then gradually built up speed and such. I am getting heaps better everytime. Its good. After a while, I just finished and was getting ready to go on the chair lift when I met one of the other supervisors who informed me we had an hour to go. I didnt have a watch so she said she would stay with me. It was good talking to her whilst skiing and trying to keep up with her. She also told me that Charlie broke his arm. Yep... poor kid, I dont know how piano will go either...Hmm I guess we'll see.

After skiing was over we walked back to the bus then changed shoes and had lunch. I love taking those shoes off its such s relief. It was snowing while we sat outside eating our lunches, it was quite cool. I sat and chatted to Tim and other kids who were constantly staring at me for having an acent and being new... Oh well.

The trips on the bus were easy, just staring out the window. When I got back home it was about 4.30 I think and Carole said there was some games thing on. I went to see what it was. It was just a bunch of... well... games... It wasnt the most exciting thing for me but Fanny and Tim loved it, so I stayed with them and Carole went off to go work at the library. Eventually, I got over it and told the kids we were going, half an hour later, we were going. We were there for like and hour and a half, that was an achievement. Especially because in the end there were like 2 other people there...

Anyway, back at home I worked on the project then had tea. After tea I did some more work on the project until Carole asked to watch Smallville, of course!! We watched the rest of season 3 and started season 4... Woo! At 12.15-30ish I finally got to bed, knowing full well this morning I had to be up at 6.30am to go catch the bus to university.

I wokr up this morning and nearly died at tiredness haha. 6.30 is an hour/time that should exsist. Anyway, I managed and got ready like a snail carrying a piano in one hand (reference) until 7.50 when I made my way to the bus stop about 3 minute walk away. I waited there with all the school kids, after all, my bus was a school bus as well, standing awkwardly a I recieved more 'who-are-you' stares. The bus arrived late which meant I was now going to be a little bit late for uni. I grumbled my way on to the bus and tried to buy a ticket only to get frustrated because the bus driver was so not good for tourists. I told him I needed to biy a ticket but he couldnt understand my accent properly, so I was making gestures, with the money in my hand pointing to the stupid machine that he needed to punch into, and he still just stood there just staring at me, not saying anything, guessing what I was trying to say anything. What the?! In the end I was like 'TIC-KET' and he was like 'Ohhhh' Friggen tool. Made NO effort *bad mood coming through*

right, the bus trip was okay apart from that until I realised I didnt actually know were to get off exactly. I missed my stop and realised straight after. Then I decided to stay on the bus until I saw the tramline, afterall, I knew which tram I would need to take thus would be able to find it. It took a while for the train to get to a tram by the time it did it was 9.30, school started at 9.00. I then took the tram which took 20 minutes to get to the stop, only to realise I forgot what the stop was. I stayed on for a while then called Carole, then caught the tram back a bit, then forward some then called Carole who told me she couldnt really help becuase she didnt kno where I was, she told me the stop, which I was at, but didnt seem familiar to me. She also told me it was in the 3rd section of the uni's which is a massive block thing... I couldnt find the stupid place for the life of me. Eventually I asked someone who didnt know exactly where but gave me enough direction to find it...

I arrived at 10.15 and then found the class at 10.30. Rage. I was sooo relieved when I saw them all and they recognised me and welcomed me into the class. Class itself was no story, it was just learning French.. At 12.40 though, it was lunch time, we were told to meet the teacher at the musee de Grenoble at 1.50. We were going to the museum today. I decided to hang out with the other Australian (prev. mentioned) and we caught a tram into the main part of the city to find a cafe to eat at. We pondered around and I found a fountain I had been looking for since I first saw a picture of it. It was good. I will add photos, I bet you've missed them, sorry I havent even put them on facebook (I am sooo slack!) We found a nice little cafe/bookshop eventually and had lunch and a glass of red, which I wasnt too fond of. We chatted for the hour until we had to make our way to the museum.

The museum was okay I guess. Wait... no, the museum was great, our tour of the museum wasnt. We had a tour guide who chatted away in French, which was fine, good actually, I helped one of the other people by translating for them which was a good exersise for me. The problem was is she talked waaaaaaaaaay too much about one painting that we only got to see like 4 things all up. It kinda sucked haha. Oh well, I will go back sometime. After the tour finished me and an American who I was translating for wanted to look at something so we left the group for a bit and had a quick tour of the little section we were in. Its okay, we still had 20 minutes to kill at the museum so doing this really didnt matter. If we went with the group we would have sat in chairs talking about what we're doing next week... fun...

After rejoining the group we caught the gossip for next week then uni was finished for the day. I left to go home only to be invited out to a coffee with the Australian and Canadian. It was something to do and I had no rush to get back home (except for my severe tiredness) so we went to a little pub in the main part and sat and had hot drinks... lol it was nice. I dont know how well we get along really, I think the Canadian isnt my biggest fan, but you know what? Who cares!? Haha

Eventually I made my way back to the tram, then train stop and got to Goncelin station where Carole met me with keys in hand. It was my turn to drive. In France. On the right side of the road. On the left side of the car. Mannnn! I was sooo bad, the month off driving didnt help at all. I mean, I got home okay, but I kept veering (get this) too far to the right... It was very odd. It will definetly need some getting used to. Oh well, driving in another country on the opposite side of the road = check!

Now, I havent had tea yet but I can imagine I'll do that then watch Smallville or something. I am getting this done so I dont have to think about it later. I currently feel a bit sick too, my tummy isnt happy : death.


I hope I get my writing flair back soon. Oh, and my iPod headphones bloody broke. I have no headphones goddamnit.


its not the best photo (I had others but Im not in them and I totes ceebs editing atm) and I dont know if I was actually allowed but thats me in the fountain... it was water-free due to the winter.

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