Thursday, March 11, 2010

Part 32: Bipolar

Its 7.30pm currently and I am sure I am going to have to go for tea in a minute but I thought I would start my blog as it seems to be a good way to fill in time. Also, I am a bit lonely at the moment (like, just now whilst I'm doing nothing) and writing my blog is my connection back home so it should cheer me up a little bit. Here goes...

Today was not bad, I woke up early (7.00) with the intentions of getting up and catching the early train to Grenoble for university today only to fall back asleep and wake up at 7.40- 6 minutes before the train. The next one was the 8.22 so I had to catch that instead. I rushed to get ready and gather my things. The Italians, which were actually here, where already gone by this stage, I met them last night and exchanged 'Ciaos' but that was all I saw of them.

Carole took me to Goncelin station and I arrived with enough time to buy a ticket and get on the train. Apparently you can buy tickets on the train if you need to, so I know that for future reference... Haha. Anyway, the train trip was good, I did French homework I had completely forgot about which was to write about an art piece and why liked it and such. It as pretty easy and took about 20 minutes. I chose Guernica by Picasso because it was the only painting I could remember anything about - good old Studio Arts 2008. I got off at the Grenoble station and trammed to university with no dramas this week, in fact it was almost too easy finding my way to uni, which was good.

Upon arriving I went to the office and then finally registered properly and paid and such for my course thus recieving my student card (which is so dodgy looking, I remember Lachlan getting his at Swinburn and its like... a proper card and good and then you look at mine... its like a folded pieace of paper with clear sticky stuff over it... so shit, but oh well!)

**TEA TIME (7.36pm)**

I return at 8.24 with a fuller stomache and lifted spirits. I like tea time. So, where was I? *reads back...yep yep, blah blah blah* Ah yes! my crappy student card! Okay, so I got that and then went off to class. Oh! I didnt mention and cannot be bothered pressing the backspace that I could have done the entire course for free. When I first put my name down for the program, it didnt go through properly, so I could have gone to classes and everyone would have known who I was and that I had 'enlisted' but I would never have been asked to pay! Oh well, I am to nice for that! (Only cause I realised AFTER I paid what had happened - the lady told me) Hehe.

I went off to class and had the day learning French. I still am not convinced how beneficial these lessons are for my French, I mean I learn things occasionally, but its not really got any structure behind teaching the language. The way the class runs is fine but the work we do kinda sucks. I do like it though because sitting in a classroom and knowing that there are so many nationalities in the one spot is just so cool. Also, it cant be bad for my French AND I get social stuff. So, its still good. I like it. Yea, Jasmine, there is an Irish girl who joined and I talk to her just to hear her speak and it reminds me of you and how much you love the accent. I deliberatly asked her long answer questions just to listen to her talk and say things in an Irish way. Simply awesome. Hehe. I also talked to Lauren (American) about our upcoming Lyon trip which we are organising still. I hope she can find someone for us to surf with, thats her job. Mine is to find the touristy things to do. I also want to check out things that are on the way to Lyon, as we're driving we can stop in a town or two to check it out. I cant wait for it, I hope its good. We seem to get along pretty okay and she appreciates that I am helping her with her French so, its good.

At lunch time we all went to the cafeteria and got lunch which is sooo cheap. I mean, I had a pizza (because my favorite sandwhich had sold out D:) which came with fruit and a packet of chips and a drink and it was 4euro ($6.50ish). Thats it. I must stress, this was no small pizza either. I love that cafeteria. Haha. I think anywhere else it would cost about at least 14euro ($22.50ish) so yea, its a good deal, I think. Then we all sat outside in the freezing cold for some reason and got to know each other some more. A few of them have known each other for a while, which became evident, but still its a cool dynamic group. I hope I fit in okay. I did get invited to go bowling on Saturday but I cant go because I am out skiing. Anyway, yea, just to state exactly how dynamic in a literal sense we are, our nationalities on the one table (and this is only some of the class): Australian, American, Canadian, English, Irish and Polish (we're like the 'english speaking' group... so we dont sound all the different now that I look at it but the accents are a great give away.

After uni I trammed/trained to Goncelin station where I bought my tickets to Geneva, Switzerland for next Tuesday. They costed me 27euro ($45ish) which, all considered is amazingly cheap. $45 to go to Switzerland and back for the day- cannot complain. So, that should be fun, I am less excited then I should be due to the fact that I am there for a very long day (I leave at 6.45am and get back at 8.30pm) and I am worried I'll run out of things to do... Ridiculous though, a whole new city/country to explore and only in one day!

Back home I just shpent time alone until I got lonely and started this blog. Tea was nice as I said, we had this cool thing which was like all veggies mixed into something... yep. I surprised myself when I wanted seconds- it was good. After tea, I talked to Benoit about organising my trip to Rome, its looking like its the 9th of April. I dnt know when I'll get back, I might just wing it and tour around. I'll get to Venice at some point hopefully too. Dunno. The flight to Rome was about 130euro (just over $200ish- I am getting good at rough conversions but accuracy takes concentration, I do it when I need it but 'ish' is good enough for my blog, I think) but again, all considered $200 to go to Rome? Hell yes!! Cant wait for that one. Oh and I have to talk to Louisa (Paris) about Paris. and get a date and book my train, which will be fair expensive. This is when life gets a little bit dearer - when I do stuff. Hmm.... Oh well! whats the point in being here if I dont spend all my money trying to see as much as I can?!

My god, I am in such a good mood compared to when I started. Amazing. :

I am signing off at 8.48pm

Catchyas :D

p.s. its actually 8.49!

1 comment:

  1. Damn the contradiction that is blogger time. Saying I signed off at 10.24am LIES!!
