Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Part 36: Now THAT is a bus

Oh hai! Didnt see you there!

So, I am gonna just be a little quick tonight as its 12.00 (bloody Smallville!) and I have uni tomorrow bright and early!

Today was the last ski group for the season. I went along (after a terrible start, even my enthuiasm to go didnt prevent me from forgetting my sticks and thus Carole had to go back and get them for me!) and as usual helped pack the bus with all the kids skis, then sat next to Tim for the trip there. I started teaching him really obvious English like 'How are you' etc. Because the rest of the family already speak English, I realised I hadnt spent enought time teaching Tim any so we had half an hour of running through stuff that he knew and teaching how are you? Good, how are you?! He doesnt even have that strong of an accent for a n00b :) its good.

I was again paired up with Virginie (I think thats her name!) and was with the level ones again helping them get rady and such. When we got to the snow, I realised how bloody hot it was! the sun was way too much and I was sweltering in my mismatched snow gear. Eventually though, the sun died down and the heat became somewhat bearable and I followed the level ones around helping those who fell over, get back up and throwing out encouragement when I felt needed. Eventually, Helene called me over to her and said I should ski on my own for a while because following level 1s around isnt all that exciting. I did this until it was time to have lunch

I had lunch, packed up the kids and then caught the bus back to Le Touvet where I was met by Anke who dropped me and Tim back to St. Marie d'Alloix. There, I sent the rest of my day working heavily on my project and playing on MSN and facebook. I also had tea which was this awesome I dont even know what watched smallville.

I told you it was a quick post. Contrast to yesterday ey?

Oh, 'now that is a bus' I should quickly explain that. This afternoon whilst eating a really fancy bus came past it was decked out and just cool looking and I laughed at myself when I though just that. Then thought, I should put that as the name for my blog... so I did. My other option was 'Super Doug' which was a comment made today during lunch as well. One of the parents mentioned my name and a kid didnt recognise it, so asked who I was and what I was doing etc. Then the parent went on to explain that I am Australian teaching English, learning French then another kid mentioned I was teaching piano and then other parents started commenting on what I was doing like living with Beyliers and stuff like that it was awkward because everyone was listening (only like half the people where here though the other half were already on the bus) and I was sitting there trying not to be noticed then one of the parents just yelled out 'He's Super Doug!' I laughed.

True story.

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